Pushed the changes in the new release tag 1.0.2
Now it's installed in the correct directory.
Please review it once.
kishan@kk → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I have pushed the changes. Please review it once.
kishan@kk → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Yes. I reviewed it. It's fixed in version 1.0.2.
Yes. I reviewed the module and found issues with the default item load on the path yoursite/billing-form; the total price is 0 for quantity.
So I added the fixes for this. Please review my fixes. I have added them in MR.
Yes, I reviewed it changes are applied in version 1.0.5 and also there are no deprecated errors.
kishan@kk → created an issue.
I have pushed some changes .please review it.
kishan@kk → created an issue.
Yes, I reviewed the new version of the module. it's fixed now.
I have added the merge request in target branch but it gives errors. Please review MR and add the required changes.
I reviewed the module after installing the 1.0.2 version.
Please remove your commented key from the WeatherForecastBlock.php file and
If your API key is empty and not configured, then a message will be shown.
if (empty($api_key)) {
return [
'#markup' => $this->t('Please configure the OpenWeatherMap API key.'),
kishan@kk → created an issue.
I have pushed the changes. Please add the changes.
kishan@kk → created an issue.
Yes, I reviewed it. this issue is fixed now.
@chaitanyadessai Please Check Yesterday I tried to create MR request but changes are already pushed in branch.
Direct access for changes in branch is also not good from security reasons. Please make it correct.
kishan@kk → created an issue.
1 . I Installed the module and enabled it.
2. Then Go to page content type and click add field.
3. I selected the reference type field and click add.
4. Select the block plugin field and add.
Please follow the steps above.
Because it's not missing for me when I follow the above steps.
Updated the form field with required validations
kishan@kk → created an issue.
kishan@kk → created an issue.
Yes . It is fixed in the 1.0.3 release.
As jQuery and once are part of Drupal core and do not need to be added as separate dependencies in the info.yml.
kishan@kk → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Add a composer.json file with the following configurations:
"name": "drupal/academic_marksheet",
"description": "Module to manage student marks and generate results.",
"require": {
"tecnickcom/tcpdf": "^6.7"
for resolving library issue.
kishan@kk → created an issue.
kishan@kk → created an issue.
kishan@kk → created an issue.
Please try to downgrade the module to version 8.x-1.9 then upgrade to version 3.0.0-alpha2. Then the issue will be fixed using the same approach on my site on live as well as locally and it will fix the problem.
kishan@kk → created an issue.
Hello @ i have create mr please review @tobiasb@sanduhrs@hexabinaer
kishan@kk → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Hello @steveoriol you can add more avatars Gravatar generator by selecting its type.
I have attached screenshots that I think will be helpful for you but in my case adorable is not showing.
kishan@kk → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I created patch for the above issue.
kishan@kk → created an issue.
hi @GyD,@Ruben Marques.
I have created MR for the above issue. Please review it once.
Thank you
kishan@kk → created an issue.
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
You can add hook help in .module file with the help of below code
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
* Implements hook_help().
function YOUR_MODULE_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
switch ($route_name) {
case 'help.page.YOUR_MODULE':
return '
' . t('This is a description of what your module does.') . '
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
Please try above patch for the issue.
After applying patch please make sure to flush caches.
Thank you.
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
Hello ,@chancenyasulu I checked all the versions of this module.
I am getting same coding standard issues returned.
Can you please check again.I have attached gif video also.
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
Add hook help by creating file with name sector_megamenu.module
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
* Implements hook_help().
function YOUR_MODULE_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
switch ($route_name) {
case 'help.page.YOUR_MODULE':
return '<p>' . t('This is a description of what your module does.') . '</p>';
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
Add hook help by creating file with name commerce_tokens.module
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
* Implements hook_help().
function commerce_token_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
switch ($route_name) {
// Main module help for the commerce_token module.
case 'help.page.commerce_token':
$output = '';
$output .= '
' . t('About') . '
$output .= '
' . t('This module provides new commerce tokens.') . '
return $output;
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
I am providing patch for dependencies in Migrate Tools module.
When this module is installed then migrate plus module is also installed and there will be no errors.
If you install migrate plus module then this error will be gone so i am providing patch below for including migrate plus module also as a dependency in Path Redirect Import module.
Thank you for the feedback @ alvar0hurtad0 →
1. /**
* The current user.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxy
protected $currentUser;
Updates this as @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxyInterface
Thank you for the feedback
alvar0hurtad0 →
* @param Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface $messenger
* The Messenger.
There's a missing \
2.Updated $field variable value
Thank you for the feedback @alvar0hurtad0
1.if ($has_field && !empty($has_field)) {
the $has_field && part is redundant as it's checked in the second condition.
Similar issue are fixed.
2.$order_item may be NULL if $cart->getItems()is null, so WSOD could happen.
Not empty if condition is added for the above.
3. $this->messenger->addError($this->t('You have already active subscriptions'));
The message should end with a .
. is added in the message.
Above issues are fixed .
Thank you for the feedback
- commerce:commerce
- commerce_recurring:commerce_recurring
Make the above changes in info.yml file
Thank you for the feedback.
1. Added short description for explanations.
2. Added class namespace in short description.
3.Removed the extraneous line
4.Removed the empty spaces.
5. described the method parameters in documentation
6.translatable strings added
7.Updated restricts users
Above changes are made in the default branch.
Removed the README.txt file
Needs Review
kishan@lnwebworks → created an issue.
@jsacksick Yes this issue was in Drupal 10 only