Account created on 20 January 2020, about 5 years ago

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I debugged a bit further, and I end up at

So it's not a bug, it's intended behaviour. But it's a breaking change: so instead of setting redirect_url, you have to override a method.

Had the same error on Drupal v10.3.2 updating workflow 1.7 to 1.8.

#20 works, but to workflow 1.8 it's not a flawless update.

Any chance of getting an official version that supports Drupal 11 soon? This is one of my last blockers.

My bad, thanks for noticing. I "just" install core-recommended, but my script installs some other small stuff. I'll have to search there probably, I verified your real clean install, it works.

Patch #65 does something weird to drupal/webform 6.2.2. Without the patch my app using webform works fine (behat unit tests). After applying the patch webform seems to miss a button. Remove the patch, all is ok again. It's weird, since there are no managed files in the webform.

I can confirm #9: saving the config again will solve the problem.

#7 is right. I played with drupal/webform in the beginning of the projects and removed it afterwards. But in the config I still had:

editor.editor.webform_default.yml: - filter.format.webform_default
editor.editor.webform_default.yml:format: webform_default

And "webform_default" does not exist anymore as a filter.

If this could be handled without fatal error it would be great.

When you need to redirect in a function that has $form_state, you can use $form_state->setRedirect(): that works as before.

I would suggest to close the bug as chances of the root cause being reverted seem slight, and there is a viable workaround, either using $form_state->setRedirect() or the solution from #9.

But it does suck that it breaks existing functionality.

I applied patch "3463712-fix-fatal-error" above on Drupal 10.3.1 with drupal/security_review:^3, and it still crashes with the same error message.

I tried installing a clean Drupal 10.2.7 (drupal/core-recommended) and upgrading to 10.3.1: works fine, editor_post_update_sanitize_image_upload_settings executes without problems.

But for the moment I don't see what config on my real sites could crash editor_post_update_sanitize_image_upload_settings.

The sites which I upgraded are very simple sites: drupal/core-recommended (initially even installed at 10.2.7, not that long ago) with the least amount of contrib modules. On some back-end forms we use ckeditor but without special config, it's possible to upload images but none of the sites have uploaded images for the moment.

This is part of code for a Form. An API call fails and in that case I want to go back to with an error message on .

The new behavior is that you go to but the error message doesn't show there, the error does show when you go to the form on which the exception occurred/where the error was added.

It's not breaking Drupal, but it's breaking the flow of a Drupal application when that depends on the old behavior of status messages.

I tried disabling bigpipe but that does not make it revert to the previous behaviour.

Patch is included. At this time Drupal 8 is not supported, so it's probably best to upgrade to a newer Drupal to solve this problem.

I'm going to close this one. I figured out what's going on.

There's a cronjob that resets the daily stats, my app runs in AWS Fargate and its cronjob triggering process apparently broke.

I had a problem with status messages going from Drupal 10.2.7 to 10.3.0 and a "git bisect" leads to here.

I create a ticket for it at 🐛 \Drupal::messenger() changed behaviour between Drupal 10.2.7 and Drupal 10.3.0 Active

In short status messages are not appearing where/when they were appearing before.

I did a git bisect and end up at this one:

522404706e440106fe7e5d382ce018b0f89637d4 is the first bad commit
commit 522404706e440106fe7e5d382ce018b0f89637d4
Author: Alex Pott <>
Date:   Thu Feb 22 13:05:24 2024 +0000

    Issue #3414287 by catch, longwave: Avoid reading session from the database multiple times during a big pipe request

    (cherry picked from commit 213906e2867ddf6187bb140a3002db2c1144ab92)

 .../Core/Session/ResponseKeepSessionOpenInterface.php    | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/Session.php         |  3 ++-
 core/modules/big_pipe/src/Render/BigPipe.php             | 12 ------------
 core/modules/big_pipe/src/Render/BigPipeResponse.php     |  3 ++-
 .../OpenTelemetryAuthenticatedPerformanceTest.php        |  3 +--
 .../src/FunctionalJavascript/StandardPerformanceTest.php |  4 ++--
 6 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Session/ResponseKeepSessionOpenInterface.php

The daily and total count for me are always the same, so the daily count doesn't reset.

There is a workaround. There don't seem to be that many people with the problem. I can't replicate it in other Drupal projects.
Closing this.

