- Issue created by @Chris64
- 🇫🇷France Chris64 France
Here it is,
/** * Implements hook_page_attachments_alter(). */ function ligamen_page_attachments_alter(array &$attachments) { $attachments['#attached']['library'][] = 'ligamen/ligamen-color-theme'; $routeMatch = \Drupal::service('current_route_match'); $route_name = $routeMatch->getRouteName(); if ('entity.node.canonical' === $route_name) { $node = $routeMatch->getParameter('node'); if ('arbre' === $node->bundle()) { $to_remove = [ 'system/base', 'classy/base', 'core/normalize', 'bartik/global-styling', 'olivero/global-styling', 'adminimal_admin_toolbar/adminimal-admin-toolbar', 'quickedit/quickedit', 'contextual/drupal.contextual-links' ]; foreach($to_remove as $library) { $index = array_search($library, $attachments['#attached']['library']); if (FALSE !== $index) { unset($attachments['#attached']['library'][$index]); } } } } }
The remaining libraries after that,
( [3] => core/drupal.active-link [4] => ligamen/ligamen-color-theme )
It works on D9, and D10.0. Here the critical library is
. - 🇫🇷France Chris64 France
@cilefen, we sought more elements about the problem and we get one. But strange. No trivial links to css files seen. Many experiments to identify the culprit in the
library dependencies failed. But found a very simple change who made our problem disappear: rename the library incore.libraries.yml
(two occurrences). - 🇫🇷France Chris64 France
New elements. The problem comes from
, throughlibraries-extend
. The above rename cause the avoidance of this extension. - 🇫🇷France Chris64 France
From above in
the dependencies chain is,drupal.message: ... dependencies: - olivero/messages
messages: ... dependencies: - olivero/global-styling
and the unwanted library
is got. - 🇫🇷France Chris64 France
Comparing Drupal 9.5 and 10.1 about Olivero messages libraries, a major change concerns
, inolivero.libraries.yml
,dependencies: - core/drupal.array.includes
dependencies: - olivero/global-styling
For both
is underolivero/global-styling
. - 🇮🇳India shobhit_juyal New Delhi
Hi @Chris64,
Further should we exclude drupal.message library as well ?
- 🇫🇷France Chris64 France
Hi @shobhit_juyal. The drupal.message library should not be exclude. But for my purpose the current approach in Drupal 10.1 causes some problems.
is requested, but througholivero/global-styling
a lot of other and unnecessary files are gotten. - Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 3:55am 5 July 2023 - last update
over 1 year ago 29,443 pass - 🇮🇳India gauravvvv Delhi, India
global-styling is what includes js/navigation-utils.js, which initializes Drupal.olivero. Any code using Drupal.olivero like messages.js using Drupal.olivero.closeMessage needs to have that run first. For that I have added
as a dependency on part of global styling. - Status changed to Needs work
over 1 year ago 12:11pm 5 July 2023 - 🇺🇸United States smustgrave
If #14 is the fix the title and issue summary need to be updated. As the patch does not make sense based on the title.
Also will need a test case showing the problem.
- 🇮🇳India gauravvvv Delhi, India
Root cause of this issue is already there in the issue summary. you can see it here → .
A dependency chain was there which causes the issue.
library has dependency of global-styling anddrupal.message
has the dependency ofmessages
library. That's why we're unable to remove attachments throughhook_page_attachments_alter
.I have removed the global library dependency and added the required files to
libarary.Status is NW, as need to add tests
- last update
over 1 year ago Build Successful - 🇫🇷France Chris64 France
Apply 3357728-14.patch → : OK: our problem disappears. Since the two last .css are as expected,
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/modules/contrib/admin_toolbar/css/admin.toolbar.css?rxe502" /> <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/core/themes/olivero/css/components/progress.css?rxe502" />
Apply 3357728-16.patch → : PB: an error appends,
Error : Undefined constant "CSS_COMPONENTS" dans constant() (ligne 184 de */web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Asset/LibraryDiscoveryParser.php).
May be an other problem? Drupal 10.1.1.The corresponding line 184 is
$options['weight'] += constant($category_weight);
inforeach (['js', 'css'] as $type) { // Prepare (flatten) the SMACSS-categorized definitions. // @todo After Asset(ic) changes, retain the definitions as-is and // properly resolve dependencies for all (css) libraries per category, // and only once prior to rendering out an HTML page. if ($type == 'css' && !empty($library[$type])) { assert(static::validateCssLibrary($library[$type]) < 2, 'CSS files should be specified as key/value pairs, where the values are configuration options. See ht> assert(static::validateCssLibrary($library[$type]) === 0, 'CSS must be nested under a category. See https://www.drupal.org/node/2274843.'); foreach ($library[$type] as $category => $files) { $category_weight = 'CSS_' . strtoupper($category); assert(defined($category_weight), 'Invalid CSS category: ' . $category . '. See https://www.drupal.org/node/2274843.'); foreach ($files as $source => $options) { if (!isset($options['weight'])) { $options['weight'] = 0; } // Apply the corresponding weight defined by CSS_* constants. $options['weight'] += constant($category_weight); $library[$type][$source] = $options; } unset($library[$type][$category]); }
- 🇫🇷France Chris64 France
For the error see https://www.drupal.org/project/void/issues/3060386 → .
- 🇫🇷France Chris64 France
The change
solves this problem #17 🐛 Break dependencies chain in olivero.libraries.yml Needs work . - 🇪🇸Spain psf_ Huelva
I do the change by Chris64 in #19.
I'm sorry, I don't know how do the interdiff.