Account created on 21 March 2023, almost 2 years ago

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🇪🇸Spain paucala

Sorry, i don't know why i had the $original instance in the first place, but i see that's not related to the module

🇪🇸Spain paucala

I've added a few changes and try to correct the errors you marked @bramdriesen

🇪🇸Spain paucala

paucala changed the visibility of the branch 3442895-bundleables-entities-new to hidden.

🇪🇸Spain paucala

Thanks for the answer, I'll review the coments as soon as I can.
Ansewering your question, the only changes required on the client side are the ones on this issue: Add more info to the status report Needs review
On wich we added some new fields.

🇪🇸Spain paucala

Thank you jeni_dc, we've been working arround this issue for weeks, you're a life savior =)
I have copied your solution on 🐛 Doesn't generate nodes sitemap for other websites (Multisite) domain access. Only the first site. Needs review

🇪🇸Spain paucala

Thank you @veronicaSeveryn you are totally right
I think this should be warned somewere though
Maybe on the front page of the module, maybe on the documentation...
And i think a possible update is one that changes the autogeneration of domian sitemaps and selects only the one correct

Guys, if you're having the same issue, follow this comment of jeni_dc:

Sorry to keep adding to a closed issue, but for the folks who commented earlier and anyone else who ends up here, removing the default "Entity URL Generator" from the domain specific sitemap types generated by domain simple sitemap got me the correct results. Make sure "Domain entity URL generator" is the only entity URL generator available in the domain specific sitemap types otherwise all entities from the default domain get added to all of the sitemaps for the other domains.

In my case I was only adding nodes as well as taxonomy terms assigned to a domain through the domain entity module to the sitemaps.

This is with Simple XML Sitemap 4.1.8 and Domain Simple Sitemap 3.0.0-beta1.

🇪🇸Spain paucala

Sorry, i don't know why i read that it was deprecated, i will try to open the issue there if i have time.
About your question, I don't really understantd what you refer with middle name, isn't it the second name? In the example i provided before, Javier would be the first and Manuel the second or middle name. It's how i understood it.

🇪🇸Spain paucala

The patch #142 works for me also. Thanks

🇪🇸Spain paucala

Hi @AardWolf
I think that the problem is very related to the bibcite module, as long as the library is deprecated ans does'nt get updates.
Of course, some of the patches I've beeing doing for this project I kwon they are'nt the better solution and maybe won't merge, but still the issue should be reviewed.

Answering your question "How we should separate this?"

Maybe for a non-spanush speaker, is difficult when the name is something like: Javier Manuel García Castellón, as Name1 Name2 LastName1 LastName2.
But academicly is accepted that the surnames goes first, and are separated by a comma to the name/s. So the easy solution should be that the first part is intepreted as the last name, an the comma separeted part, as the name. Seeing the example above, should be:
García Castellón, Javier Manuel

The problem is that, right now, the library only does this function if the first and secon lastnames are separated by a conjunction ("y", wich in spanish means "and")

🇪🇸Spain paucala

I've reviewed and changed the latest path, it was outdated.
Plese test and merge it, it is an important inttegration, VBO should work with elastic

🇪🇸Spain paucala

I know this is an old issue, but i was having trouble with on this subject. I've a view with multiple fulltext filters and it wasn't working when i added more than 1 filter. With this patch, it works when i add everyone of them and works. I think this should be merged as it is a basic funcionality.

🇪🇸Spain paucala

Hi @andrewgearhart

In fact, i've benn working with the first case:

  • Calabrés Garcia, Pau

I also have test another forms, such like:

  • Calabrés de Garcia, Pau
  • del Calabrés de Garcia, Pau
  • de la Calabrés Garcia, Pau

The main problem i think is that the actual library (adci) is not working ok with the comma separeteted fields, as i understant names written both on latin or germanic languages accept this structure as valid on academic environments. The library should separete Last-names "," first names. But it reads only the fisrt word as the last name...

The patch i commited doesn't add the "y" if there's already one.

Are you working on a submodule for bibtex? something to substitute adsci library? Or is something unrelated?

🇪🇸Spain paucala

I doubt you did that, cause the module seems to be closed to external requests

🇪🇸Spain paucala

Hi, sorry, we opened this issue some days ago but sudenly came a big ammount of work, so i haven't been able to finish the work on this issue till now:
On this update we propose a major checnge on this module, deleting the actual entity, merging the fields of the url and password with the new bundleable entity.
We think that the form should also be removed, as a view is a more simple and esay way to expose the data.
Now users wil be able to add custom fields to this entiy, us, for exemple, want some fields such as the mantainers on the project.

Also have implemented some minor changes, like a Null safety check on some fields, so the view shows results even if some site isn't able to reach data.

I think that, if you like the proposal, we can work on it and release it as a new major update. A 3.0 version.

I also would like to apply, if you think you need some help, as a module mantiner.

🇪🇸Spain paucala

Sorry, i opnened this issue because i had a problem related with this module, but i'm not sure why because the code giving problem is neither on the original code or a patch...
You can close the issue

🇪🇸Spain paucala

Hi everyone, I have update to the last version of core (10.2.3) and it seems that the patch does'nt apply anymore. Any idea?

🇪🇸Spain paucala

Sorry, i tried some commits but dosen't work either...

🇪🇸Spain paucala

paucala made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇪🇸Spain paucala

I'm reopening this issue cause it seems we're finding a similar problem (if not the same) on our Drupal 10 upgrade.

this error is launched when the css minifyer on the performace module is active:

Error: Class "Drupal\uikit\UIkit" not found in include_once() (line 13 of /XXXX/web/themes/contrib/uikit/uikit.theme).

For the moment we have solve it with a little variation of this issue solution. We don't think this is a prpper final solution but for the moment it works.

We think it can be related with some cahnges intruded on the Drupal 10 upgrade about the css and js agregation.

🇪🇸Spain paucala

paucala made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇪🇸Spain paucala

yeah, it seems ok, let's wait to see what maintainers think

🇪🇸Spain paucala

The last patch " " didn't work properly for me, it still said
The "simple_sitemap" entity type does not exist.

but then i apllied the plain diff of the MR12 and it worked

🇪🇸Spain paucala

This have sense, I have been able to create a user and then create a profile for this user, but not at the same time.

🇪🇸Spain paucala

We are have the same probleme, any idea how to fix it?

🇪🇸Spain paucala

As you can see here, changes are working, we recive the status info on php, db, server and the last time cron was run

🇪🇸Spain paucala

As you can see here, changes are working, we recive the status info on php, db, server and the last time cron was run

🇪🇸Spain paucala

I've finished with the changes, i willl be testing it in the next days

🇪🇸Spain paucala

I've finished with the changes, i willl be testing it in the next days

🇪🇸Spain paucala

I don't understand, why have you made a new patch identicall to mine?

🇪🇸Spain paucala

I'm adding a new commit that includes more detailed info about errors, and deleting the errors_count as long as if we need to count the error we can do it latter.

🇪🇸Spain paucala

I added a picture of how it's showed on the dashboard

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