As followup, when you ever have an error on "help_post_update_add_permissions_to_roles" while doing drush db the solution is as follows:

drush pmu help
drush updb
drush en help

And then do a drush cex and check the changes: in Drupal 10.2.3 this gives a lot of small changes in the config files.

As documented in [] ( 🐛 TranslatableSectionStorageInterface not found Closed: won't fix ) patch #72 correctly applies to a Drupal 10.2.2 instance, but it breaks the site.

I found the fix in the meantime. If anyone else is having this problem:

Following patch applies correctly, but breaks Drupal 10.2.2.

"3044993: Allow synced Layout default Translations: translating labels and inline blocks (depends on override patch above)": "",

We don't use layout_builder but that patch was a left-over from another Drupal project we started from.

I'm closing the issue. It was solved by a drush update for me and at least 1 other person.
No point in keeping it open.

I applied this patch to openid_connect 3.0.0-alpha2, it works for me. Tests looks ok.

I don't think we need an option to be enable/disable the check as in the related issue, this one is good enough.

This issue can be closed. The short term solution is as suggested in #7 not to switch on the "Link label to the referenced entity" for the workflow fields that don't have a canonical view (e.g. "From state" and "To state").

Follow up issue at "Link label to the referenced entity" changed behavior from Drupal 10.1 to 10.2 Active . It would be nicer when the "Link label to the referenced entity" would not be shown in the settings for fields that don't have a canonical view, or fail silently when displaying the view instead of getting a WSOD.

The behaviour of this changed from 10.1.x to 10.2.x, in 10.1.x it would be silently ignored.

The problem is with a change in functionality of calling a canonical view when the "Link label to the referenced entity" is switched on. In Drupal 10.1.x when an element does not have a canonical view Drupal "skips" requesting it, while in Drupal 10.2.x you get a WSOD when the canonical view/route is called.

For this I would propose not to show the "Link label to the referenced entity" for an element that does not have a canonical view. This would avoid Drupal calling something which does not exist. Example for this are the "From state"/"To state" fields from the contrib workflow module.

The problems occurs when upgrading from Drupal 10.1.x to 10.2.x: it works in 10.1.7 and 10.1.8, it breaks as of 10.2.1 (I didn't try 10.2.0)

My problem was solved with #7 above. In a view I have the "From state" and "To state" element had the checkbox on for "Link label to the referenced entity". The canonical view for workflow state never existed but in Drupal 10.1.x it gets ignored, while in Drupal 10.2.x it breaks.

The solution is not to switch on the option "Link label to the referenced entity". Better option would be for views not to show the checkbox when the element does not have a canonical view.

#7 stops the error from occurring so that's good, thanks.

Is there a way to make it more error-proof? Disable "something" so the link to entity option doesn't appear in views for from/to state, e.g. the Log Message and Transaction ID field just don't have that option to link to an entity. Alternatively make workflow work with the option, but I guess that wouldn't make much sense. Or a hook that scans the fields in views to switch off the option.

I checked the EVA view involved, it looks ok to me:
- The fields in the EVA are all fields from the Workflow category: From State, To State, ...
- Entity content setting is type "Content", Arguments is "id".
- It has a contextual filter "Workflow: Entity ID" which takes default value of "id in URL"

The EVA shows the list of workflow transitions of the node it's on.

It does work in 10.1.x, but not in 10.2.x

I only got the error by accident, it's from the issue in the OP.

I get it when I use the contrib workflow module on a Drupal 10.2.x, when I view a node of a bundle that has a workflow attached to it, where the workflow history is in an EVA on that node.

The '%s' is definitely wrong, but since the parameters are 'flexible' it's a PITA to create a proper error message. Unless there's somewhere a function to convert a "callback" to something readable.

It's not $callback, I tried. $callback is an array that even exhausts memory when you print_r() it.

Yes, also correct for me. I did an upgrade from Drupal 10.1.7 to 10.2.1 with composer and then it breaks. Later on I tried 10.1.8 that works, Upgrade to 10.2.2 breaks.

I have the problem locally in a ddev environment and also on our ECS test environment on AWS with a CI-CD flow, so the environment is always clean (no left-overs of code or so), "drush updb" is properly run, ...

When I'm on Drupal 10.1.x and I run "drush route" entity.workflow_state.canonical is also not in the output. So my current assumption is that something in Drupal 10.2 triggers that route while it's not supposed to be triggered.

On the node views where it breaks I have an EVA to show the workflow history.

