500 error on base theme being enabled

Created on 29 November 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 5 July 2024, 8 months ago


After installing the required modules, I enabled the base theme and was given a 500 error, with two PHP errors in the Watchdog log.

Field paragraph.civictheme_map.field_c_p_address exists but is missing a corresponding field definition and may be misconfigured.
A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: paragraph, bundle: civictheme_map, field name: field_c_p_address

Steps to reproduce

- Install Drupal 10
- Install Components beta 3
- Install the CivicTheme
- Enable the required modules
- Enable the theme via the Appearance admin UI screen

@moziauddin, @Laurent-21
The errors you described are not related to this ticket. Please see a core issue and a patch https://www.drupal.org/node/3204271

🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇦🇺Australia Toby Wild

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @Toby Wild
  • 🇦🇺Australia Toby Wild

    Also now getting this error:

    Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException: The "civictheme_one_column" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\Core\Layout\LayoutPluginManager are: layout_twocol_section, layout_threecol_section, layout_fourcol_section, layout_onecol, layout_twocol, layout_twocol_bricks, layout_threecol_25_50_25, layout_threecol_33_34_33, layout_builder_blank in Drupal\Core\Plugin\DefaultPluginManager->doGetDefinition() (line 53 of /Users/tobywild/Sites/second/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Discovery/DiscoveryTrait.php).

  • Hello team,
    I can also replicate this issue, I am using
    - PHP v8.1.26
    - composer v2.6.6
    - Drupal v10.2
    - Civic theme v1.6.2
    - Components v3-beta

    Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException: The "civictheme_one_column" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\Core\Layout\LayoutPluginManager are: layout_twocol_section, layout_threecol_section, layout_fourcol_section, layout_onecol, layout_twocol, layout_twocol_bricks, layout_threecol_25_50_25, layout_threecol_33_34_33, layout_builder_blank in Drupal\Core\Plugin\DefaultPluginManager->doGetDefinition() (line 53 of /home/*/public_html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Discovery/DiscoveryTrait.php).

    Twig\Error\LoaderError: Template "@organisms/list/list.twig" is not defined in "themes/contrib/civictheme/templates/views/views-view.html.twig" at line 7. in Twig\Loader\ChainLoader->getCacheKey() (line 99 of /home/*/public_html/vendor/twig/twig/src/Loader/ChainLoader.php).

  • Hello, same error for me :

    PHP v8.1.26
    composer v2.6.6
    Drupal v10.2.2
    Civic theme v1.6.2
    Components v3-beta

    The website encountered an unexpected error. Try again later.

    Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException: The "civictheme_one_column" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\Core\Layout\LayoutPluginManager are: layout_twocol_section, layout_threecol_section, layout_fourcol_section, layout_onecol, layout_twocol, layout_twocol_bricks, layout_threecol_25_50_25, layout_threecol_33_34_33, layout_builder_blank in Drupal\Core\Plugin\DefaultPluginManager->doGetDefinition() (line 53 of core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Discovery/DiscoveryTrait.php).
    Drupal\Core\Plugin\DefaultPluginManager->getDefinition('civictheme_one_column') (Line: 169)
    Drupal\layout_builder\Section->getDefaultRegion() (Line: 239)
    Drupal\layout_builder\Entity\LayoutBuilderEntityViewDisplay->getDefaultRegion() (Line: 168)
    Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDisplayBase->init() (Line: 153)
    Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDisplayBase->__construct(Array, 'entity_view_display') (Line: 181)
    Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityViewDisplay->__construct(Array, 'entity_view_display') (Line: 48)
    Drupal\layout_builder\Entity\LayoutBuilderEntityViewDisplay->__construct(Array, 'entity_view_display') (Line: 418)
    Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageBase->mapFromStorageRecords(Array) (Line: 41)
    Drupal\layout_builder\Entity\LayoutBuilderEntityViewDisplayStorage->mapFromStorageRecords(Array) (Line: 424)
    Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorage->_doCreateFromStorageRecord(Array) (Line: 399)
    Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorage->createFromStorageRecord(Array) (Line: 386)
    Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigInstaller->createConfiguration('', Array) (Line: 149)
    Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigInstaller->installDefaultConfig('theme', 'civictheme') (Line: 75)
    Drupal\Core\ProxyClass\Config\ConfigInstaller->installDefaultConfig('theme', 'civictheme') (Line: 244)
    Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeInstaller->install(Array) (Line: 141)
    call_user_func_array(Array, Array) (Line: 123)
    Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber->Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\{closure}() (Line: 627)
    Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->executeInRenderContext(Object, Object) (Line: 124)
    Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber->wrapControllerExecutionInRenderContext(Array, Array) (Line: 97)
    Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber->Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\{closure}() (Line: 181)
    Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw(Object, 1) (Line: 76)
    Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle(Object, 1, 1) (Line: 58)
    Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\Session->handle(Object, 1, 1) (Line: 48)
    Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\KernelPreHandle->handle(Object, 1, 1) (Line: 28)
    Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\ContentLength->handle(Object, 1, 1) (Line: 32)
    Drupal\big_pipe\StackMiddleware\ContentLength->handle(Object, 1, 1) (Line: 106)
    Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache->pass(Object, 1, 1) (Line: 85)
    Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache->handle(Object, 1, 1) (Line: 48)
    Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\ReverseProxyMiddleware->handle(Object, 1, 1) (Line: 51)
    Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\NegotiationMiddleware->handle(Object, 1, 1) (Line: 36)
    Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\AjaxPageState->handle(Object, 1, 1) (Line: 51)
    Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\StackedHttpKernel->handle(Object, 1, 1) (Line: 704)
    Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle(Object) (Line: 19)

