🇬🇧United Kingdom @adam_b

Account created on 18 February 2007, over 17 years ago
  • Lead product manager at miggle 

Recent comments

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Thanks bwong, that's a big help

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Thanks for responding, bwong

If it's any help, the core "Book navigation" block does provide this:
<li class="menu-item menu-item--active-trail li-2" data-once="ul">

And just to give you an idea why it's needed, I've uploaded a partial screenshot of one book menu

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Ah, I see - I was using the Default image setting. I made a new style 1200 wide and now it's working. Thanks :)

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Thanks for the CSS artatac - I had exactly the same problem - though I'd hope this would be built into the code

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Glad to see this, but could I request an update to the text on the main module page reflecting this improvement? It still refers to only remote videos

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Also in /admin/help/at_theme_generator - "Please see the online documentation docs.adaptivethemes.com..."

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

pebkac issue?

How dare you, sir! ;)

any suggestions for the documentation?

Some thoughts:

  • Who is your audience? If you want sitebuilders to be able to use the module, then you will need more detail than if it's only intended for developers (who, in my experience, will want to write their own code anyway)
  • Give an example for the core modeller - "this happens to almost any user who starts with the core modeller: you have an event, but that event has no successor"
  • Supply better descriptions for the ECA plugins

But I do appreciate that this module has far more documentation than most - thanks for this.

And, not documentation, but if at all possible please address the issue in https://www.drupal.org/project/eca/issues/3381483 💬 Library download can't be imported Fixed - I can see many occasions when it would be useful to import and test a model on existing content.

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b


I got https://ecaguide.org/library/simple/route_test/ to work

And I had another go at https://ecaguide.org/library/simple/add_role_to_inserted_or_updated_user/ - took a bit of fiddling, but I managed to get that to work after a bit

I'm sure I'll have more problems later on, but now I have a starting point - many thanks for your help

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Thanks Jurgen

I still don't have access to Composer or D10, but I used simplytest.me to try it in a raw D9.5.8 site. I:
- enabled all the ECA modules
- imported https://ecaguide.org/library/simple/route_test/
- turned logging to Debug
- created an article
- viewed the article
- saw no message...

I can see in the log (attached) that things are happening, but there's a line which looks suspicious to me:

Not asserting condition Flow_0vgujvv for Add node from route to token from ECA Route test (eca_lib_0001) for event Drupal\eca_misc\Event\RequestEventFacade.

If this doesn't help, feel free to mark the ticket as "Needs more info" until I'm able to look at it further - which probably won't be for a couple of weeks

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Works fine for me with D9.5.10 and v3.1.25

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Thanks for the link @jurgenhaas - I've looked at and I can see how it works but I'm still having trouble getting it to do something. I think I'll have to wait until the dev loads it properly with Composer before I can test it.

Re 'The event "view entity" is not what most users think. The naming from drupal core is a bit misleading.' - is there any glossary which details what the events really mean? I see that there is more info in the BPM modeller, but I wondered if anyone has provided a general resource.

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Thanks very much for the quick response :)

I set the action as a successor, and I am indeed seeing a message now - but only when I save a node, rather than when I view it. Any thoughts?

Re Composer - this is just me as a site builder messing around - any live installations will be done by real devs who use Composer

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Thanks - I deleted content and it was imported successfully

Maybe you could add a general note to this effect in the library (assuming I haven't missed it)?
I am but a humble site builder, and I need things spelled out for me :)

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

I tried installing RAT but it's missing some files?
Logged at https://www.drupal.org/project/rat/issues/3381419

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

I think I'm getting the same issue, with a rule I imported from the documentation

I imported it and changed the role to "administrator". When I run it, a new user is created in the background, but with no role assigned, and the user gets a WSOD.

I've attached the error message and the exported rule.

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

I'm really disappointed by this - AT is the best low-code theme I've found so far, but if it doesn't handle Layout Builder, this may be a deal-breaker.

At the very least, would it be possible to supply a file indicating what CSS is needed for columns?

🇬🇧United Kingdom adam_b

Bizarre... it's definitely not there for me. I guess we'll see if anyone else finds this happening. At least I can work around it.

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