gargsuchi → credited ivrh → .
gargsuchi → credited ivrh → .
gargsuchi → credited ivrh → .
gargsuchi → credited ivrh → .
Same issue for me, using vanilla CivicTheme 1.7.1
I created an automated list but omitted metadata configuration — asking it to show all page content.
The error is:
Error: Call to a member function id() on null in civictheme_preprocess_paragraph__civictheme_automated_list() (line 69 of /app/web/themes/custom/civictheme/includes/
The problem is within the "_civictheme_automated_list__get_view()" function, it returns NULL on many occasions and the code within the "" (line 69) unconditionally calls $view->id() (but the $view is NULL).
I provided a workaround, please validate:
It may be a better approach to trow an exception within the "_civictheme_automated_list__get_view()" function and use try/catch within the file.
The solution is to clear the cache before executing the step 2.3 to enable CivicTheme (it is not included in the steps in the documentation page
The outcome of the error is missing form fields:
And all fields are listed under Disabled tab on the content type Form fields configuration page
Updated issues status to Active.
Followed the steps to intall and enable the CivicTheme, using version 1.7.1 on a blank GovCMS site (Drupal 10).
Same error as described in the original post.
I see you referring to Drupal core issue, but I suspect the steps on the documentation page, specifically this step:
ahoy drush ev "require_once dirname(\Drupal::getContainer()->get('theme_handler')->rebuildThemeData()['civictheme']->getPathname()) . '/'; civictheme_enable_modules();"
Should resolve the issue, except that it doesn't.
I tried to run it inside container, with no success:
ahoy cli
drush ev "require_once dirname(\Drupal::getContainer()->get('theme_handler')->rebuildThemeData()['civictheme']->getPathname()) . '/'; civictheme_enable_modules();"
The patch is not working. It appears that the CSS fix is targeting specific widget type - textarea.
@fionamorrison23 can we apply a block-level workaround and restrict the primary navigation block to only show 1 level navigation?
Kristen Pol → credited ivrh → .
@manish_suman19 have you been able to find solution to this problem? If so, can you share it?
Hi @phuang07
Have you filed a Pull Request with algolia/algoliasearch-client-php? I'm questioning whether changing vendors just for this single feature is justified.
ivrh → created an issue.
Uploading a full patch, which provides Drupal 10 compatibility against 1.0.x-dev branch.
Please test
This patch provides only partial resolution, as stated in the issue summary.
I have developed a full patch, which passes the Upgrade Status check. This patch needs broader testing by the community.
Kristen Pol → credited ivrh → .
Kristen Pol → credited ivrh → .