- Issue created by @idiaz.roncero
- πΊπΈUnited States justcaldwell Austin, Texas
Just looking at the examples from the core ckeditor5 module, your example seems close, but maybe it should be something more like:
my_plugin: ckeditor5: plugins: [ htmlSupport.GeneralHtmlSupport ] config: htmlSupport: allow: - name: ~ classes: [my, whitelisted, classes] drupal: label: Whitelisted elements library: core/ckeditor5.htmlSupport elements: - <* class="my whitelisted classes">
- π³πΏNew Zealand quietone
Changes are made on on 11.x (our main development branch) first, and are then back ported as needed according to our policies.
- πͺπΈSpain idiaz.roncero Madrid
@justcaldwell yep, that might work for the CKEditor whitelisting part, but the problem I'm reporting is related with the very Drupally filter_html rules, this is, the
elements: <* class="my whitelisted classes">
part. I did some code diving to get some background information for this.
"dir" and "lang" are allowed by the filter directly in the same way that "style" and "on*" are prohibited. Other attributes, which are allowed on any tag via configuration or plugin definition, don't have that priviledge.Relevant code:
The validation message is thrown in:
The validation compares the provided HTML (tags, attributes and values form the configuration and plugin definitions) with the HTML, which is allowed by the "filter_html" filter ("Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML").
That method collects all the allowed (and prohibited) HTML. At the very end, the following is added in any case:$restrictions['allowed']['*'] = [ 'style' => FALSE, 'on*' => FALSE, 'lang' => TRUE, 'dir' => ['ltr' => TRUE, 'rtl' => TRUE], ];
At the moment, the wildcard definitions like "<* class>" don't even arrive at the beginning of the method. If they would, the code above would override any definition for *-tags.
Further foughts:
As a workaround, someone could patch additional lines like the one for "lang" (any class) or dir (some classes) in. I wouldn't recommend this as a solution for this issue though, since it won't be a general solution for any use case.I think, what needs to be done, is to check, why the *-tags are not arriving at the beginning of the "getHTMLRestrictions()"-method.
After that, it should just be making sure that they survive till the end of the method.
At the end, the definition for "$restrictions['allowed']['*']" should be merged, instead of overridden, to keep whatever came so far while still maintaining the prohibition of "style" and "on*" as well as the permission for "lang" and "dir".