Account created on 21 December 2007, over 16 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇦🇺Australia cafuego

Okay, I think I know where you're coming from.

I had a look at the PR and I *think* it's probably nicer to not throw an access denied exception but instead return a new 403 response:

return new BridgeResponse([], 403);

If you're going to add a new alter hook, you're going to have to add documentation for it in oauth2_server.api.php ;-)

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

The code and service for OAuth2DrupalAuthProvider both look fine to me.

@PrabuEla that backtrace looks like it might be an issue with bshaffer/oauth2-server-php. Which version of that library is installed?

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I think this can be closed; the phpcs tests now run with PHP 8.2 and pass.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I did a wee bit of refactoring to use the request object instead of global $_GET but that's it. Merged, cheers :-)

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

cafuego made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I just hit this error with the 2.0.0 version. I did *not* use a `drush uli` login URL, but tried to login with my username, password and 2FA token.

This happens when I enable the module (and js_cookie) via config/core.extensions.yml and do not include any other config.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

The remaining test fails are not my responsibility :-)

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

It's a bit of scope creep, but may it would be good to also add in support for the `DurationSeconds` and `ExternalId` parameters.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

This should work, but by the time you have 50 clients, the permissions form would be a 100MB page load, so there are some potential practical obstacles ;-)

I have a similiar issue for my use case and what I've done is link a taxonomy vocabulary to my users. The taxonomy terms match sites that uses should be allowed to access. To grant access, I tag a user. To remove access, I untag them. A different vocabulary controls roles.

To achieve that, I've written a small custom module that maps the vocabularies to custom claims in `hook_oauth2_server_user_claims_alter()`. The client side of things can then check the claims and grant access and permissions based on that.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

Fine, so with SESv2 is actually works as-is. Never mind.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

Re-done as MR (so the tests can run) and merged. Thank you!

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

cafuego made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

This seems to have been fixed as part of the giant Drupal 10 compat PR.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I'm not sure how you ended up with so many rows in the `__scopes` tables; I have exactly 0 in both.

However, since the current cron hook *does* limit by the expires field on both oauth2_server_token and oauth2_server_authorization_code it is entirely reasonable to create an index on those fields.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

Thanks for the patch @dpacassi. I'm merging the older 🐛 Oauth2Controller uses a LoggerChannelFactory argument instead of LoggerChannelFactoryInterface Active instead, they got in first ;-)

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I've merged a large Drupal 10 compat patch set and this patch either needs a refactor or is no longer needed.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

This patch no longer applies after I merged the large Drupal 10 auto-compat MR. It will need a re-factor (if you refactor it to a merge requests, we can run the tests! :-)

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

Nice, that does the trick. Thank you :-)

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

Thanks everyone, merge request is merged.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I've started seeing this on recent builds that used composer 2.7.0 or newer as root in a docker image.

In that case, the issue is that composer no longer runs plugins (like say the drupal-scaffold plugin) as root unless you set COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER=1 in the environment.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I contacted bojanz via the d.o contact form, but have not had a response.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

Your patch definitely fixes the issue at hand. It still applies to newer versions of tome as well, so I expect they cause the same problem if not patched.

I'd try with newer versions of tome, but v1.12 won't install as-is in Drupal 9 and once I do make it install by bodging the info yaml, the drush commands seem to not get loaded.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I have a patch for a work-around, but I'm not sure if this isn't a bad idea :-)

class AmazonSesMailQueue extends QueueWorkerBase implements ContainerFactoryPluginInterface {
  use HandlerTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) {
    $instance = new static(

    // Only set the handler if queueing is enabled to avoid an error when
    // trying to run without config.
    $enabled = \Drupal::config('amazon_ses.settings')->get('queue');
    if ($enabled) {

    return $instance;
🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I may need to add in a bit more work, the test tab also WSODs currently. May as well include that.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

The error message about quota is a bit deceptive given it shows on the statistics tab, but the quota function is the one that fails, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

The patch from #11 seems to work fine for me with oauth2-server-php v1.14.1

You shouldn't need to both pin the library to an old version *and* patch the Drupal module to support the new one.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

@v.koval For the record, my patch only works on the beta if you also apply the other patches I listed in the comment.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I enabled domain, manually deleted field_domain_admin from the user entity, ran cron enough times that all users would be processed given a batch size of 50, then uninstalled domain. The error now longer occurs. (It only ever occurred during a cron run for me)

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I have a set of patches that works for 2.0.0-beta4 (which I use because part of the refactor of 2.0.x-dev has broken a thing I need) with Drupal 10 and PHP 8.2:

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

We upgraded to DER 3 and the problem went away.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

Update: There are in fact no triggers in the database at all 🫠 so a conditional should sort this.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

Getting the same thing here on a glossary page; my work-around is to use an input format without Onomasticon enabled for the vocab descriptions.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

The patch from #11 seems to apply just fine to the 2.0.x branch. Whether it makes the module work with D10 is another issue :-)

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

I think it can probably do with a bit of a refactor. As-is it will request new temporary credentials each time it makes an API call, but the temporary credentials it receives are (by default) valid for an hour, so it shouldn't need to.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

My feature is not pretty, but assuming the roles are set up with the correct trust policy, this works!

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

This issue is now making my drush calls fail on Drupal 10.1 because my skeleton settings.php used require_once to grab pretty much *all* actual config from a place I manage with config-as-code tools. When I run drush I get:

In Settings.php line 171:                                                    
    Missing $settings['hash_salt'] in settings.php.

Of course, when Drupal is accessed through the web server, it bootstraps fine and everything works as expected.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

The patch applies, but I still get deprecation warnings on openssl_free functions in the jwk controller.

I've pushed a fix for that to the issue fork.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

cafuego made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇦🇺Australia cafuego

cafuego made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

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