Account created on 6 March 2008, over 16 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇩🇪Germany webflo

@dabblela should get commit credit for issue 🐛 Cache not cleared for existing 404s Closed: duplicate (closed as duplicate)

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Hello @dabblela, this is a duplicate issue of 🐛 Provide route_math tag invalidation. Needs review . The other issue contains the same patch and a test. Please review. Thanks!

🇩🇪Germany webflo

The field type does not longer extends ChangedItem it uses TimestampItem directly. Fixed in 🐛 Field value should be empty for entities that were never published Fixed

🇩🇪Germany webflo

I have added the $isB2Cv2 property because Azure B2C does not support userinfo Endpoints and has a few differences like OAuth scopes, and API response formats. I think its not possible to have it all in one implementation.

It is probably best to expose the B2Cv2 option to the configuration form.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Thanks to all! Fixed it back to Active.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

The patches did not apply after 📌 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes RTBC has been comittted. I fixed it myself, gave you commit credit anyways.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

The jQuery / CSS Selector is wrong. Maybe jQuery got more strict in newer versions ...

RTBC because its a minor change.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

webflo made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Self-review with a few explanations.

  1. +++ b/modules/wingsuit_ui_patterns/src/Plugin/Deriver/LibraryDeriver.php
    @@ -120,7 +126,7 @@ class LibraryDeriver extends AbstractYamlPatternsDeriver {
    -    $this->config = $config_factory->getEditable('wingsuit_companion.config');
    +    $this->configFactory = $config_factory;

    $this->config Property was dynamically created. This is deprecated in PHP 8.2. The config factory should be injected instead.

    See for more information.

  2. +++ b/modules/wingsuit_ui_patterns/src/TwigExtension/WingsuitExtension.php
    @@ -5,14 +5,13 @@ namespace Drupal\wingsuit_ui_patterns\TwigExtension;
    +class WingsuitExtension extends AbstractExtension {

    The TwigExtension class should not be extended, since its the default extension on Drupal core.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Hello @grahamC, thanks you for your feedback. I am following the development of openid_connect quite closely. Version 3.x is exactly the same as 2.x only without the deprecated code and D8 (!) compatibility.

You can compare both branches in Gitlab.

The alpha state of 3.x is not justified imo. I think we should maintain less versions, but keep them stable and reliable.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Reviewed the patch from @linhnm

+++ b/src/MenuBasedBreadcrumbBuilder.php
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ class MenuBasedBreadcrumbBuilder implements BreadcrumbBuilderInterface {
+        !array_diff($last_url->getRouteParameters(), $route_match->getRawParameters()->all())

array_diff is a good idea, but it should prporbaly use array_diff_assoc because the array index is relevant for the route parameters.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

I had the same problem and had already written a patch for it before I looked in the issue queue.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

@bbu23 Thanks for the suggestion. The UI can be adjusted in a feature release.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

The latest code is in

I refactored the JS Plugin names a little bit. It includes ckeditor_mentions_entity and the the changes from @Falco010. I made the number of items in the autocomplete configurable.

@dinazaur Please review the code. Maybe everything except ckeditor_mentions_entity. Thanks!

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Sure, lets work on it together. Mentions module can only track references to user entities, but ckeditor_mentions can reference other entities. ckeditor_mentions_entity uses dynamic_entity_reference for this use-case. Of course it possible to remove the submodule. I will maintain in a other repo.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

@dinazaur Hi, I am a new maintainer since a few days. I will push my code from Github and then view and merge the other changes. Please be patient. Thanks!

🇩🇪Germany webflo

The package name is php81-php-sodium> or <code>php82-php-sodium, depending on your PHP version.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

I am pretty sure that Remi's RPM repository contains everything you need including libsodium.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Please update to 2.0.0-beta6. I don't want to maintain two branches for D10. Thank you!

🇩🇪Germany webflo

The key can be overwritten with $config. But you have to override the key settings now.

$config['key.key.openid_connect_windows_aad_key']['key_provider_settings']['key_value'] = '...';

I would like to close the issue with won't fix.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

I think we should update the configuration again and fix there bug there. I think its not required to add ?? '' in a few places to fix this bug.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Isn't this always a problem that should be solved by the reverse proxy configuration / request handling? Incoming requests should also require HTTPS.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

@hartsak you are right. This is a different issue than 🐛 AD Groups no longer mapping to Drupal roles Fixed .

The AD-group mapping in openid_connect_windows_aad is a few more features and options than the openid_connect module. Therefore I don't want to remove it.

Not sure if the "groups" array is considered as "API" of this module. Custom modules may use the properties in the nested array. Making it flat is an BC-break and could cause issues. But we have to it anyways I guess, or openid_connect adds a patch and skips the nested array during processing.

Any opinions? I would like to add a seperate "add_groups" key which contains the nested array and "groups" becomes a flat list.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Hello, the length of the Drupal session is not related to the session from Azure. You can configure Drupals session settings in sites/default/

🇩🇪Germany webflo

🐛 Translation settings entity form extra field appears to be outdated Needs work Comment 8 has another approach. Maybe we should merge both issues or decide if its necessary to disable the extra field.

🇩🇪Germany webflo
+++ b/src/Entity/DomainPath.php
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ use Drupal\domain_path\DomainPathInterface;
+ *     "storage_schema" = "Drupal\domain_path\DomainPathStorageSchema",

Looks promising. But the DomainPathStorageSchema file is not included in your patch.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

webflo made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

I have committed the patch from #45. Please open a new issue for logout / end session handling. OpenID Connect version 2.x has this feature already.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Hi, I have committed the patch from issue Support paginated group results Fixed . It should fix this issue without an limit.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Fixes fatal error on config entity forms.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

I think it needs a complete fork of swiftmailer/swiftmailer to make it work.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Please re-open if there is still a problem.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

I granted access to @bluegeek9. Thanks for stepping up as a maintainer.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

@Anybody try to run "composer why-not drupal/media_entity_download 2.2.0"

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Why is this class anonymous? Maybe it should not run at all, because the used media bundle has no entity_reference_entity_modify field (or widget)=

🇩🇪Germany webflo

@Uccio Thanks for the configuration. I've build a new Azure B2C Tenant and an v2 Application. I followed the guide on and configured everything via the access token. I hope that's doable in the most setups.

Drupal-Backend Configuration:

  • User info endpoint configuration: Alternate or no user endpoint
  • Alternate UserInfo endpoint: [empty]

Azure Configuration:

Custom B2C Policy with "Email Addresses" activated as Application Claim.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

I am pretty sure this is a general error during update from openid_connect_windows_aad 1.x to 2.x. Could you check the settings in the module again? Make sure the client secret is stored in key module properly. Thanks.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

Thanks. follows the OIDC spec. Therefore it is possible to skip the whole logic related to mail vs. email.

@Uccio Please try openid_connect_windows_aad:2.0.0-beta4 + this patch.

🇩🇪Germany webflo

@Uccio - Thanks for your feedback. Which endpoint do you use as userinfo endpoint? Here is a patch for 2.x to make it work with Graph API.

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