Thank you for your feedback! I fixed the MR for now, so we can use it for our clients needs, but we have put this ticket on the community wishlist of the company. If our team agrees on this, we will work out a better implementation for this.
dtrdewaele β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
dtrdewaele β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
Can you explain what you have done, because I have identically the same issue at the moment but can't figure out what is wrong.
Good suggestion! We'll do! Thx
Thanks for your question!
We were not aware of the other module. Why didn't that guy commit it to the Drupal community? :) For sure I'm going to test it and check if it does the same thing as our module does.
I understand your question and I think I have a good answer to it as well.
The module does not replace variations, but is an extra on variations. The goal of the module is to use a single product wit a single variation and a single sku where you can add your options on. You are able to use multiple variations on a product and add options per variation.
So when your business starts running and you feel the need to use multiple variations of a product with their specific options, you are able to. If you want to completely get rid of the product options and start using variations like you are supposed to do with Commerce, the goal is that you can uninstall the module and use Commerce the default way.
I hope this answers your question?
We have released a dev version. First documentation with setup instruction can be found here β .
Thank you for your help.
Since the MR is failing on tests, it seems that using uppercase in the input is required. Is there any particular reason for this?
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
Reverting that change fixes the issue indeed.
I have not developed the project myself, but as far as I can see, there is no custom backend plugin. All our queues use Database as backend as well.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
This version of the patch works for Drupal 10.3
Thanks for your interest in our module.
We are in active development on this module. Therefore it is still a sandbox module.
We have a working version on a production website, but this module needs refactoring so we created a completely new module and started all over again with the same concepts and principles we have in the alpha version.
In the next coming weeks we will do more development on this module, so you will be able to use and test it. At the moment, you can't do anything with it, I'm sorry.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
dtrdewaele β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
You are right. It is not a default link :)
The "Product categories" link is a custom link we have added to the menu.
What you can do to reproduce is adding a custom link under the admin/commerce section in the admin menu (attachment 1) to for example a taxonomy overview page (attachment 2) and go to /admin/commerce. You'll see the error.
dtrdewaele β changed the visibility of the branch 3421144-fatal-error-on to active.
dtrdewaele β changed the visibility of the branch 3421144-fatal-error-on to hidden.
dtrdewaele β changed the visibility of the branch 8.x-2.x to hidden.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
Patch in attachments fixes the HTML body formatting for the emails.
rc1 version of the patch.
This patch applies to latest version of the module.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.
Sorry for the multiple branches and merge requests. Had some issues while checking out.
dtrdewaele β created an issue.