The MR should be ready to go.
I'm working on the MR.
nicolasgraph → created an issue.
nicolasgraph → created an issue.
nicolasgraph → created an issue.
In my case it was also a line break before <?php
in a custom module which broke Ajax in many places.
Thanks @hydra, I can live with a custom hook for now, but i'll give gin_everywhere a try.
nicolasgraph → created an issue.
nicolasgraph → created an issue.
nicolasgraph → created an issue.
nicolasgraph → created an issue.
@saschaeggi, I'm just saying that if, as @Pasqualle said "By default Gin theme should only care about core functionality.", which is a completely admissible argument, I guess the commerce icon should not be embed by default. Is it used when Commerce is not installed ? The fact that this icon is there by default could be interpreted as a Commerce support, and thus, justify issues like this one.
I had the same issue with nested paragraphs which used the paragraphs stable widget.
One of the solution is to also use the layout paragraphs widget for these nested paragraphs ; it offers a quite nice ux and allows to edit behaviors settings.
By default Gin theme should only care about core functionality. Everything else should be easily configurable or extendable.
So I guess this should be removed :
NicolasGraph → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Fixing call to getPlugin() on string
Here's a patch.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
Sorry, I was wrong... I mean, the following line set the time to midnight anyway : $prior_period->setTime(0, 0, 0);
This should do the trick.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
As there is no native way to check for the existence of an item into a queue and as the payment entity has no data field to flag it as enqueued, let reuse the guest_suite module solution by waiting the queue to be empty before to add new items in it. I don't want to introduce a dependency to queue_unique for now.
Commited. Thank you both!
Thanks @solene_ggd!
Thanks @solene_ggd; I like this approach.
Here is the patch.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
Thanks @sarwan_verma,
Please use the PR I completed to test and review.
Here is the patch.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
Here is a better approach, updating just the modified field params.
Here is the patch to review.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
NicolasGraph → changed the visibility of the branch 1.x to hidden.
NicolasGraph → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
Patch #86 causes malformed UTF-8 characters for emojis.
NicolasGraph → changed the visibility of the branch 1.x to hidden.
NicolasGraph → changed the visibility of the branch 1.x to hidden.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
Added screenshots to show changes.
Adding #3419434 📌 Enable Gin edit form for Commerce orders Needs review to the subissues.
The only thing that is kind of weird is the blank sidebar on product variations, but I guess we can't do much here about that. Maybe an issue could be created in commerce to add some more informations there.
Here it is.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
Here is a try to get some more enhancements to the order layout.
Thanks for your reply and your work @jsacksick.
Here are some screenshots without the patch using, and with the patch using Claro and Gin.
Using the current theme is actually not a good idea as Gin use the claro classes.
And here is the interdiff.
Here it is.
It is missing some more markup and the current theme name is not passed to commerce-order--admin.html.twig.
Here is the patch.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
Here is the patch.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
@amourow, I can't find batch processes running twice on 1.0.x-dev.
Can you give it a try?
Hi @amourow, I think the queue worker and the typo fix in the .install should not be in the current merge request as it is not related to the issue. There was an interesting talk from @xjm on code review and good contributing practices in DrupalCon Lille; slides are available here :
I also suggest you take a look at the
tmgmt_deepl →
module and the way the queue worker is handled as for now you do not create queue items at all as far as I can see. And the module also use the batch API.
I guess we could even close it as a duplicate of 🐛 Computed fields should not be embeddable fields or source suggestions Needs review if nobody have objection.
Moves to "Needs work" as it would require a test.
I think the metatag_computed field should not even be translatable as it is set as computed.
Here is a patch setting computed field as not translatable in ContentEntitySource::extractTranslatableData()
I'm completing the patch using the new delta in setTranslations()
However, @berdir is right about wondering about active jobs with the old structure. It is not supported here.
I'm completing the previous patch to fix the following error on job items pages:
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 94 bytes in Drupal\tmgmt_content\MetatagsFieldProcessor->extractTranslatableData() (line 22 of modules/contrib/tmgmt/sources/content/src/MetatagsFieldProcessor.php).
I guess the settings form would need a rework at some point. The MR just extend the current behaviour/code.
MR created.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
MR created.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
NicolasGraph → created an issue.
I had an "INVALID FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS" error in the Twig debug comments because of the missing hook prefix in suggestions.
I came up with a quite similar fix but setting the prefix the following way :
$template_id = $variables['content']['#layout']->getThemeHook()
NicolasGraph → created an issue.