One strange possibly related thing. On Drupal 10.1 after I upgrade dxpr_theme, I tried to enable the layout_builder module by doing "drush en layout_builder", and then I get the error "The module color does not exist.". Trying the same on a backup copy of the project the layout_builder enables just fine.

I upgrade dxpr_theme from 5.2 to 6.0.0-alpha1 on a Drupal 10.1: everything is looking good. And this issue is solved in there.

For a proper name of a drush command, maybe "dxpr_theme:regenerate" or "dxpr_theme:cr" (preference for the regenerate).

Thanks to a colleague... this is related to 💬 Hide label if field is empty Fixed

And what I'm now doing as workaround is putting the columns to "Hide when empty" in the table settings of the view.

As it worked before... before Drupal 9.5.3 in my case, is that "drush cex" would not export the config-ignored items. Now it does.

In the past config ignored items would not be exported and I would not care about them. Now I get an export of the config ignored items, so I have to check manually which fields are config ignored and which are "real changes": people may change the config ignored items but I'm not interested in their changes from a "configuration view", else I would not have config-ignored them.

Config ignore was for me: "They're config ignored, they're in the database, I don't care about them". Now I do have to care since they will be exported, and if I don't filter them out I will add config to git which I don't care about.

Patch #9 fails: when you remove in_array() the line should be changed to a '=='.

Something as:

if (!isset($options['language']) || ($options['language'] instanceof LanguageInterface && $options['language']->getId() ==
      LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED)) {

I'm having the same problem as OP in Drupal 10.1

Site default in 'english', with translations to 'dutch'. All views are langcode 'en'. And I'm migrating from Drupal 9.5.10 to 10.1. When I run "drush cim" and "drush cex" right after each other everything is ok. When I put a "drush updb" in between, all texts are changed to the dutch translation: all views that are "touched" by the drush updb exhibit the behaviour.

The resulting views are still in langcode 'en', but all english text is changed to its dutch translation. The dutch translation then also disappears from the translations under "translations/nl".

When I do a single export of a view using the GUI I also the changes, so I don't think it's all in drush. #22 doesn't fix it for me.

So what I see as a "problem" is for following code (it's a small piece from an openid_connect library):

    $language_none = \Drupal::languageManager()

    $redirect_uri = Url::fromRoute(
        'openid_connect_client' => $this->getPluginId(),
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        'language' => $language_none,

Assume you don't know anything about the APIs being called and you just see this piece of code.

Do you expect "/nl" (in my case) to be added to the URL or not? That's the question and the problem I'm having. In the code above I set language explicitly to "not applicable" so I expect the "/nl" language prefix will not be added.

It did not add a language prefix before the fix, but it does now.

I also have no other easy way to get rid of the language prefix (unless we make a LANGCODE_ABSOLUTELY_NOT_APPLICABLE case, just kidding... don't do it). In my case above the generated URL is used for openid_connect and the "other side" just can't handle a language prefix.

In my mind it's clear that the current fix for LANG_CODE_NOT_APPLICABLE is wrong.

In the case of LANG_CODE_NOT_APPLICABLE no language prefix should be generated. No language prefix was generated before, it should not after since it will break a lot of stuff around the world. If you use LANG_CODE_NOT_APPLICABLE, you specifically don't want langcode, why would langcode be added.

See also 🐛 Language negotiation breaks updating Drupal 9 to 10 Needs work , I spent an hour trying to figure out why openid_connect breaks. I will include a patch in the latter issue.

LANGCODE_NOT_APPLICABLE should in my mind not have a language prefix: I have language negotation active on my site, but openid_connect that is used for authentication is very "touchy" about the URLs that you can use.

So in Drupal 9 my custom code generated "" and after upgrading to Drupal 10 that is magically changed to "", which breaks openid_connect.

One comment I have since I created 🐛 Language negotiation breaks updating Drupal 9 to 10 Needs work :
I'm not sure it's a good idea to create the function: LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_APPLICABLE and LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED are very different.

- LANGCODE_NOT_APPLICABLE: I do not want to have a langcode even if it's setup in the system.
- LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED: Langcode is not specified, but if there's an active langcode, add it.

In most cases you would still have to distinguish between the 2 cases anyway.

For the second case I can typehint to get rid of it.

For my first case, this is actually the exact statement how it should be changed "for the new way", and it should be figureoutable by the analyzer. After further checking I found this one: so if it's fixed over there, it will also come to upgrade_status.

Some more debugging.

Number 1. got solved by running "drush updatedb", my bad.

