Account created on 18 January 2022, over 2 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Replaced direct database query in bulk_update_fields_entity_operation_alter() with \Drupal::configFactory()->listAll().

Please review MR. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

I assigned the task to myself because I plan to work on this issue.
Please do not work on this issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

I reviewed and tested the patch created by @hkirsman, and it is correctly done and works well. Therefore, I created a Merge Request based on this patch. Please review. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Added a composer.json file and included all the required information. Please review MR. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Set up GitLab CI. Please review MR. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

@deepak5423 You acted very unfairly! This is not acceptable in our Drupal community!
You saw:
1. That I assigned this issue to myself.
2. I wrote a comment stating that I planned to work on this issue.
Nevertheless, you still went ahead and started working on it.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Fixed the errors/warnings reported by PHP_CodeSniffer and created MR. Please review. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

I assigned the task to myself because I plan to create a composer.json file, describe it, and make a Merge Request.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

I assigned the task to myself because I plan Set up GitLab CI and make a Merge Request.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

I assigned the task to myself because I plan to fix this typo and make a Merge Request.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

I assigned the task to myself because I plan to fix phpcs errors and make a Merge Request.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

I assigned the task to myself because I plan to make a Merge Request for this issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Hi Jether,
Thank you for the review!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Reviewed and tested in the testing environment. Merged.
Thank you!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Hi Rob,

Thank you for your review and reply!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Hi Kevin,

Thank you very much! I'll be glad to assist you in supporting and improving this module!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Hi Luciano,

I checked on my end and it looks good.


🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Hi Luciano,

I have tested it in a testing environment and everything is ok.

Thank you!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Hi Luciano,

I would like to clarify. Are you asking me to test it when it's in the new release, or are you asking to test it on the 4.0.x branch right now?

Thank you!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Hi Luciano,

Just a friendly reminder about this issue.

Thank you!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Hi Luciano,

In our case, it's not required to add a composer.json file to the module, it's according to your wishes. Here are several scenarios where it is required:

But if in the future you decide to extend the module in any way, you won't need to create this file because it will already exist :)
In addition, adding this file opens up several possibilities that are described in the article linked above.
Don't worry, the presence of this file will not affect the functionality of the module in any way.


🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Hi Luciano,

Thank you for reviewing MR! I tested and everything works as well as before the changes.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

@Nupur Badola Thank you for the report!
Changed the code of according to the instruction:

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

@Nupur Badola Thank you for the report!
Changed the code of according to the instruction:

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Added composer.json file. Please review. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Fixed the errors/warnings reported by PHP_CodeSniffer.
Please review. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Сreated a file with a description of the module's functionality and usage.
Please review. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Added "authors" section to composer.json file.
Please review. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Set up GitLab CI. Please review.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

It seems that the issue requires additional work because services added to for this module report a series of problems:

- Merge request pipeline #78092 passed with warnings
- Code Quality scans found 7 new findings and 7 fixed findings.
- Test summary: 8 failed, 21 total tests

See more details here:

Therefore, I am changing the status to "Needs work"

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Fixed the errors/warnings reported by PHP_CodeSniffer.
Please review. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Replace README.txt with file. Please review.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Hi @clarkssquared
You are doing something wrong. I've checked several times and it doesn't show any more warnings or errors.

For example, in your message, the first error says:

FILE: ...s/d9/d9-local/web/modules/contrib/taxonomy_protect/taxonomy_protect.module
 1 | ERROR | [x] Missing file doc comment

Please look at my MR:

So you'll see, I added a doc comment to the taxonomy_protect.module file.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Added hook_help(). Please review.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Added composer.json file. Please review.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Set up GitLab CI. Please review.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Fixed the errors/warnings reported by PHP_CodeSniffer.
Please review. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Set up GitLab CI. Please review.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Created a composer.json file and included all the required information.
Please review. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Replaced README.txt with file and added a bit more information about this module.
Please review. Thanks!

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Created the MR with fixed phpcs errors. Please review.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Set up GitLab CI. Please review.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Added composer.json file. Please review.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Created file. Please review.

🇺🇦Ukraine Andrii Momotov

Resolved issues reported by eslint. Please review the MR.

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