Account created on 22 January 2007, almost 18 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Cool, and yes, makes sense. Merged, thanks!

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

No clue then. 5.0.x is not even supported anymore in the project settings on d.o, so not idea upgrade status thinks that this is an ok version, probably a bug in there than :)

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Hmm, can't install latest release on my local machine, or on server, let's see how to get around this

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Patch attached which should fix it, are you able to test it ?

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Hmm, that's weird, but I think I know why, let me double check later!

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Alright, committed, new release will be up in a couple of minutes.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Ah crap, my bad! Attached is a patch which should solve it, are you able to test it?

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Should be fine now with release 8.x-3.26

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Alright, merged in, new release in a couple of minutes.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Ok, the dev version contained that, that was the confusing part as the current release didn't.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

This works perfectly fine for 8.x-3.25. The 5.0.x branch is completely obsolete too btw.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Actually nevermind, it was moved to a class in D11

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Ok, tests are happy! It looks like this might be a good approach and we don't have to warn users to update the schema. We can create a change record though explaining the new feature instead, win-win!

I'm not missing something am I ? :)

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Ok tried the following:

  1. Used layout_plugin.settings.ds.[] in ds.entity_display.schema.yml
  2. Defined layout_plugin.settings.ds.* to use ds.layout_plugin.settings.default - all layouts should pick this up normally

config inspector seems happy, let's hope the tests are too :)

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

So it's not possible (yet) to dynamically add new schema definitions, see Allow adding dynamic configuration schema Needs work and ConfigSchemaAlterException. Bummer, otherwise the code underneath would solve a lot.

Can't think of any other approach at the moment which doesn't involve warning users that they need to define a schema for the custom layouts in a module or theme. Let me think and experiment a bit more. But even if we don't find another solution, committing this isn't probably that much of a problem as config will still be imported afaik and everything will still keep on working.

(merged 8.x-3.x with the fork, but no other changes yet)

 * Implements hook_config_schema_info_alter().
function ds_config_schema_info_alter(&$definitions) {
  // Bummer, this is not allowed!
  foreach (DS::getLayouts() as $layout_name => $layout) {
    if ($layout->getClass() == 'Drupal\ds\Plugin\DsLayout') {
      $definitions['layout_plugin.settings.' . $layout_name]['type'] = 'ds.layout_plugin.settings.default';
🇧🇪Belgium swentel

We had a similar issue in DS, see 🐛 Config schema issues with extended DS layouts Active to allow layouts having additional configuration. Any tips always welcome, although I don't think there is one :)

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Hmm, ok , so, updated version which should do the job then I guess? How do I see the difference here, not sure how to reproduce the behavior here.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Long overdue, but finally merged. will come up in a new release soon.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Ok, I've merged parts of the branch, especially the test (which only runs locally though). Afaics, tokens are working now. If anything still is weird, please open up a new issue.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Patch makes sense. I've decided though to document this in the README (for now), as I think it's an edge case (I don't really think many people use preprocess hooks here), and (more important), I don't want to introduce another BC layer (you never know this change has impact on existing sites, although I can't think of any at the moment, but you never know)

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

swentel changed the visibility of the branch 2761767- to active.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

swentel changed the visibility of the branch 2761767- to hidden.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Sorry for the delay, but patch looks fine, and with tests, always good!

However, I wonder, without testing myself though, whether we could change the existing logic: instead of calling replace with 'clear' => TRUE the first time, use FALSE there and then add the logic checking whether it's empty or having the same content. That way, the replace call only happens once. If, and only if, that works, we don't even need the 'hide_if_no_tokens_replaced' option at all.

Also, looking at the follow up comments in 🐛 Hide Token Field when the value data is empty Fixed - it looks like adding a trim($value) would be useful too to be really sure.


🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Sorry for the delay, patch idea is logical, never thought about that!

Will double test what happens with custom layouts on existing projects when the schema isn't defined. I wonder if hook_config_schema_info_alter could help here (never ever used that hook, but who knows !)

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

It needs to be added for the DS fields as well. Since it's only in D11, we can also just do this for detection:

(int) Drupal::VERSION >= 11

Will work on this one later this day

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

No effect or crashes when JS is disabled, so merged, thanks!

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Yes, this blocks my tests for IndieWeb module, so RTBC :)

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

swentel made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

merged, opened another issue for the localized test

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Fails locally as well, at least on D11 - will double check if I can fix it

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Would it also be better to get a fresh $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); after each drupalGet call?

Seems to be fine, so leaving as is. Tests are green (apart from the current todo in localized)

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

swentel changed the visibility of the branch project-update-bot-only to hidden.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

swentel made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

committed the patch to support D11

maybe add following to gitlab file so we test (at least) the previous major?


🇧🇪Belgium swentel

committed, but removed support for d8 and d9

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Ok, used sodium_compat polyfill, works fine!

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

hmm, looks like this is blocked on

(although sodium is bundled within PHP normally afaict from php7.2, so not sure why the package requires it in composer.json as the minimum php requirement is 7.4)

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

crap, testbot doesn't have sodium extension installed, checking ..

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

done, will push a new release in a couple of minutes.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

That's not possible yet, but it's an interesting feature request though!

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Ha, interesting! IIRC #submit is called when JS is not enabled, but maybe we can just simply ignore that and remove the submit handler completely. I'll try to reproduce with JS disabled first though and see if there's a crash.

Tests should be green again too, fixed that in another issue.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel


Patches that create DS fields to expore more data are always welcome of course.

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Hmm interesting, that's something new in D11.1 then I guess, since I know the tests passed in D11.0 - we can probably can get rid of that alter anyway, I'll double check during christmas holidays

🇧🇪Belgium swentel

Thanks! Not sure why the tests currently fail, but that's not related to this patch.

Production build 0.71.5 2024