Account created on 5 October 2022, over 1 year ago

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This doesn't work for dropdown facets, I am not given options in the settings to 'Disable autosubmit'. Is there any reason to not include this feature for other facet widgets?

Hi, I was trying to adjust the configuration of the Clientside Validation module and ran into the same issue - I expected the class 'cv-validate-before-ajax' to cause a change in behaviour when add to the form, not an element. This is because on the configuration page for Clientside Validation jQuery it says "All forms with class "cv-validate-before-ajax" will be validated by default".

When I went looking for more information, I found the issue where this was worked on β†’ , where I felt the discussion also implied that the class should be applied to the form. It wasn't until I found this issue that I realised that it just doesn't work that way.

For me, it would be preferable to the class to trigger the expected behaviour when attached to the form. I would find it very useful for the feature to work as described.

I have added a patch file for those that need it.

Everything worked well when I applied it to a site. I would be happy for this to be merged.

My only thought looking at the code is if the @todo explain what this is should be done now. @malcomio maybe you could do this?

Thank you for you suggestion, but the issue in my screenshot is not due to CKEditor. That version of the issue looks much worse!

Hi, I am experiencing this issue too. The paragraph fields are overflowing on the right and overlap the menu.

I tried out the patches but they didn't work. I am am using Drupal 10.

If it was decided to move this issue over to paragraphs, did anyone ever raise an issue on their board? I can't find anything.

@drunir I believe you are using the views_entity_embed module. I don't think it is CKEditor5 ready yet.

I have added the CKEditor4To5Upgrade Plugin.

The annotation issue was overcome but using the hook hook_ckeditor4to5upgrade_plugin_info_alter, which allows you to change the array of available CKE 4 to 5 plugins after it has checked the annotations.

This version of the plugin assumes no configuration changes are needed and that the button IDs don't need to change.

To test this, select a text editor format and switch it from using CKE4 to 5. Make sure there are no warnings displayed on the page or errors in the log. You should not need to save the changes to the format to see these.

I have included it as a patch too.

@fenstrat I've started looking into adding a CKEditor4To5Upgrade Plugin, and run into some issues. I was wondering if anyone else was looking into it, or if there was anyone more experienced with plugins than I am, who can answer some questions for me:

  • Is there a way to add values to annotation dynamically? I don't know of one, but the upgrade plugin needs an array of all the names of CKE4 buttons it deals with. Since users create buttons, it can't be hard coded.
  • Are any configuration changes needed? I didn't think so from a quick look at the merge request. If there are no config changes between the CKE4 and 5 buttons, things easy on that front

This is the patch I used, in case anyone else wants to try out this issue but can't get the MR patch to apply

I tested out the merge request and everything looked good. Hope there can be a release for this soon.

I'm finding the #87 patch works, but I am still seeing the error in the console. Since an earlier patch I've used (#71) got rid of the console error, I was not expecting to see it.

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