Resolve issues reported by eslint

Created on 4 March 2024, about 1 year ago
Updated 15 September 2024, 6 months ago


A lot of code issues were reported by eslint in the js/popin.js file.

ESLint: Replace `·'use·strict'` with `⏎··"use·strict"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: 'use strict' is unnecessary inside of modules. (strict)
ESLint: Unexpected var, use let or const instead. (no-var)
ESLint: Replace `·this.init(el);·}` with `⏎····this.init(el);⏎··};` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Unexpected var, use let or const instead. (no-var)
ESLint: Replace `'popin-value')` with `"popin-value");` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Missing radix parameter. (radix)
ESLint: Replace `'popin-ttl'` with `"popin-ttl"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Unexpected string concatenation. (prefer-template)
ESLint: Replace `` with `·+··+·` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Replace `'[data-action]'` with `"[data-action]"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Insert `·` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Missing radix parameter. (radix)
ESLint: Replace `'initialised'` with `"initialised"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Replace `'active'` with `"active"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Replace `'click'` with `"click"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Replace `'keydown'` with `"keydown"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Replace `'click'` with `"click"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Expected exception block, space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
ESLint: Replace `'/'` with `"/"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Insert `;` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Expected a default case. (default-case)
ESLint: Insert `;` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Unexpected var, use let or const instead. (no-var)
ESLint: Replace `'data-action'` with `"data-action"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Expected a default case. (default-case)
ESLint: Replace `'close'` with `"close"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Insert `;` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Replace `'active'` with `"active"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Insert `;` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Replace `'active'` with `"active"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Insert `;` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Delete `⏎` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: All 'var' declarations must be at the top of the function scope. (vars-on-top)
ESLint: Split 'var' declarations into multiple statements. (one-var)
ESLint: Unexpected var, use let or const instead. (no-var)
ESLint: All 'var' declarations must be at the top of the function scope. (vars-on-top)
ESLint: Unexpected var, use let or const instead. (no-var)
ESLint: Replace `'.popin'` with `".popin"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Replace `'initialised'` with `"initialised"` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Do not use 'new' for side effects. (no-new)
ESLint: Insert `;` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: All 'var' declarations must be at the top of the function scope. (vars-on-top)
ESLint: Unexpected var, use let or const instead. (no-var)
ESLint: Insert `;` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Delete `⏎` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: Delete `⏎` (prettier/prettier)
ESLint: 'e' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
ESLint: 'e' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
ESLint: Unary operator '++' used. (no-plusplus)

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🇺🇦Ukraine andrii momotov

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