Account created on 14 July 2019, almost 5 years ago

Recent comments

Thanks, I've added more info to the module page.

I'm trying to balance all of this with a busy full-time job. I wish I knew what is going on with your themes where they generate the amount of errors they do. I don't. I wish I did, but I don't. If there were another drupal developer to help out to co-maintain this theme, I'd love that. Sending me angry emails also doesn't help your cause.

Thank you, this has been committed and I'll probably create a release later today.

A new version was just released which should clear this up.

I'm going to close your duplicate issues. I've given you everything you need to be able to switch to this version.

This is going to be in a new release today, thanks for looking into it.

So both this and original adaptive theme require at_tool. Sorry for any confusion. So you should be able to have at_tool, adaptivetheme and at_theme. You should be able to just remove at_theme and use the original adaptivetheme because they contain the same files.

It has the same contents as the original now, you can just replace them.

I just updated it - use it on your drupal 10 sites, install the original theme, and uninstall this one.

I'm going to update it, and then go to the original, just for you.

This has been fixed and will make its way into a new release later today.

This has been fixed and will make its way into a new release later today

Sorry it's taken so long, I'm working a new job. It's not abandoned, things just might take a little longer. I'd also welcome any help if offered. But those things have been fixed and will make their way into a release later today.

This will also be making its way into a release later today

This has been fixed and will make its way into a release later today.

You've been added as a maintainer. Thanks for the help.

Sure, here's a screenshot. I'm not seeing anything, but let me know if anything stands out for you.

I tried all of that:

I used the npm-asset version 5.0 and 5.1. I also used the Dropbox verison that was linked from the module's page.

I also tried with Gridstack 2.12 and Blazy 2.17.

I'll take a look at this very soon. I started a new job a few months ago and that's taken some time away from Adaptive Theme. But I'll get to it very soon.

Thanks, this has been committed and will make it into a future release soon.

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