Damn it, i was pretty sure that was fixed but i did not found the other ticket.
This is a duplicate, so i close it.
Here's the fix for InlineParagraphsBrowserWidgetTrait class.
I don't know if there is other cases.
I only solve the one that blocked me.
arnaud-brugnon β created an issue.
Here's the fix
arnaud-brugnon β created an issue.
Please provide a screenschot of your error, WE may help you.
But i dont think it s related
#3 works me too (even if i don't really unsterstand why).
Thanks a lot.
I made a mistake in #15.
I erase the addition of letters.
With that, X-Tag value is nothing more than the value of last letter (a bit annoying).
Sorry about that.
Here's the fix.
@shumer can you publish the fix asap pls ?
I just publish Drupal 10 support and code improvements.
Did you test integration with ckeditor 5 ?
Thanks for the patch.
Did you test Ckeditor 5 support ?
Totally agree.
Field config cardinality is so great but integration with entity browser is a bit complicated without the feature.
I just improve the patch a bit : We want field cardinality, so method should be a fetch, not a get ;)
If you need to upgrade to Drupal 10, don't repositories but patches and lenient
Here's the official doc
https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/using-composer/using-drupals-lenient... β
#74 helps a little but it's not enough.
For some unknown reason, i can't have all of my items.
So i found another workaround.
Put migrations in the same group, add an index before id (don't forget to rename tables to keep migration track) and launch import on group.
Btw, #70 have a good point.
By adding some intels to row, we may add reason for ignore.
Because #74 does not do that and it's pretty annoying.
No, your change solve them.
Otherwise i was spam by warnings
#23 is problably the closest solution.
Use entity_lookup plugin is probably the best solution (nid_to_update is problably the uggliest solution)
One precision to make entity_lookup works like a charm : Don't miss one import key (otherwise entity lookup will fail).
It means you will have to set entity_type, bundle, bundle_key and value_key.
bundle_key may seems overkill but you have to define it.
Full migration file here
id: tax_classification_import
label: Import tax classifications
migration_group: product_import
plugin: import_tax_classification
data_fetcher_plugin: http
data_parser_plugin: json
verify: FALSE
- name: code
label: 'Code'
selector: productTaxClassification/code
- name: taxRate
label: 'Tax rate'
selector: tax/taxRate
type: string
verify: false
plugin: entity_lookup
source: code
entity_type: taxonomy_term
bundle: tax_classification
bundle_key: vid
value_key: field_code
ignore_case: true
access_check: 0
plugin: default_value
default_value: tax_classification
name: code
field_code: code
plugin: default_value
default_value: 1
field_rate: taxRate
plugin: 'entity:taxonomy_term'
- field_rate
#3 works like a charm
A bit annoying warning when we use unit tests.
Here's a fix
arnaud-brugnon β created an issue.
arnaud-brugnon β created an issue.
Here's the fix
arnaud-brugnon β created an issue.
Small improvement to have only one patch and pass x-tag in lowercase because varnish refuse to invalidate uppercase x-tag
Please let me know if you don't want our solution, we will move it in a custom CacheManager and override service injection (to prevent to keep so much change in a patch)
Here's our full solution
This patch must be install with #5
Here's some example of compression :
Cache tag : "agency:yvelines:houilles"
Custom compression : 1L2X2N
#8 solution : ikaa11ev
Cache tag : "node:76"
Custom compression : 1c1e
#8 solution : fgrjero9
Cache tag : "node:67"
Custom compression : 1c15
#8 solution : gn4fonhc
Cache tag : "abcd"
Custom compression : K
#8 solution : sbu72j27
Cache tag : "agency:yvelines:andagainoadsglkfghalkefgjkasdfbglkasdbglkabsdlkgjasdfkjgnasdg"
Custom compression : 1L2XgM
#8 solution : se47ecf1
#8 is a great idea.
But we have a better algorithm that's suppose to prevent any collision.
If it work's, x tag may be a bit longer for some occasion (for complexe cache tags like 'segment1:segment2:segment3:segment4').
But it's not the common case.
For exemple, 'node:76' enconding should on two caracters (if i remember correct).
One letter and on digit.
What a coΓ―ncidence, i just met the same issue.
My collegue and i are working a better solution but it s not easy.
We can't just increase hash and hoping for the best.
It will decrease duplicate x tag but not enough.
Also, we can't just add a long string for x tag.
X tag, as it s actually made, is really useful to prevent nginx to raise an exception for too big header.
If we can post better cache tags compression, we will do.
I dont not use facets module (i dont like it aha).
But i do use search api module (i dont know if it matters or not)
I don't think this a duplicate
In my case, ajax pager does not work in media library and i supposed that it's because page is define twice
#12 solve my problem while compress ajax_state does not change anything.
Btw i am using gin theme, but it's claro template so ..
Here's my patch
arnaud-brugnon β created an issue.
Indeed, it was my mistake.
I closed it.
#91 can't be apply on 10.1.
Here's the new version
Here's my code.
Maybe you will understand better
Sorry for the delay, i was a bit busy.
I use bundle classes to add specific access to my bundle under some circumtances.
Without my patch, i must return FALSE in ACCESS method to remove it from sitemap.xml
But if i return FALSE, i got this error
Drupal\Core\Access\AccessException: Access error in access_check.entity. Access services must return an object that implements AccessResultInterface. in Drupal\Core\Access\AccessManager->performCheck() (line 163 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Access/AccessManager.php).
I think it's dumb because access method is suppose to return boolean (as php doc suggest).
But i think it's easier to fix a module core that the core itself.
#25 is not a good idea.
For some reasons (for my client for example), there is the same label in multiple link contents but some have links and other don't.
With #25, my alias is empty.
But it should not be.
Here's a patch to solve it
arnaud-brugnon β created an issue.
14 years later, this documentation still works like a charm.
Thank you.
Improve patch based on #160 comments
By the way, it works fine for me.
Here's a patch to solve this.
But i really think that private should be changed as protected.
This is quite important.
8.x-1.1 is supposed to be compatible with Drupal 10.
Works like a charm (even if code quality can be better).
Be aware that if you don't use this patch is 8.2, you may have cache issue.
Because this patch solve a warning.
Warning are display by MessengerService
MessengerService kill cache when you display a message (surprise !)
#21 works for me in custom form only if we had #tree = TRUE
* {@inheritDoc}
public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$form['background_image'] = $this->getEntityBrowserForm(
'paragraphs_library_items', // Entity Browser config entity ID
$this->configuration['background_image'], // Default value as a string
1, // Cardinality
'preview' // The view mode to use when displaying the entity in the selected entities table
// Convert the wrapping container to a details element.
$form['background_image']['#type'] = 'details';
$form['background_image']['#title'] = $this->t('Background image');
$form['background_image']['#open'] = TRUE;
$form['background_image']['#tree'] = TRUE;
return $form;
Great news
https://www.drupal.org/node/3180429 β
hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter no longer exist.
Use hook_field_widget_single_element_form_alter instead