Account created on 4 November 2022, over 1 year ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi silvi.addweb

I reviewed your changes but the "**Examples:**" isn't above the Project and issue queue link.
It should be like this


- home >> term >> term
- mysite >> term >> term
- home >> vocabulary >> term >> term
- vocabulary >> term >> term

For a full description of the module, visit the
[project page](

Submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or track changes in the
[issue queue](

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi immaculatexavier

I reviewed your changes and it fixed comment #8 and it follows template.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi silvi.addweb

I reviewed your changes and the "**Examples:**" should be about the project page and issue queue links so it has better readability. The The taxonomy_breadcrumb module generates should be "The Taxonomy Breadcrumb" no need to make it a machine name.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi silvi.addweb

I reviewed your changes and the "Requirements" section as per template The requirements section describes whether this project requires anything outside of Drupal core to work (modules, libraries, etc).. Since migrate is a Drupal Core module, I think the requirements section would be This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Manishvijay02

I reviewed your changes and the Project name and issue queue have the wrong format.
Example of Format base from template

For a full description of the module, visit the
[project page](

Submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or track changes in the
[issue queue](


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi silvi.addweb

I reviewed your changes and the project page and issue queue have the wrong format it should be

For a full description of the module, visit the
[project page](

Submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or track changes in the
[issue queue](

The installation section also has the wrong format and it should be

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further
information, see
[Installing Drupal Modules](


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Manishvijay02

I reviewed your changes in the MR!4 and the Project name and introduction missing a link to the project page and issue queue, remove the optional text in Table of contents, and wrong format in the maintainer section. Format example:

## Maintainers

- Daniel F. Kudwien - [sun](
- Peter Wolanin - [pwolanin](


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi silvi.addweb

I reviewed your changes and I think the project page and issue queue numbering can be removed. The installation section should be replaced with

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further
information, see
[Installing Drupal Modules](

and in configuration this should be removed 1. Install the module..


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi deepak5423

I reviewed your changes and it fixed the issues mentioned in comment #12. The file now follows the template.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Diwakar07

I reviewed the MR!4 and the table of content (TOC) isn't following the format

## Table of Contents

- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Recommended Modules](#recommended-modules)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Troubleshooting & FAQ](#troubleshooting--faq)

README format

## Table of contents

- Requirements
- Recommended modules
- Installation
- Configuration
- Troubleshooting
- Maintainers

Also as per README TOCs are optional but appreciated for lengthy README files. You can either remove or change the format of the TOC of the module.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Diwakar07

I think replacing the page the file being used is on [page] to link only has better readability for the file.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi deepak5423

I reviewed your changes and the # Front Page Module Module text should be removed, in that section please replace the This module is designed for Drupal 10+ with The Front Page module is designed for Drupal 10+ for better readability, and the "Introduction and Project name" section is missing a link to the project page and issue queue. The wrong format in the "Maintainer" section should be replaced with

## Maintainers

- Daniel F. Kudwien - [sun](
- Peter Wolanin - [pwolanin](


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Gaurav Gupta

I reviewed the MR!21 and the Requirements section should be replaced to This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core. as per The requirements section describes whether this project requires anything outside of Drupal core to work (modules, libraries, etc).. And the maintainer section still has the wrong format. Example of format for the maintainer from template.

## Maintainers

- Daniel F. Kudwien - [sun](
- Peter Wolanin - [pwolanin](
- Stefan M. Kudwien - [smk-ka](
- Dave Reid - [Dave Reid](


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Diwakar07

I reviewed your changes and confirmed that it fixed the comment #20 and it follows the template.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi deepak5423

I reviewed your changes and you should remove the URL for the module in the Project name and Introduction section which is this one [Give]( and wrong format in the maintainer section it should be

## Maintainers

- Daniel F. Kudwien - [sun](
- Peter Wolanin - [pwolanin](
- Stefan M. Kudwien - [smk-ka](
- Dave Reid - [Dave Reid](


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi deepak5423

I reviewed your changes, and as per comment #5 it should be using the template , but your changes still not follows the template. Please add the required sections as per the template with the correct format.

