carlygerard β created an issue.
CarlyGerard β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
CarlyGerard β created an issue.
Thanks Vivek, this change is merged in the dev branch.
The MR is now passing with the latest changes as requested (with some allowed fails in the pipeline). Updating status for the next stage of review.
CarlyGerard β changed the visibility of the branch drupal-1383696-drupal-1383696-82 to hidden.
Tested automated code fixes, works as expected.
Should fix Drupal command fails in 11.x re-roll patch from #80.
CarlyGerard β created an issue.
This patch file re-rolls previous MRs from Gitlab workflow as a patch file for 11.x Work still needs to be done in figuring out caching so the wrapper tag option is stored properly. A new patch is needed once that's addressed.
Fixes undefined array key issue flagged from ViewsConfigUpdater.php in last CI testing.
Fixing custom commands error from ViewsConfigUpdater.php in #132 β¨ Add support for tables with two headers in views table display Needs work , where the bool value wasn't returned properly given the function parameter.
Re-rolled patch from comment #131 β¨ Add support for tables with two headers in views table display Needs work since it couldn't apply.
Adds upgrade path test to views where if not set, set header to "none." The interdiff showed a template also removed a classy template--I think in 11.x-dev the classy files are removed, unless someone can confirm otherwise?
Removes the aria-required attribute from the Likert PHP and related test, where it checks for the final markup including aria-required. I think this has all the relevant Likert files from a quick search, but if there are other files I'm missing, that'd be good to know.
There are other webform helper modules where aria-required does appear (Webform Rating, Webform Example, etc.), but not sure if we want to broaden this ticket to include fixes for those files too.
CarlyGerard β created an issue.
Interdiff between patches #57 and #60. Thanks for the reminder @smustgrave.
Patch moves the aria-sort test into the existing NodeAdminTest PHP test as @smustgrave suggested, and removes the aria-sort specific test. Needs review to check if ->elementAttributeContains()
method is enough for the testing needed.
Refactored #54 patch β¨ Add aria-sort attribute to Views table output Fixed with drupalcs reported issues fixed. Patch file for now until Gitlab composer issue for MR 3222 is addressed.
New patch file to fix failing tests. Suggested to use patch files for tests since Gitlab branch testing seems stuck in the composer loop.