Account created on 14 February 2011, over 13 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇪🇸Spain facine

You are describing the problem indicated in the module itself.

However, since we might not use the product price and can override it, I don't think we can use the resolver. We should add support for the module, and if we override the product price, we should check the currency and perform the transformation as they do here:

🇪🇸Spain facine

@idebr, thanks for debugging and working on this issue.
I've added a comment on the PR itself; I think we should address the issue from there.

🇪🇸Spain facine

What CWO allows you to do is create an order of any bundle and in any state without needing to use checkout.

I'm not sure if it's sufficient to use it with the Commerce Whitelist module, but if you want to collaborate and sponsor support for Commerce Whitelist, we would be happy to do so.

🇪🇸Spain facine

Thank you very much for your review and fixes!
Is there any task I can assist you with?

🇪🇸Spain facine

Thank you very much for your feedback, @gapple. I have changed the following:

* Added a message stating that only trusted roles should be allowed to use this filter.
* Added support for inline styles through a filter setting.
* Created a context cache that allows us to create a new variation for each nonce value.

I'm attaching a new patch.
Thank you!

🇪🇸Spain facine

I think I've found the problem; it's in this update:, when support for Purchasable Entity was added, the IDs weren't converted to UUIDs. We would need to do the conversion just as we do here:

I hope to be able to work on it soon

🇪🇸Spain facine

Oh, I was wrong they are different functions, so I need to review it, because on my tests $base_field_value was always zero for all the entities.

🇪🇸Spain facine

@jonathanshaw, thanks for reporting. I've pushed a fix and created a new release.

🇪🇸Spain facine

@greggles, that is great! Thanks for your help.

🇪🇸Spain facine

Hi all, I came here looking for some information about nonce and GTM.

According to, nonce should be generated for each response.

The recommended method is to use a nonce, which should be an unguessable, random value that the server generates individually for each response.

What about cached pages?

🇪🇸Spain facine

@bircher, thanks! Your instructions worked for me.

🇪🇸Spain facine

@rondog469, I think this could be related whith: 🐛 Broken webform configuration after update. Fixed

Please could you try it with the latest dev version?


🇪🇸Spain facine

Fixed, thank you!

Please download and review the latest dev release.

🇪🇸Spain facine

I've update the latest patch fixing a small bug with the path lenght.

🇪🇸Spain facine

When the view has an alias, I get a 404, it seems that the route for the alias does not exist.

I'm not sure how to fix it, but for now, I've duplicated the path using the alias path.

🇪🇸Spain facine

For now my workaround was:

 * Implements hook_webform_submission_form_alter().
function mymodule_webform_submission_form_alter(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
  if (\Drupal::service('router.admin_context')->isAdminRoute()) {
    return FALSE;

  if (!empty($form['actions']['wizard_prev']['#submit'])) {

 * Submit callback for the previous page submit.
function mymodule_webform_submission_form_alter_wizard_prev_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $current_page = $form_state->get('current_page');

  /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionForm $form_object */
  $form_object = $form_state->getFormObject();
  /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission */
  $webform_submission = $form_object->getEntity();
  $webform = $webform_submission->getWebform();
  foreach ($webform->getElementsInitializedAndFlattened() as $key => $element) {
    if (!empty($element['#webform_parents']) && in_array($current_page, $element['#webform_parents'])) {
      // Clear value for elements of the current page.
      $form_state->setValue($key, '');
🇪🇸Spain facine

@jcandan, the branch is called 2.x:

But until we add the first tag, it will not be visible in the release listing.

Please, review the following screenshots:


🇪🇸Spain facine

Thank you very much, pushed to the dev branch.

🇪🇸Spain facine

Thank you very much, pushed to the dev branch.

🇪🇸Spain facine

Thank you very much, pushed to the dev branch.

🇪🇸Spain facine

Then let's mark it as Reviewed & tested by the community!

🇪🇸Spain facine

The error is that it does not find any variation with that ID.

Please, could you export the webform and share only the handler part? it usually goes at the end of the file.

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