For number 2. I would suggest to introduce a new field and use that instead of the system name of the instance of the plugin in the redirect URL. For backwards compatibility: when the new field is empty the system name could be used anyway. Sole reason is that Drupal system names can't use '-', and some OIDC providers (e.g. the one of the Belgian government) do use a dash ("acm-idm").
For the name of the name field, no idea what it should be called. Right now the redirect parameter is filled in in "parentEntityId" and it gets taken from "client_id", which it not really is in OIDC terminology.

Short term work-around for me is to override the parameter for the redirect URL in my own client, which would actually revert it a bit more like v1.

Thanks for the information... maybe an entry could be made in the readme file to explain upgrades.

I'm still not out of the woods with the problem but I pinpointed where it is.

But first, I need my own OIDC client since I need a small extension to support a "login_hint" feature. So what I do is make a new client that extends OpenIDConnectClientBase, which is empty besides a copy of the authorize() method from OpenIDConnectClientBase to which I add 2 lines. But for testing purposes I even just extended OpenIDConnectClientBase and removed all methods.

Then I get the error "Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException: Parameter "openid_connect_client" for route "openid_connect.redirect_controller_redirect" must match "[^/]++" ("" given) to generate a corresponding URL. in Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGenerator->doGenerate() (line 203 of /var/www/html/www/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/UrlGenerator.php)." when I go to my site.
Reason for this is because in the method below the "$this->parentEntityId" is an empty string.

  public function authorize(string $scope = 'openid email', array $additional_params = []): Response {
    $language_none = \Drupal::languageManager()

    $redirect_uri = Url::fromRoute(
        'openid_connect_client' => $this->parentEntityId,
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        'language' => $language_none,

    $url_options = [
      'query' => [
        'client_id' => $this->configuration['client_id'],
        'response_type' => 'code',
        'scope' => $scope,
        'redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri->getGeneratedUrl(),
        'state' => $this->stateToken->generateToken(),

    if (!empty($additional_params)) {
      $url_options['query'] = array_merge($url_options['query'], $additional_params);

    $endpoints = $this->getEndpoints();
    // Clear _GET['destination'] because we need to override it.
    $authorization_endpoint = Url::fromUri($endpoints['authorization'], $url_options)->toString(TRUE);

    $this->loggerFactory->get('openid_connect_' . $this->pluginId)->debug('Send authorize request to @url', ['@url' => $authorization_endpoint->getGeneratedUrl()]);
    $response = new TrustedRedirectResponse($authorization_endpoint->getGeneratedUrl());
    // We can't cache the response, since this will prevent the state to be
    // added to the session. The kill switch will prevent the page getting
    // cached for anonymous users when page cache is active.

    return $response;

I compared what the URLs were in openid_connect v1.2.0 and what solves it for me in v3 is this. Replacing $this->parentEntityId by $this->getPluginId() in the authorize() method.

    $redirect_uri = Url::fromRoute(
        'openid_connect_client' => $this->getPluginId(),
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        'language' => $language_none,

$this->getPluginID() results in my case in "acm-idm" (the system name I used for the plugin, and also the id of the OIDC server). And the URLs I get out of it are:

redirect URI = ""
authorization url = "

The strange thing is also that on the client config screen the Redirect URL is calculated as ""... which in my case is wrong: the acm_idm is the system name of the client config (which can't have dashes, while the actual string should "" (dash instead of underscore), BUT it does find "acm_idm" while during the actual execution that part is always empty. The reason for the discrepancy is that the formbase for the config screen has its own getRedirectUrl() method which calculates the string with the system name of the client config.

So I still have 2 problems:
1. The parentEntityId doesn't get filled in properly. I see it being filled in in the initializePlugin() method of OpenIDConnectClientCollection, but I see no evidence of it actually happening.
2. If parentEntityId would be filled in properly I can't make it work since I need "acm-id" as part of the URIs, and system names in Drupal can't contain a dash, so I can't make an OIDC client system name that I can use with my OIDC server. And I'm only a user of the OIDC server, so I can't change anything to the setup there.

I've been debugging a bit in openid_connect.

It seems when moving from v1 to v2 the config data changed names, anyway my config from v1 isn't visible anymore in v2.

So I recreated my config. After that. I have my own client that derives from OpenIDConnectClientBase and that doesn't seem to be able to get its config data, e.g. the parentEntityId (which seems to be filled in in plugin initialization) is "", while the config actually has a value for it.

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