Initial argument passed to Drupal behaviors is incorrect

Created on 18 July 2020, over 4 years ago
Updated 3 April 2023, almost 2 years ago

Behaviors are initialized with this function Drupal.attachBehaviors = function(context, settings) {}. And we call it on load with those parameters:

Drupal.attachBehaviors(document, drupalSettings);

The idea is to have a DOM element as the context parameter so that attach scripts can use DOM methods on this context directly. Including doing


The issue here is that document is not an actual DOM element, it's a Document and does not have all the methods and properties of an Element.

This is an issue with the new once script that expects an Element (so it can use setAttribute or getAttribute). The change here would pass the <html> element as the context for all behaviors. and make it possible to do

once([context], 'myonce');
🐛 Bug report

Needs review




Last updated about 21 hours ago

Created by

🇫🇷France nod_ Lille

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