Why this is not working for address field only for other form field #states work fine.
I think this is the bug in the address
drupalite1411 â created an issue.
While debugging this patch, found that
Sometimes not possible to vote 'The specified #ajax callback is empty or not callable'
Needs work
this issue still exists in vote per IP.
Steps to replicate is mentioned in the issue
Sometimes not possible to vote 'The specified #ajax callback is empty or not callable'
Needs work
Debugging output:
I was unable to replicate this issue in Dev environment and could replicate this in patheon env or with https://simplytest.me/
I have enabled page cache in my Dev enviornment and I can see the issue in every browser.
Steps to replicate:
1)Open voting page it in chrome and vote.
2)Open same voting page in edge and you will see the vote button instead of result.
3)On clicking vote ,it will show the ajax error.
4)If remove chrome browser cookie and then open it in other browser then there is no ajax error and I can see the result page.
I could see
Anonymous users - Multiple voting from one IP
Needs review
ajax error per IP with this
Anonymous users - Multiple voting from one IP
Needs review
on as well.
RE #29 probably only when anonymous voting is enabled? There are some PK changes in the database for that ticket.
Yes that is for anonymous user.
I think the underlaying error here is that the database is throwing an duplicate entry exception which is not catched properly because here it's still using the IP as unique key if I'm not mistaken.
Yes it seems so but I don't understand why it is showing incognito mode only and not in another browser. I am debugging on that
If this makes any difference in the bug tracking,
Anonymous users - Multiple voting from one IP
Needs review
this resolves ajax issue for per IP vote.
Need to find the difference how per IP voting has been changed in this merge request.
Updated. In the patch #61, removed this repetitive code from poll.php and vote per session functionality is working fine now. I am still testing
$fields['anonymous_vote_restriction'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('list_string')
->setLabel(t('Anonymous vote restriction'))
->setSetting('allowed_values', [
'ip' => t('One vote per IP'),
'session' => t('One vote per session'),
'unlimited' => t('Unlimited votes'),
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'options_select',
'settings' => [
'display_label' => TRUE,
'weight' => 2,
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE);
I found it is actually removed from the merge request https://git.drupalcode.org/project/poll/-/merge_requests/30/diffs?commit...
Steps to replicate:
1)Vote from any browser
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2024-11-13/poll.png â
2)Open voting page in incognito. It should show the polling result page since I am in the same network(connected to vpn).
Instead, it is showing voting page with vote button.
3)Click on vote button, it shows ajax error.
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2024-11-13/poll2.png â
Any update on this issue?
Facing this in the modules' latest version as well.
Used patch #61, it is providing option from UI to select if per IP vote,per session vote and unlimited vote.
I select any option and save the form. When I edit the form the select field does retain it's value. Moreover, the functionality is not working.
I can't give unlimited vote.
drupalite1411 â created an issue.
Hi @cilefen
This is distinct.
Patch provided here worked but now I have issue in layout builder only.
Uncaught ajax.js error / exception
Sorry raised in wrong queue.Please close
Drupalite1411 â created an issue.
Drupalite1411 â created an issue.
I have used #35 10.2.1 patch in https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3414753 ð Drupal ajax error after D10 update from version 10.0.11 to 10.2.1 Needs review and it worked.
I have used #35 10.2.1 patch and it worked.
@torresrecife No I am still using ckeditor 4 due to this issue.
If I take the code from #11 and manually apply it ,it fixes ajax issue but quick edit issue is still there.
I have reported this issue here. I am facing ajax as well as contextual links not appearing issue.
Drupal ajax error after D10 update from version 10.0.11 to 10.2.1
Needs review
Also how to apply this patch using composer.json?
"patches": {
"drupal/http-foundation": {
"Ajax issue": "https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-12-23/symfony_http-foundation_unset-content-length.patch"
Analysis on this issue:
I have updated site from version 10.0.11 version 10.1.4 . No issue in ajax and quick edits visible.
Updated site from version 10.0.11 version 10.1.7 . No issue in ajax and quick edits visible.
Updated site from version 10.0.11 version 10.2.1.Issue in ajax and quick edits links disappeared.
I can confirm that there is issue in 10.2.1.
If I take the code from #11 and manually apply it ,it fixes ajax issue but quick edit issue is still there.
Updated to version 10.1.4 also not applying these patches
Could not apply patch! Skipping. The error was: Cannot apply patch
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2022-06-17/2845144-67.patch â
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-06-15/1349080-521.patch â
(node_access filters out accessible nodes when node is left joined (1349080))
Could not apply patch! Skipping. The error was: Cannot apply patch
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-06-15/1349080-521.patc â
I have copied error from the console. Basically anything which needs drupal ajax is not working on site.
Opening media pop up, adding blocks using layout builder,configure layout. Pencil icon for quick edit is also disappeared.
"\nAn AJAX HTTP error occurred.\nHTTP Result Code:
"Error\n at http://crownestates-local.com/core/misc/ajax.js?v=10.2.1:196:32\n at http://crownestates-local.com/core/misc/ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1915:3"
Error at http://crownestates-local.com/core/misc/ajax.js?v=10.2.1:196:32 at http://crownestates-local.com/core/misc/ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1915:3
Æ (xmlhttp, uri, customMessage)
Drupal.Message {messageWrapper: div.messages__wrapper}
Error at http://crownestates-local.com/core/misc/ajax.js?v=10.2.1:196:32 at http://crownestates-local.com/core/misc/ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1915:3
Æ ()
"Error\n at http://crownestates-local.com/core/misc/ajax.js?v=10.2.1:196:32\n at http://crownestates-local.com/core/misc/ajax.js?v=10.2.1:1915:3"
Drupalite1411 â created an issue.
Hi Someone ,can please check. This is issue is impacting our whole site after migration to cke5editor from ckeditor4
Hi cilefan, Could you please replicate the issue.These issues were not there in ckeditor4.
Drupalite1411 â created an issue.
I have faced same issue in Drupal 10 and fontawesome 8.x-2.26.
Installed this module
https://www.drupal.org/project/font_awesome â
and it resolved the error.
Drupalite1411 â created an issue.
Hi Wim, Yeah :D
I don't know my project was working fine in 8.1 and as soon as I applied the patch it asks for 8.2. May be composer update or something.
Anyways I have applied this patch https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal/-/merge_requests/5454.diff and it resolved the issue.
Hi Wim , I am using Drupal core version 10.1.6 and I have #3 patch but it is giving me error Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.2.0".
I think this patch will in core 11
Wim Leers â credited Drupalite1411 â .
Drupalite1411 â created an issue.
Drupalite1411 â created an issue.
rip module is asking to remove permission and shows message that it is removed but upgrade status still showing the permissions issue.
Module not working for me
Hi, script is not working for me. In upgrade status module I am still getting same error.
When I am running script it does show any error.
Hi ,
Any update on D10 upgrade of this module?
Hi ,
Any update on D10 upgrade of this module?
Hi @agentrickard They are coming from custom code.
Site is having performance issue.I don't know if it is from server end or due to multidomain architecture.
Do config forms has any performance hit ?
Basically site is getting down once lots of user visits.