timozura → created an issue.
timozura → created an issue.
timozura → created an issue.
timozura → created an issue.
TimoZura → created an issue.
TimoZura → created an issue.
A keyword can now be associated to multiple promoted results. Modifying copy to explain this.
TimoZura → created an issue.
TimoZura → created an issue.
TimoZura → created an issue.
TimoZura → created an issue.
TimoZura → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Closing. In 1.0.0-beta2 release.
TimoZura → created an issue.
Updating with a new configuration element for enabling autocompletion on the core search block form.
TimoZura → created an issue.
TimoZura → created an issue.
TimoZura → created an issue.
TimoZura → created an issue.
Adding link to the vais_promos repo for an example of the SearchResults plugin.
Adding information about the SearchResult custom plugin type that allows modules such as Vertex AI Search Promoted Result to be created.
Adding information about the SearchResults custom plugin type.
TimoZura → created an issue.
Hi @sarwan_verma .
Thank you! Unfortunately, I could not use the patch. The text included for the hook_help is specific to the Profile module and does not apply to this module. There is also no use statement for the RouteMatchInterface argument.
I went ahead and forked the issue an added in the hook_help implementation through a MR.
Added documentation here: https://www.drupal.org/docs/extending-drupal/contributed-modules/contrib... →
Changing a heading title to reflect the configuration page.
Title and description change. The focus of this page will be on scope.