Drupal recommends the following README sections:

Project name and introduction (required)
Table of contents (optional)
Requirements (required)
Recommended modules (optional)
Installation (required, unless a separate is provided)
Configuration (required)
Troubleshooting & FAQ (optional)
Maintainers (optional)


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Diwakar07

I reviewed your changes, minor issues. Missing a dot in eg. it should be e.g. #4 of the configuration section, and datepicker calender should be Datepicker calendar.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

kenyoOwen made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Diwakar07

I'm not sure what happened but, when I opened your MR!4 the file rendered this text:
File suppressed by a .gitattributes entry or the file's encoding is unsupported.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Gaurav Gupta

I reviewed your changes in the MR, It doesn't follow the template also. The same issue that I raised in comment #7.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi darkdim

I applied your patch and it works, but when I run fin drush cr and fin drush updb I got this error and vice versa fin drush updb and fin drush cr.

 ------------ ----------- --------------- -------------------------------------
  Module       Update ID   Type            Description
 ------------ ----------- --------------- -------------------------------------
  metatag_ai   10101       hook_update_n   10101 - Implements hook_update_N().
 ------------ ----------- --------------- -------------------------------------

 Do you wish to run the specified pending updates? (yes/no) [yes]:
 > yes

>  [notice] Update started: metatag_ai_update_10101
>  [error]  The "generate_metatag_action" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\Core\Action\ActionManager are: comment_unpublish_by_keyword_action, node_unpromote_action, node_unpublish_by_keyword_action, node_assign_owner_action, node_promote_action, node_make_sticky_action, node_make_unsticky_action, user_cancel_user_action, user_unblock_user_action, user_block_user_action, user_remove_role_action, user_add_role_action, action_send_email_action, entity:save_action:block_content, entity:save_action:comment, entity:save_action:file, entity:save_action:menu_link_content, entity:save_action:node, entity:save_action:taxonomy_term, entity:save_action:user, entity:unpublish_action:block_content, entity:unpublish_action:comment, entity:unpublish_action:menu_link_content, entity:unpublish_action:node, entity:unpublish_action:path_alias, entity:unpublish_action:taxonomy_term, entity:publish_action:block_content, entity:publish_action:comment, entity:publish_action:menu_link_content, entity:publish_action:node, entity:publish_action:path_alias, entity:publish_action:taxonomy_term, action_goto_action, action_message_action, entity:delete_action:comment, entity:delete_action:node
>  [error]  Update failed: metatag_ai_update_10101
 [error]  Update aborted by: metatag_ai_update_10101
 [error]  Finished performing updates.

Basically what I did before applying your patch is add a metatag field to the basic page content type. My Drupal local is newly generated and also tested your patch wherein I only enabled the Metatag and Metatag AI generator and got the same error, tested another fin drush updb with all the metatag modules are enabled. Please correct me if what I did is wrong to get the error.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Diwakar07

I reviewed your changes and it fixes comment #5 I noticed that there is a ditto mark symbol or ("") in the module name in the introduction section and it should be remove and also the Table of Contents need to be replace as Table of contents.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi rohitsharma401

I only reviewed your patch and not tested it.
As I review it, it doesn't follow the template. The headings should be updated, the TOC or table of contents, a link to the project page and issue queue in the introduction or project name section, and the installation section should be replaced.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi arora.shivani

I only reviewed your patch but not tested it. Introduction heading should be remove ## Introduction and add link to the project page and issue queue in the introduction section, since there are no outside modules Drupal core the requirements sections should be This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core., and installation section should be

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further
information, see
[Installing Drupal Modules](


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi manish-31

You only update the heading format for the sections, you need also to follow the sections format.

