Here is an example from the documents:
Hi, @carolpettirossi.
Have you tried main module, or specific one for icons?
To fix this issue temporary, we could use this patch.
It deletes ajax logic that shows /months near each donation amount but makes feature working.
anpolimus β created an issue.
I've checked more and realised that proper url is /donate/id/complete
anpolimus β created an issue.
Attempt tp fix PHPSTAN.
@smustgrave, do you mean creating a new MR against 11.x or updating this one from 10.x to 11.x?
anpolimus β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
I tested on a couple of projects the last fix. Last MR fixes the problem on both.
I think it is ready for RTBC but we need somebody else to verify everything is fine.
Last MR diff, updated by @carolpettirossi applies to the beta4 version and fixes the issue.
Here is a PR that fixes the issue:
Here is a PR that fixes the issue:
anpolimus β created an issue.
Link to new issue: π ConfigEntityReference error during creation of the new referenced entity Closed: outdated
anpolimus β created an issue.
Thank you all on pushing this feature forward.
I'm testing it and can see that more or less code works, but fails on the save.
For example, I have menu as reference and want to create new and save it.
On save action I'm getting:
TypeError: Drupal\inline_entity_form\ReferenceUpgrader::upgradeEntityReferences(): Argument #1 ($entity) must be of type Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityInterface, Drupal\system\Entity\Menu given, called in /var/www/docroot/modules/contrib/inline_entity_form/src/WidgetSubmit.php on line 57 in Drupal\inline_entity_form\ReferenceUpgrader->upgradeEntityReferences() (line 46 of /var/www/docroot/modules/contrib/inline_entity_form/src/ReferenceUpgrader.php)
That is because, code of the reference save was hard-coded to work with content entities.
We have to add config entity support here:
You are welcome!
Thank you very much again.
It has saved tons of my investigation efforts today!