Account created on 28 December 2018, almost 6 years ago
  • Web developer at Ecedi 

Merge Requests

Recent comments

#4 That's clever ! Thanks, exactly what I needed.

I've replaced the name of the Platform plugin to X, added a description, icon name (used to add a class that is then used by fontawesome).
I've updated the version of the external fontawesome library.

So I didn't change the class name nor the url as they are still using the url.

confirm what @attisan said, it breaks the navigation of the week view, needed to remove it from my project.

It seems to work but I'm unable to override the template pdf-serialization-pdf.html.twig in batch mode (it works in Standard)

Did the patch fix the error for you ? The error is in CampaignMonitorSubscriptionManager, line 139, but the patch touches the CampaignMonitorManager file.
I'm still experiencing the error after the patch.

After this update I've got an error 500 as the service doesn't exist pre 9.3.
There should be some check before the service call, something like:

if ((float) \Drupal::VERSION < 9.3) {
            $file = file_save_data('', $destination, FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_REPLACE);
          else {
            $file = \Drupal::service('file.repository')->writeData('', $destination, FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_REPLACE);

or atleast as @jweowu mentioned, the minimum supported version specified.

I have created a fresh Drupal 10 environement (Drupal version 10.0.3, PHP 8.1.13), configured Instagram and everything seems to work fine, but same as NicociN, I'm using the latest 7 version. Updating modules dependencies should to the job.

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