- Issue created by @arturbaranok
- 🇧🇪Belgium dtrdewaele
Thanks for your interest in our module.
We are in active development on this module. Therefore it is still a sandbox module.We have a working version on a production website, but this module needs refactoring so we created a completely new module and started all over again with the same concepts and principles we have in the alpha version.
In the next coming weeks we will do more development on this module, so you will be able to use and test it. At the moment, you can't do anything with it, I'm sorry.
- 🇧🇾Belarus arturbaranok Vitebsk
Thank you, I will take an active part in testing
- 🇧🇪Belgium dtrdewaele
We have released a dev version. First documentation with setup instruction can be found here → .
Thank you for your help.