Please review the patch
Patch applied successfully and it resolved the issue, as we can see in the screenshots, so I am moving this patch to RTBC.
MR request is not working as expected, so I created a new patch. please review it.
Hi @shivamsen_12579 After applying the patch, I got this error.
Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\\Core\\Asset\\Exception\\InvalidLibraryFileException: "Invalid library definition in themes/contrib/yg_restaurant/yg_restaurant.libraries.yml: Duplicate key "js/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js" detected at line 25 (near "js/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js: {}").
so I corrected the patch.
Hi @govind_giri_goswami i applied the patch of your merge request but it is not work as expected, as you can see in screenshots
Hi @shivamsen_12579 The merge request is working fine, as we can see in the screenshots, so moving this issue to RTBC.
Hi @govind_giri_goswami i applied the patch of your merge request but it is not work as expected as you can see in below screenshot
Patch applied successfully, and it resolved the issue, as you can see in the screenshots. So I am moving this to RTBC.
Hi Riddhi, I think there is some issue in the patch applying process or a cache issue on your end because, for me, the merge request is working fine, as you can see in the screenshots. So moving this to RTBC.
Please Review the patch.
Please review Patch
issue-resolved-3457549-5.patch apply successfully, and the issue is also resolved, as can be seen on the below screenshots.
Hi, Eram patch is not applying. As you can see in the screenshot.
Apply the patch inside the dark_awesome folder.
This implementation is also required in the latest development version of a module, so I am changing the version so this can be implemented in the latest version.
The issue you're facing is related to the hook_update_N() .it only changes the schema for future operations and does not automatically handle existing data that exceeds the new schema constraints.
You can try the following steps:
1. Back up your data.
2. Identify the fields that have data exceeding the length constraint and truncate those values so that they comply with the updated schema.
3.Once the data is truncated, you can proceed with updating the schema using your hook_update_N() function.
4. Restore the data
Sure, I'll create the MR.
Please review the patch.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Please Review Patch.
Please Review patch.
Please review the patch.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Please review patch.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Hi, @Kanchan Bhogade, but the version is different.
Please Review Patch.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Please review the patch.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Please Review Patch.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Hi Duckydan, The error message indicates that the service "entity_route_context.entity_route_context" is being requested but does not exist. This can happen if the module that provides this service is not enabled or if there is an issue with the module's configuration.
Ensure that the module providing the "entity_route_context.entity_route_context" service is enabled. You can do this by going to the Extend page (/admin/modules) and verifying that the module is enabled.
Clear Cache: Sometimes, Drupal's cache can cause issues with missing services. Try clearing Drupal's cache.
Check Dependencies: If the module depends on other modules, make sure that all dependencies are met and that the required modules are enabled.
Review Configuration: Review the module's configuration to see if there are any settings related to the "entity_route_context.entity_route_context" service. Make sure that the configuration is set up correctly.
Hi Akshay Kashyap, Can you please share the screenshot after applying patch #2 because I am having issues after applying that patch? That's why I created patch #4. I added a screenshot below showing that after applying patch #2, the last logo is broken, if you are facing the same issue, then please apply patch #4 and check.
After applying the patch.
Please Review.
Please review Comment 4. The below screenshot is the output of that patch.
please review patch .
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Hi Podarok, if the issue is resolved please close the issue.
MR has been created, Please Review.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Hi @apadernoapaderno ,
This issue is different from
Fix the issues reported by phpcs
Needs work
. You can check the file name.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Rohit Rana → created an issue.
Hi @bunty oberoi ,
Please Review comment #6.
Please replace this code
tr:focus {
color: #232429;
background: #f5f8ff;
with this
tr:focus {
color: #232429;
background: #adc9f7;
in /core/themes/claro/css/components/tables.css It works for me here I attached a screenshot.
try this
{{ node.getParentNode().field_gold.value }}