Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for commerce_reports

Created on 15 March 2024, 11 months ago


Hello project maintainers,

This is an automated issue to help make this module compatible with Drupal 11.

Changes will periodically be added to this issue that remove deprecated API uses. To stop further changes from being posted, change the status to anything other than Active, Needs review, Needs work or Reviewed and tested by the community. Alternatively, you can remove the "ProjectUpdateBotD11" tag from the issue to stop the bot from posting updates.

The changes will be posted by the Project Update Bot official user account. This account will not receive any issue credit contributions for itself or any company.

Proposed resolution

You have a few options for how to use this issue:

  1. Accept automated changes until this issue is closed

    If this issue is left open (status of Active, Needs review, Needs work or Reviewed and tested by the community) and the "ProjectUpdateBotD11" tag is left on this issue, new changes will be posted periodically if new deprecation fixes are needed.

    As the Drupal Rector project improves and is able to fix more deprecated API uses, the changes posted here will cover more of the deprecated API uses in the module.

    Patches and/or merge requests posted by others are ignored by the bot, and general human interactions in the issue do not stop the bot from posting updates, so feel free to use this issue to refine bot changes. The bot will still post new changes then if there is a change in the new generated patch compared to the changes that the bot posted last. Those changes are then up to humans to integrate.

  2. Leave open but stop new automated changes.

    If you want to use this issue as a starting point to remove deprecated API uses but then don't want new automated changes, remove the "ProjectUpdateBotD11" tag from the issue and use it like any other issue (the status does not matter then). If you want to receive automated changes again, add back the "ProjectUpdateBotD11" tag.

  3. Close it and don't use it

    If the maintainers of this project don't find this issue useful, they can close this issue (any status besides Active, Needs review, Needs work and Reviewed and tested by the community) and no more automated changes will be posted here.

    If the issue is reopened, then new automated changes will be posted.

    If you are using another issue(s) to work on Drupal 11 compatibility it would be very useful to other contributors to add those issues as "Related issues" when closing this issue.

Remaining tasks

Using the patches

  1. Apply the latest patch in the comments by Project Update Bot or human contributors that made it better.
  2. Thoroughly test the patch. These patches are automatically generated so they haven't been tested manually or automatically.
  3. Provide feedback about how the testing went. If you can improve the patch, post an updated patch here.

Using the merge request

  1. Review the merge request and test it.
  2. Thoroughly test the changes. These changes are automatically generated so they haven't been tested manually or automatically.
  3. Provide feedback about how the testing went. If you can improve the merge request, create a new branch and merge request and work from there.

Warning: The 'project-update-bot-only' branch will always be overwritten. Do not work in that branch!

Providing feedback

If there are problems with one of the changes posted by the Project Update Bot , such as it does not correctly replace a deprecation, you can file an issue in the Drupal Rector issue queue . For other issues with the bot, for instance if the issue summary created by the bot is unclear, use the Project analysis issue queue .

📌 Task

Needs work





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Merge Requests

Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @project update bot
  • Open in Jenkins → Open on →
    Core: 9.5.x + Environment: PHP 8.0 & MySQL 5.7
    last update 11 months ago
    19 pass, 1 fail
  • This is an automated patch generated using Upgrade Status and Drupal Rector. Please see the issue summary for more details. A merge request is also openend and updated.

    It is important that any automated tests available are run and that you manually test the changes.

    Drupal 11 Compatibility

    According to the Upgrade Status module , even with these changes, this module is not yet compatible with Drupal 11.

    Currently Drupal Rector, version 0.20.1, cannot fix all Drupal 11 compatibility problems.

    Therefore these changes did not update the info.yml file for Drupal 11 compatibility.

    Leaving this issue open, even after committing the current patch, will allow the Project Update Bot to post additional Drupal 11 compatibility fixes as they become available in Drupal Rector.

    Debug info

    Bot run #11-120024

    This patch was created using these packages:

    1. drupal/upgrade_status: 4.1.0
    2. mglaman/phpstan-drupal: 1.2.7
    3. palantirnet/drupal-rector: 0.20.1
  • Open in Jenkins → Open on →
    Core: 9.5.x + Environment: PHP 8.0 & MySQL 5.7
    last update 11 months ago
    19 pass, 1 fail
  • This comment was forced and has ignored the check if a change was already posted. This is only done when we want to update the issue without waiting for changes to happen.

    This is an automated patch generated using Upgrade Status and Drupal Rector. Please see the issue summary for more details. A merge request (MR) is also openend and updated.

    It is important that any automated tests available are run and that you manually test the changes.

    Drupal 11 Compatibility

    According to the Upgrade Status module , even with these changes, this module is not yet compatible with Drupal 11.

    Currently Drupal Rector, version 0.20.1, cannot fix all Drupal 11 compatibility problems.

    Therefore, these changes did not update the info.yml file for Drupal 11 compatibility.

    The compatibility issues that Upgrade Status found after the Drupal Rector fixes were applied are attached to help you resolve them manually.

    Leaving this issue open, even after committing the current patch or merging the MR, will allow the Project Update Bot to post additional Drupal 11 compatibility fixes as they become available in Drupal Rector.