Project name and introduction (required)
Table of contents (optional)
Requirements (required)
Recommended modules (optional)
Installation (required, unless a separate is provided)
Configuration (required)
Troubleshooting & FAQ (optional)
Maintainers (optional)

The installation section also doesn't follow the README format it should be

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further
information, see
[Installing Drupal Modules](

And maintainer format also should be

- Daniel F. Kudwien - [sun](
- Peter Wolanin - [pwolanin](

And also the introduction does not follow


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Mohd Sahzad

I reviewed your MR!5 and it seems the text isn't wrapped within around 80 cols. Since there are no recommended modules you can remove that section, hence it's not required as per the template. Remove the contact in the Requirements sections since it's a Drupal core module.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi manish-31

Replacing the README.txt to isn't enough, as you can see in the description you have to follow a pattern or a format for the file.


🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi sunil_lnwebworks

I reviewed your updated patch missing a link to the project page and issue queue, requirements format is wrong it should be modules if no requirement module it should be This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core..

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi rishabjasrotia

I reviewed your changes and still missing a link to the project page and issue queue in Project name and introduction section and the installation section the link should be replaced to and format is wrong for install section it should be For further information, see and maintainer format is wrong also it should be

- Daniel F. Kudwien - [sun](
- Peter Wolanin - [pwolanin](


Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi sunil_lnwebworks

I reviewed your patch and it doesn't follow the template .

Drupal recommends the following README sections:

Project name and introduction (required)
Table of contents (optional)
Requirements (required)
Recommended modules (optional)
Installation (required, unless a separate is provided)
Configuration (required)
Troubleshooting & FAQ (optional)
Maintainers (optional)

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi nitin_lama

I reviewed your changes in MR!19 and the installation section is not fixed it should be

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal theme. For further
information, see [Installing Drupal Themes](

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi zaryab_drupal

I reviewed your changes in MR!3 and you created a new file which is redundant and also it doesn't follow the template.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Kostiantyn

I reviewed your MR!1 and in "Project name and introduction" missing project page and issue queue, missing "Requirements" section which is required as per template. , missing "Table of contents", and text manually word-wrapped within around 80 cols. For more information, you can visit .

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi gajanan.wasnik

Deleting README.txt file isn't enough and MR!5 is still not resolved. Maintainer section is missing 1 maintainer also which is Yogesh Pawar (yogeshmpawar)

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi brianperry

I reviewed your MR!22 and missing a project page and issue queue link in the "Project name and introduction" section, missing a Requirements section which is it is also required as per template. And the "Installation" section should be replaced with

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further
information, see
[Installing Drupal Modules](

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

hi Mohd Sahzad

I reviewed MR!1 and no need to tell in requirement about Drupal version since you can see it in the module page Drupal core version: ^9 || ^10 and installation section should be replace with

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further
information, see
[Installing Drupal Modules](

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Reviewed MR!1 The installation section should also be

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further
information, see
[Installing Drupal Modules](

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi sakthi_dev

I reviewed your MR!1 and "Project name and introduction" missing a project page and issue queue, "Table of Contents" should be Table of contents, format of Requirements should be like this

This module requires the following modules:
- [Views](
- [Panels](

and format of the "Maintainer" section should be like this - Daniel F. Kudwien - [sun](

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Diksha@lnwebworks

I reviewed your MR!1 and wrong format in "Maintainers" section it should be in this format Daniel F. Kudwien - [sun]( and in configuration section for exapme should be corrected to for example.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi ravi kant

I reviewed your MR!10 and in "Introduction" you should add a module in this sentence Block Visibility Groups allows the site administrator it should be Block Visibility Groups allows module the site administrator to be more understandable. For "Recommended modules" remove the colon symbol in CTools: to be uniform with other recommended modules and missing dot in #1 and #5 in the configuration section.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi PrabuEla

I reviewed your MR!4 changing .txt to .md isn't enough it should be following the template.

Drupal recommends the following README sections:

Project name and introduction (required)
Table of contents (optional)
Requirements (required)
Recommended modules (optional)
Installation (required, unless a separate is provided)
Configuration (required)
Troubleshooting & FAQ (optional)
Maintainers (optional)

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi rishabjasrotia

I reviewed your MR!4 replacing txt to md isn't correct, the file should be following the format of the template .

