When the Image tab gains focus, there is insufficient change in contrast to indicate that focus has been achieved. This is a violation of WCAG 2.1 1.4.1 A Use of color
Steps to reproduce
1. Install Drupal 9.3.12
2. Login as admin
3. Go to /admin/config/content/formats/manage/full_html?destination=/admin/config/content/formats
4. Select CKEditor as the text editor
5. Use the tab key to move the focus to the Image tab.
Expected results:
On focus, the word Image either gains an underline (preferred) or else the difference between focus and unfocused is at least 3:1 in contrast.
Actual result:
On focus, the word Image changes from #004F80 to #2073BF, a contrast change of 1.75:1.
3277559 focused.png shows the tab label Image having focus
3277559 unfocused.png shows the tab label Image not having focus
While it is true that the user can't accomplish anything by activating the focused location, it still needs to be clear for orientation where the focus is.
Proposed resolution
Increase the contrast between focused and unfocused to 3:1. However, there also needs to be 3:1 contrast between unfocused and surrounding text that is not a (potential) link.
If it is not possible to achieve both contrasts - which is often a result in multi-color situations - then the correct solution might be to underline on focus, even though clicking the link would not achieve anything in this particular case.
Remaining tasks
User interface changes
API changes
Data model changes
Release notes snippet