    Debug information

    Bot run #11-137198

    These packages were used to generate the fixes:

    1. drupal/upgrade_status: 4.1.0
    2. mglaman/phpstan-drupal: 1.2.10
    3. palantirnet/drupal-rector: 0.20.1
  • Status changed to Needs review 11 months ago
  • Open in Jenkins → Open on →
    Core: 9.5.x + Environment: PHP 8.0 & MySQL 5.7
    last update 11 months ago
    19 pass, 1 fail
  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    11 months ago
    Total: 185s
  • First commit to issue fork.
  • Merge request !18Adds D11 compatibility → (Closed) created by nicolasgraph
  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    5 months ago
    Total: 185s
  • 🇫🇷France nicolasgraph Strasbourg

    The test failure seems not related to the current issue ; updating the status to needs review for branch 3428485-manual-drupal-11.

  • 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica

    Drupal 11 is out so this is important, also for Commerce 3.x compatibility. I think we should also add a 3.x branch here for clarification.

  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    grevil changed the visibility of the branch project-update-bot-only to hidden.

  • Status changed to Needs review 3 months ago
  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    grevil changed the visibility of the branch 3428485-manual-drupal-11 to hidden.

  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    There were a couple of issues with the original branch, I created a new one, with the D11 changes.

  • 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica

    Nice @maintainers could you maybe create a 3.x branch to comply with commerce 3.x? Thanks!

  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    3 months ago
    Total: 267s
  • 🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

    All other issues are blocked by this one as tests are currently failing against D11. I left a comment on the MR (requested feedback).

  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    Adjusted accordingly @zaporylie, let's see if the tests succeed.

  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    3 months ago
    Total: 174s
  • Merge request !21TEST WILL FAIL → (Open) created by Grevil
  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    3 months ago
    Total: 214s
  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    grevil changed the visibility of the branch 3428485-TESTS-WILL-FAIL to hidden.

  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    I am fairly sure the test failures are unrelated, but I can't prove it. So back to NW because of the test failures.

  • 🇫🇷France nicolasgraph Strasbourg

    @grevil, not sure which of your MR is the one you're woking on but I think you should keep the change I made to ReportsListBuilder.php in the MR#18. See #3342975 📌 Deprecate Url::toRenderArray() and Url::renderAccess() Fixed + #3406432 📌 Remove calls of deprecated toRenderArray() method Fixed .

  • 🇨🇭Switzerland znerol

    I'm looking at the test failures, first concentrating on kernel test. The failures in OrderReportGeneratorTest are mildly concerning. Given the following stack trace:

    Error: Call to a member function getPattern() on null

    The failure is due to a failure while rendering the commerce-order-receipt.html.twig template. The offending line is where the order date is rendered:

                  <div style="margin-top: 5px;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">{{ 'Order date:'|t }}</span> {{ order_entity.getPlacedTime|format_date('short') }}</div>

    In short, the test setup is missing the core.date_format.short config entity. I am able to fix the error locally by inserting $this->installConfig(['system']); into the setUp() method. On the other hand, it would probably be better to disable order receipts in the first place while testing. Going to try that next.

  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    2 months ago
    Total: 190s
  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    2 months ago
    Total: 237s
  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    2 months ago
    Total: 188s
  • 🇨🇭Switzerland znerol

    The remaining test fail is a bit tricky:

    Failed asserting that two arrays are equal.
    --- Expected
    +++ Actual
    @@ @@
         'given_name' => 'Frederick'
         'additional_name' => null
         'family_name' => 'Pabst'
    +    'address_line3' => null

    I guess this is due to address issue Add address line 3 Fixed . I think the actual and expected values should just run through array_filter() before comparing them. It looks like commerce hides address_line3 by default, but order reports doesn't. Which is fine IMHO.

  • Pipeline finished with Success
    2 months ago
    Total: 187s
  • 🇨🇭Switzerland znerol

    Addressed #24 in a slightly different way. Let's just follow a core example (e.g. ContactFormListBuilder).

  • Pipeline finished with Success
    2 months ago
    Total: 235s
  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    Wow, great work @znerol! Code LGTM! I'll test it locally and come back here.

  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    Alright, I just tested it and I run into the following issue: 🐛 "InvalidArgumentException: Field amount is unknown." when accessing "/admin/commerce/reports/orders" Active . Although this is completely unrelated to this issue, as it also happens pre patch, and is related to the "amount" entity field, and NOT the changes done for "$row['title']['data']".

    When commenting out the "amount" related code inside "ReportsListBuilder" (which were untouched in this MR), everything works as expected! Meaning, the changes by @znerol targeting "$row['title']['data']" inside the "ReportsListBuilder" are working as expected!

    So RTBC!

  • 🇮🇱Israel jsacksick

    I'm curious? What is the change that forces to ditch compatibility < D10.3?
    I think ReportDateField can be updated to not override the contructors by simply overridding the create method and calling the parent create() method. This way we don't have to keep track of the parent constructor parameters.

    Can we change this so I can merge the MR?

  • 🇨🇭Switzerland znerol
  • 🇨🇭Switzerland znerol

    I think ReportDateField can be updated to not override the contructors by simply overridding the create method and calling the parent create() method. This way we don't have to keep track of the parent constructor parameters.

    This would be a BC break for any contrib / custom code which inherits from ReportDateField. Is that acceptable?

    Also dug up the CR for the views EntityField change. This change was introduced in Drupal 10.3.

  • 🇨🇭Switzerland znerol

    There is no stable release yet. So let's forget about BC.

  • Pipeline finished with Success
    19 days ago
    Total: 241s
  • Pipeline finished with Success
    19 days ago
    Total: 201s
  • Pipeline finished with Success
    19 days ago
    Total: 211s
  • 🇨🇭Switzerland znerol

    Added an hook_update_N in order to actually update the entity type definition.

  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

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