Drupal recommends the following README sections:

Project name and introduction (required)
Table of contents (optional)
Requirements (required)
Recommended modules (optional)
Installation (required, unless a separate is provided)
Configuration (required)
Troubleshooting & FAQ (optional)
Maintainers (optional)

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi nitin_lama

I reviewed your MR!19 and requirements sections should be change to This theme requires no modules outside of Drupal core. and the installation section also is not following the template.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi nitin_lama

I reviewed the MR!4 and the See #2237919 there should be a link for the issue of compatibility.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi nitin_lama

I reviewed the MR!6 and in #3 of the configuration section the text So , configure all permissions needs to be changed to So, configure for better readability. And in #2 of the configuration, there should be a space before if Ex.if .

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen


I reviewed your MR!2 and the project link should be in the correct format [project page]( to and as per Text manually word-wrapped within around 80 cols.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi ravi kant

I reviewed your MR!3 and it follows the template.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi nitin_lama

I reviewed your changes and it addressed comment #14 but that is just a copy-paste of configuration in template it should be a configuration of the module.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi nitin_lama

I reviewed your changes in MR!1 and addressed comment #4, now follows the template.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi ravi kant

I reviewed your MR!1 and it follows the template .

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi nitin_lama

I reviewed your changes in MR!2 and it addressed comment #14, and the file is following the template.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi nitin_lama

I reviewed your MR!1 and it follows the template. For configuration section, it's not helpful but when you read the description of the module it explains how the module works

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi nitin_lama

I reviewed your MR!5 and missing requirements section which is required as per template.

Project name and introduction (required)
Table of contents (optional)
Requirements (required)
Recommended modules (optional)
Installation (required, unless a separate is provided)
Configuration (required)
Troubleshooting & FAQ (optional)
Maintainers (optional)

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi ravi kant

I reviewed your MR!3 and the 'Configuration' section is just a copy of template configuration example, it should be the explanation of the module to explain how enabling/disabling the module will affect the site. And in IntroductionThis module should be change to The Hero Banner block module.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Changed the position of the admin message. This is now ready for review.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi sakthi_dev

I reviewed the MR!2 and the "Project name and introduction" section the text The Multiple Payments Module should be change to The Commerce Multiple Payments module and according to the template Text manually word-wrapped within around 80 cols.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi ravi kant

I reviewed your MR!6 and in "Installation" section needs to be updated since this is a theme it should be In "configuration" the text AMP/ExAMPle Subtheme should be change like EXAMPLE

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi nitin_lama

I reviewed the MR!6 and "Installation" section should be

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further
information, see
[Installing Drupal Modules](

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Creating a new branch for the Tugboat environment. Will send it to QA afterward.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Anjali Mehta

I reviewed your changes in MR!2 which addressed comment #11 and the is following the template.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Raveen Thakur

I reviewed your changes in MR!6, which addressed comment #20 and the is following the template.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Closed MR!111 since I created new MR. Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Anjali Mehta

I reviewed your changes and it addressed the comment #5 but the configuration section is not helpful. As per template If the module has little or no configuration, you should use this space to explain how enabling/disabling the module will affect the site.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Raveen Thakur

I reviewed your changes in MR!2 and introduction and project name should be on 1 section and installation section should be

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further
information, see
[Installing Drupal Modules](

For more information please read the documentation.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Will create a new branch for tugboat environment.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Raveen Thakur

I reviewed your changes in MR!6 and Project name and introduction is missing dot console into drush and you shouldn't say module only instead of The Config import single module on introduction. For the Requirements section since drush is a core module replace the requirements section to This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen


I reviewed your MR!2 but it doesn't follow the template.

