Account created on 10 October 2018, over 5 years ago
  • Senior Engineer - Drupal Backend at QED42Β  …

Merge Requests

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Adding a re-rolled patch to make it compatible with "2985168: Allow media items to be edited in a modal when using the field widget": β†’ .

This patch works with Drupal 10.2.x.

The previous solution failed for the following test case:

The logic cannot be changed to the = operator since it is used for views with group filters combined with the NOT operator.

$join->extra[] = [
                'field' => $this->handler->realField,
                'operator' => '!=',
                'value' => $value,
                'numeric' => !empty($this->handler->definition['numeric']),

Fixed the issue. Please review this.

Tried reproducing issue using steps mentioned in #28 and patch applied but failed test for 11.x

In /core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Config/Entity/ConfigEntityStorageTest.php


The method getImplementations() is deprecated in drupal:9.4. 0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0

Added patch against 11.x

  1. Added typehints for method parameters and properties
  2. Changed method name updateImport to getStagedConfigByName()
  3. Changed access modifier of helper functions to protected
  4. Moved optional parameters to end of the constructor arguments

Updated remaining files with the constant ROOT_TERM_ID.

  1. Added below parameters as optional.
    1. $sync_storage in constructor of \Drupal\config\Form\ConfigSingleImportForm
    2. $entity_type_manager in constructor of \Drupal\config\Form\ConfigSync
  2. Updated deprecation warning for both parameters.
  3. Added change records for above parameters.

Refactored the code and removed 'Import this config' link for configs under Removed section.

  1. Fixed phpcs issue regarding unused use statement.
  2. For removed configs, single "Import this config" link leads to 'false' text in the import text area because the config doesn't exist. Added config exists check on the singe import page.
  3. Added test coverage for 'Import this config' link.

I have renamed ID_ROOT to ROOT_TERM_ID and updated few more places with new constant.

I see parent term id hardcoded in many test files. Do we need to replace those test files?

The constant name 'TERM_ROOT_ID' can be misleading as it might be interpreted as the ID for the root term itself.

However, the constant actually holds the ID for the parent of the root term.
It would be more accurate to name the constant something like "ROOT_TERM_PARENT_ID."

I have identified other scenarios where this constant needs to be used, and I am currently working on it.

Corrected the issue where the configuration type entity did not exist.

I have added test coverage for the changes. The merge request is ready for review now.

I have created a patch that adds the following link to the 'View Differences' drop-down button on the /admin/config/development/configuration page:

  • "'Export this config' with a target URL of /admin/config/development/configuration/single/export/{{type}}/{{name}}

I have omitted the 'Import this config' link because there is no option for single config selection on the import page.

I couldn't reproduce this issue as the patch mentioned in the parent issue has already been merged with the previous version.

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