droprocker → created an issue.
Thanks for responding. But what else is the usecase for this feature "Redirect to the webform" if not redirecting to the next page? Or even the same page, but with already filled out webform fields?
Currently, I need to fill out the same fields twice, which doesn't make sense to me. Looks like a bug for me.
droprocker → created an issue.
I can confirm that this issue still exists. Workaround from #7 is not a solution, since this is exactly what we do not want the form to behave.
droprocker → created an issue.
droprocker → created an issue.
It would be nice to have this info on the module page itself. It could save a lot of time figuring out why it isn't working with custom or other themes.
@smustgrave Please don't close issues without linking to the original.
@sourav_paul Thanks for quick response. What other information could be helpful?
A colleague of mine also tested it in a different environment and different website and he also faced the same issue.
droprocker → created an issue.
droprocker → created an issue.
droprocker → created an issue.
droprocker → created an issue.
droprocker → created an issue.
droprocker → created an issue.
droprocker → created an issue.
This is still not working with Layout Builder. Does anyone have a solution, yet?
hmmm... this doesn't seem to be fixed. All overrides entered in admin/config/user-interface/klaro/texts are ignored. Could you please reopen this issue!?
I've updated my patch from #16 to the latest version. This patch is just commenting out the affected lines. It probably is not solving the issue itself and should be used carefully.
I applied the patch to V6.1.x by removing all the hunks for test files.
Generally speaking, this patch works like charm! Thanks for the work. :-) I have some improvements, since the functionality can be confusing.
I think it's not clear enough that the global settings overrides all webform-specific settings. This could be improved. When the global setting is set to content language, the webform-specific setting should be disabled. Otherwise I would expect, that the specific setting overrides the global config.
Or to have a third option in the webform-specific setting like this (which I prefer):
- Use global setting - Default
- Use Interface language
- Use content language
droprocker → created an issue.
The patch worked also for me. Thanks!