Redirect to enabled language node when requesting node in disabled language.

Created on 15 December 2020, about 4 years ago
Updated 8 December 2023, over 1 year ago


If english language is disabled and german is set as redirect language.
Then while trying to access '/en/page' should redirect to 'de/page', but now it redirects to 'en/'.

Steps to reproduce

1. Go to module config page.
2. Add `entity.node.canonical` to route override.
3. Disable english language.
4. Set german as redirect language.
5. Then create a translation for `page` in german language.
6. Try to access english version.
7. You will get redirected too many times error.

Proposed resolution

1. Go to module config page.
2. Add `entity.node.canonical` to route override.
3. Add attached patch.

🐛 Bug report

Needs review





Created by

ashu1629 Bengaluru

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