🇧🇪Belgium @stefvanlooveren

Account created on 7 December 2010, about 14 years ago
  • Software developer at Vito NV 

Recent comments

🇧🇪Belgium stefvanlooveren

Hi Marcus,
This fixes it indeed. Did not see the issue :). This can be closed.

🇧🇪Belgium stefvanlooveren

#77 is giving me problems on a multilingual website with content moderation and paragraphs: when created the translation, paragraphs are not accessible anymore both on the default language as on the translation.

🇧🇪Belgium stefvanlooveren

We also experencied some deployments where not all aggregated files were deleted. I figure a lot of devOps systems might be having problems regarding this issue.

🇧🇪Belgium stefvanlooveren

Can't get this to work in Drupal 10.1. Am I missing something?
1) view > add contextual filter e.g. term reference
2) no options to manipulate/set the contextual filter in the block field

🇧🇪Belgium stefvanlooveren

I'd say it is better to keep the permission and not show button if no permission.
+ with permissions, you can limit access to certain controllers or settings (if needed). This way it is future-proof.

That being said, show button but show access denied message will enhance communication between clients and developers. Instead of finding out later, they quickly see what the problem is. Your decision to take :D

🇧🇪Belgium stefvanlooveren

Hi, strangely my composer did indeed install dev-2x instad of 3.0.0.

"drupal/back_to_top": "^2.0"

I'm going to investigate why. Thanks!

🇧🇪Belgium stefvanlooveren

Also had a patch for this before I found this.

🇧🇪Belgium stefvanlooveren

Also happens when the site name contains a comma. Quite a big bug this is. Emails not getting send this way, and causing troubles :-).

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