I have added fix in the fork repository
Please review it.
imyaro β changed the visibility of the branch 3.2.x to active.
imyaro β changed the visibility of the branch 3.2.x to hidden.
imyaro β created an issue.
Thanks, @Dandolorion!
Beautiful picture! Thank you, I set it as the logo
Thank you for your report.
Closing this issue
@mrshowerman could you please check it now? Yes, it seems that some commits are missing.
Not sure if I have to create an additional release to fix it, because it was merged into this one.
Thanks for that patch, applied
Fixed. Thanks, @silverham!
I've also did it for all the Image Formatters.
I will add it into the next release.
I don't want to do that
Purposed solution is in the merge request. Please review
imyaro β created an issue.
imyaro β created an issue.
I can't believe that someone switches javascript off in 2023. I believe that there is some JS error that is blocking code execution.
imyaro β created an issue.
imyaro β created an issue.
Here is the quick patch to fix this issue. Probably a renderer should be used, but I didn't test it yet
imyaro β created an issue.
Marked as "major" because it's completely breaks version 2.3
imyaro β created an issue.
Hello @Nelo_Drup. Thank you for the bug report.
For now module does not support any image resizing for preview. I think that I can do an additional settings for it to display image as end user expects.
The underlying issue is that vector images are not supported by the traditional raster-image derivative "image style" logic in Drupal core. If an SVG image URL with a valid itok parameter is requested, then Drupal should:
1) pass-through the original SVG file.
2) allow the SVG that is copied to the image style folder be modified by contrib modules.
It looks more like a workaround for the issue. I think that it's not a good way to do it because users will expect that all the image style changes will be applied to the image, but it wouldn't. But it could be done as an additional "helper" module for the SVG Image.
Nice catch! Pushed into the release branch
I've checked your purposed patch and MR and I don't think that I will use it.
However I've changed readme.md file to follow Drupal README.md files guidelines.
Merged, thank you!
imyaro β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Thanks for your work, merged into the branch, will appear in the next release.
imyaro β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Consider is as "fixed"
I disagree with most of the suggested changes. But there are few moments to fix there.
Great job!
Merged. Release coming soon.
Checking patch, will do a release soon.
Thanks everyone for participating
It could be done as separate sub-module or separate widget of SVG image module.
Thanks for the idea, I will probably implement it. But for now it's postponed.
Now it's too late to change it.
Module purpose was "You should not do anything to allow to use svg image at your site"
And it stays as it is.
I don't want to include this into the module. I know that there could be issue with the hook override but I just can't support compatibility with all the modules at once. This patch could break few sites which is using SVG image now.
Thank for your contribution. Probably someone will include this patch into their project.
>What I haven't figured out so far is scaling of svg images (or generally applying image styles, preferably responsive ones).
I guess it could only be done with the SVG image parsing and setting up width and height attributes on the backend side (this module does not allows to do so on the backend side) or resizing it on the front-end side.
You can try to use sub-module for the responsive SVG images to resolve this issue.
However I will close this issue. I don't see anything to fix there. I've been using SVG Image module with code Media module for years.
Closing this issue. I feel that all answers done. Or it's outdated.
We can't use `$this` inside the static functions.