Account created on 29 June 2014, almost 10 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇨🇳China lawxen didn't fully handle the problem.
I have created another MR : and have tested on views, no error come again with hook_event_dispatcher.

🇨🇳China lawxen

Yes, There'are many other placed need be changed to ModuleHandlerInterface, Let me submit it now.


🇨🇳China lawxen

Thanks @ChristianAdamski, We are using Baidu Map.

I'm in Shanghai, too, there have been fewer events recently, mainly because several of the people who previously hosted the event have been busy with other things. When you come shanghai again, Let's get some of the drupal guys out for a beer 🍺.

🇨🇳China lawxen

Keep this Commit on 2.0.x-dev for development on Drupal10
Revert it on 1.0.x-dev which backup support for old Drupal 8,9

🇨🇳China lawxen

I see, the file_validate_size must be converted number, Thanks. Commited

🇨🇳China lawxen

It's the problem of sms_user, remove it from info.yml and add doc to remind people to enable sms_user before use this module.

🇨🇳China lawxen

duplicate with 📌 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes Fixed

🇨🇳China lawxen

The next step is to reproduce this bug without Drupal Commerce , If success, then move this issue to Drupal core.

🇨🇳China lawxen

@rszrama Thanks for the advice, I also think this is high probability a problem of Drupal core.

Our purpose of using the view (which contain “add to cart”) inside a form is to take advantage of the development convenience of form ajax.

When we facing this issue, we switch to use ajax_placeholder in plugin bock directly after some simple survey. Then we didn't do any more digging.

But we still got some conclusion:

1. This is not affected by lazy builder (Test by removing the #lazy_builder)
2. The drupal render the "add to cart" form correctly, and the first form tag is deleted by some other js/ajax.

🇨🇳China lawxen

#16 help me realize why the example docker-compose.yml didn't work with security.json. Because it use solr start -c witch will start solr with an embedded ZooKeeper instance instance which started on Solr port+1000.

This is my config:

    "authentication": {
        "class": "solr.BasicAuthPlugin",
        "credentials": {
            "solr": "IV0EHq1OnNrj6gvRCwvFwTrZ1+z1oBbnQdiVC3otuq0= Ndd7LKvVBAaZIF0QAVi1ekCfAJXr1GGfLtRUXhgrF8c="
        "": {
            "v": 0
    "authorization": {
        "class": "solr.RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin",
        "permissions": [
                "name": "all",
                "role": "admin"
        "user-role": {
            "solr": "admin"


version: '3'
    image: solr:7
      - "8983:8983"
      - ./cloud-config-set:/opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/drupal/conf
    command: bash -c " solr start -c; until solr status; do sleep 1; done; solr zk cp file:/opt/solr/server/solr/security.json zk:/security.json -z localhost:9983; solr create -c drupal -d server/solr/configsets/drupal/conf -n drupal; solr restart -c -f"
🇨🇳China lawxen

@druplic social_auth_decoupled is a base module of social_auth_google_api
But social_auth_google_api hasn't be maintained for a long time, Not sure if it works with newest social_auth .

🇨🇳China lawxen

We are seeking new maintainers, I haven't use Social Auth* relevant module for a long time
You can see the code directly, This is a small module with very little code

🇨🇳China lawxen

Hasn't used this module for a long time, so we are seeking new maintainers

🇨🇳China lawxen

lawxen made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇳China lawxen

Has test the patch,works, it makes the search work on /admin/structure/library

🇨🇳China lawxen

This issue's MR need patch of 🐛 Some error on d10 RTBC

🇨🇳China lawxen

lawxen changed the visibility of the branch 3436245-support-uploade-files to hidden.

🇨🇳China lawxen

Drupal 10.2.x-dev
library_manager: 2.0.4 & 2.0.x-dev
Link: /admin/structure/library

🇨🇳China lawxen

We are seeking new matainer who contributed to this module.

🇨🇳China lawxen

Some user's cas user_name is missing in production site but don't know why, so add some log for debugging purpose.
We find our problem is caused by our own custom code with cas in the end. So we didn't need the patch after all.

🇨🇳China lawxen 🐛 Panels IPE block content edit form not loading with Drupal 10.2 Needs review

🇨🇳China lawxen

Same problem with #15 with

🇨🇳China lawxen

After reroll the patch and applied, but still couln't solve the problem of Match the filter_html <> ckeditor5 integration in Drupal core Needs work

🇨🇳China lawxen

Path in 🐛 'no config schema' Error after update to Drupal 10.1.0 RTBC fix my problem, so is this a duplicate of it?

Production build 0.69.0 2024