Text translations not working properly

Created on 24 July 2020, over 4 years ago
Updated 1 December 2023, over 1 year ago


It seems there is currently no easy way of changing the Modules Texts on a single language website.

We use the 8.x-2.0-beta1 version on our Drupal 8.8 website which has german as its default and only language.

The texts which are displayed in the Klaro popup window apparently come from the modules klaro.texts.yml (de).
Now altering the texts under /admin/config/system/klaro/texts does not seem to work at all right now. Also changing the texts in /admin/config/regional/translate does not seem to have any effect.

Changing the texts directly via drush config:set seems to do the trick but is surely not the desired way of doing this.

What should be is, that when there's only one language the texts edited in /admin/config/system/klaro/texts should be the translation for whichever language is being used as default.

Screenshots show the texts edited in Klaro backend and what the popup shows.

Thanks in advance!

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