- 🇧🇬Bulgaria pfrenssen Sofia
Here is an issue for Drush that is related to this: https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/issues/4610
A drush plugin has been linked that attempts to work around the bug: https://github.com/zaporylie/drush-current-language
I'm having the same problem as OP in Drupal 10.1
Site default in 'english', with translations to 'dutch'. All views are langcode 'en'. And I'm migrating from Drupal 9.5.10 to 10.1. When I run "drush cim" and "drush cex" right after each other everything is ok. When I put a "drush updb" in between, all texts are changed to the dutch translation: all views that are "touched" by the drush updb exhibit the behaviour.
The resulting views are still in langcode 'en', but all english text is changed to its dutch translation. The dutch translation then also disappears from the translations under "translations/nl".
When I do a single export of a view using the GUI I also the changes, so I don't think it's all in drush. #22 doesn't fix it for me.
- 🇫🇮Finland Alexander Tallqvist
Still experiencing this. Updated from Drupal 10.2.7 to 10.3.2. Had to manually go trough various node, taxonomy and views configuration in order to get the language back to the original English.