  • 🇦🇺Australia alex.skrypnyk Melbourne

    The "civictheme_one_column" is a core issue and it was discussed here https://www.drupal.org/project/civictheme/issues/3401376 🐛 Twig template is not defined Closed: won't fix

  • Assigned to joshua1234511
  • 🇦🇺Australia alex.skrypnyk Melbourne

    could you please check if the issue still appears by following the steps provided in the issue summary.

    Please try to use the latest 1.6.x version.

  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    Using the dev version fixed the error for me.

  • 🇮🇳India joshua1234511 Goa


    Tried to replicated the issue using latest 1.6.x version


    Test 1
    Issue is replicable if
    - Install Drupal 10
    - Install Components beta 3
    - Install the CivicTheme
    - Enable the required modules
    - Enable the theme via the Appearance admin UI screen
    Clear cache is not done after the Theme download/ or added via composer. ( https://www.drupal.org/project/civictheme/issues/3401376 🐛 Twig template is not defined Closed: won't fix )

    Test 2
    Issue Non Replicable
    - Install Drupal 10
    - Install Components beta 3
    - Install the CivicTheme
    - Clear Cache
    - Enable the required modules
    - Enable the theme via the Appearance admin UI screen

  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed about 1 year ago
  • 🇦🇺Australia alex.skrypnyk Melbourne

    Our documentation describes the steps that should be taken to instal CivicTheme - https://docs.civictheme.io/development/drupal-theme/using-in-govcms-saas...

    The order is as follows:

    - Install Drupal 10
    - Enable the required modules using a drush command ahoy drush ev "require_once dirname(\Drupal::getContainer()->get('theme_handler')->rebuildThemeData()['civictheme']->getPathname()) . '/theme-settings.provision.inc'; civictheme_enable_modules();" (because Drupal core does not allow themes to automatically enable dependant modules - see https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3100374 Make it possible to install dependent modules when installing theme Needs work )
    - Enable CivicTheme
    - Set CivicTheme as default

    The issue described is not related to CivicTheme. To avoid this to happen in the future - please contribute to this issue https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3100374 Make it possible to install dependent modules when installing theme Needs work

  • 🇦🇺Australia ivrh


    Followed the steps to intall and enable the CivicTheme, using version 1.7.1 on a blank GovCMS site (Drupal 10).

    Same error as described in the original post.

    I see you referring to Drupal core issue, but I suspect the steps on the documentation page, specifically this step:
    ahoy drush ev "require_once dirname(\Drupal::getContainer()->get('theme_handler')->rebuildThemeData()['civictheme']->getPathname()) . '/theme-settings.provision.inc'; civictheme_enable_modules();"

    Should resolve the issue, except that it doesn't.

    I tried to run it inside container, with no success:

    ahoy cli
    drush ev "require_once dirname(\Drupal::getContainer()->get('theme_handler')->rebuildThemeData()['civictheme']->getPathname()) . '/theme-settings.provision.inc'; civictheme_enable_modules();"


  • Issue was unassigned.
  • Status changed to Active 9 months ago
  • 🇦🇺Australia ivrh

    Updated issues status to Active.

  • 🇦🇺Australia ivrh

    The outcome of the error is missing form fields:

    And all fields are listed under Disabled tab on the content type Form fields configuration page

  • 🇦🇺Australia ivrh

    The solution is to clear the cache before executing the step 2.3 to enable CivicTheme (it is not included in the steps in the documentation page https://docs.civictheme.io/development/drupal-theme/using-in-govcms-saas...)

  • 🇦🇺Australia alex.skrypnyk Melbourne
  • Assigned to alex.skrypnyk
  • Status changed to Fixed 9 months ago
  • 🇦🇺Australia alex.skrypnyk Melbourne

    Thanks, everyone, for investigation and contributing to the resolution.

    Looks like the resolution is to document steps.

    I have updated the project page on D.O. , the generic and GovSMS SaaS-specific installation instructions on the documentation site.

  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

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