Account created on 27 March 2018, about 6 years ago

Recent comments

"body {hyphens: auto}" is in 10.3.x/11.x and git blame is pointing to this issue.
Can someone check if the commits were merged correctly?

The patch is an update to the one in #79 against Drupal 10.2.3.

One test class was moved:
Old path: core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/Entity/EntityReferenceSelection/EntityReferenceSelectionAccessTest.php
New path: core/modules/system/tests/src/Kernel/Entity/EntityReferenceSelection/EntityReferenceSelectionAccessTest.php

The description for "Allow multiple values" says that you can do OR and AND connections. Since AND is not working with the field-specific filter it is not working as intended, at least.
A minimal correction would be to change the description (see #6 πŸ› Contextual filter AND (,) operator for multiple values does not work Active ).
However, there is a difference between using a field-specific filter (as in the issue summary) and using "Has taxonomy term ID". The later checks for references anywhere in the entity, not just one specific field. So if your entity has two fields, which are using the same taxonomy, you can't create a filter like "all of the given terms (AND condition) must be given in field_foo". Therefore, enabling the AND-connection for field-specific filters might be helpful for this edge case.

Simple Code for testing (placed in setting.php or settings.local.php):

$config['charts.settings']['advanced']['requirements']['cdn'] = FALSE;

More advanced options are in the documentation β†’ .

- CDN should be allowed in the advanced configurations.
- Used library should be any but Google (that one lacks the config-check).
- The library itself should not be installed for the test.

Place the code and go to /admin/reports/status.

Without patch: CDN-warning appears.
With patch: CDN-warning does not appear.

The overrides should work for any of the configurations. The CDN-Option is relatively simple to test since it shows almost directly in the status report.

My approach is basically the same as #3380653-2: Entity queries need an explicit accessCheck()-call in Drupal 10 β†’ : The accessChecks are all set to FALSE since all the queries are used either on admin pages or in background processes.

Additionally I removed some queries entirely. At several places the query was used to get the IDs of all entities (mostly server configurations) and the result was only used as a parameter for loadMultiple(). Since loadMultiple() without a parameter loads all entities too, the query before should be unnecessary.

Or in code:

$servers = $storage->getQuery()->execute();
foreach ($storage->loadMultiple($servers) as $server) {
  // ...


foreach ($storage->loadMultiple() as $server) {
  // ...

"New" should give the same result as "Old" but with 1 query less.

The Drupal-10-compatibility-issue has a patch, which includes the dependency replacement (grahl/ldap becomes synfony/ldap): #3297516-7: Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes β†’ .
Seems the approach there was: declare "ext-ldap" dependency and use "--ignore-platform-reqs" to bypass tests here.
Theoretically that should be an issue for automated test here, but testing, and more importantly using, the module in projects should be possible.

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