Drupal recommends the following README sections:

Project name and introduction (required)
Table of contents (optional)
Requirements (required)
Recommended modules (optional)
Installation (required, unless a separate is provided)
Configuration (required)
Troubleshooting & FAQ (optional)
Maintainers (optional)

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi abhishek_gupta1

I reviewed the MR!2 and it seems didn't follow the template .
These are the sections that Drupal recommends

Project name and introduction (required)
Table of contents (optional)
Requirements (required)
Recommended modules (optional)
Installation (required, unless a separate is provided)
Configuration (required)
Troubleshooting & FAQ (optional)
Maintainers (optional)

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Anjali Mehta

I reviewed MR!2 and the '### Problems' text where CKEditor doesn change doesn to doesn't.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Closing MR!115 and using the MR!117 since the issue is fixed now. This is ready for review.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Will close the MR!116 just testing if the issue will resolve if I make the commits simpler.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

This is the error I get after the tugboat will build. Debug: Image path is empty. in Drupal\twig_tweak\TwigTweakExtension::imageStyleFilter() (line 494 of modules/contrib/twig_tweak/src/TwigTweakExtension.php).

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Closing MR!114 and will using the MR!115.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Creating new branch default content won't load.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi sakthi_dev

I reviewed your MR!6 and it doesn't address comment #2. This should be needs work status.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Mohd Sahzad

I reviewed your MR!1 and missing a link to the project page and issue queue and wrong link format of Installation it should be

Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further
information, see
[Installing Drupal Modules](

Project name should be Legger Next V 0000 instead of leggernextv0000

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Anjali Mehta

I reviewed your changes in MR!9 and it now follows the template.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi nitin_lama

I reviewed your changes in MR!2 but "Table of contents" formatting is not addressed. TOC as per template

## Table of contents

- Requirements
- Recommended modules
- Installation
- Configuration
- Troubleshooting
- Maintainers

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Anjali Mehta

I reviewed your changes in MR!5, which resolved comment #13 and following the template. Moving this to RTBC.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Anjali Mehta

I reviewed your MR19 and introduction text missing Drupal 10 or 10 in

This plugin module adds the better link dialog and anchor related features
to CKEditor in Drupal 9:

since the module also on Drupal 10 version.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Mohd Sahzad

I reviewed your MR!2 and the sections don't follow the template. Missing link to the project page and issue queue, 'Table of Contents' format is wrong, and 'Requirements' should be This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core. if no modules that outside core. For more information you can read the link you commented.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi ravi kant

I reviewed your changes in MR!1 and confirmed that it follow the template.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi uttam

You shouldn't create a new MR unless the maintainer said so, and also changing the .txt name to .md isn't enough you should also be changing the contents based on the template.

Thank you.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi sourabhjain

I reviewed your changes in MR!3 and it doesn't follow the template. For more information, you can visit the template .

Drupal recommends the following README sections:

Project name and introduction (required)
Table of contents (optional)
Requirements (required)
Recommended modules (optional)
Installation (required, unless a separate is provided)
Configuration (required)
Troubleshooting & FAQ (optional)
Maintainers (optional)

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi ravi kant

I reviewed your changes you didn't change the format of 'Maintainer', this format is as per template - [Pierre Rudloff]( Also the

For detailed information about the module, visit the
project page.

has wrong format it should be For a full description of the module, visit the

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi ravi kant

I reviewed your MR!1 and it seems you added the [Drupal Views]( but when I visit the module it only supports Drupal 7 while this module doesn't support Drupal 7. And also address the threads that reviewed by prudloff.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi ravi kant

I reviewed your MR!6 and the file. The **Sponsored by** and **Supporting organizations:** shouldn't be in "Introduction and project name" section, they should have their own sections.

Thank you

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

This is the expected output of the hover animation of cards.

🇵🇭Philippines kenyoOwen

Hi Anjali Mehta

I reviewed MR!1 and noticed that the configuration section "Goto" text is not correct to use in configuration, not quite sure what word can be replaced to 'Goto' to have better readability. And also on "Introduction and project name" section the text .This module has no spacing after the dot.

Thank you.

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