Add a button to remove an embedded media item from the editor

Created on 14 August 2019, over 5 years ago
Updated 12 January 2024, about 1 year ago


In reviewing #2994702: Allow editors to alter embed-specific metadata, as well as `data-align` and `data-caption` , the UX team had this feedback about the "remove" button that appears for each embedded media item: [is] entirely too easy to accidentally stray-click the "X" icon and remove an embed. They asked for a confirmation dialog to be displayed first. Since the existing image embed button does not display an "X" (you just have to click the embedded image and press Delete on your keyboard), we agreed to remove the "X" button from this patch and add it back, with a confirmation alert box, in a follow-up.

That's this follow-up.

Proposed resolution

Restore and update the relevant code from #2994702-43: Allow editors to alter embed-specific metadata, as well as `data-align` and `data-caption` into a new patch in this issue, and add a confirmation dialog when the "remove" button is clicked. (Also, figure out if the presence of the confirmation should be configurable.)

Remaining tasks

Restore the old code, then determine what the text of the confirmation box should be, whether it should be configurable, etc. Then add tests, get UX and accessibility sign-off, and commit.

User interface changes

Media items embedded in a CKEditor instance will receive a new button which allows them to be removed from the content.

API changes

None expected.

Data model changes


Release notes snippet


Feature request

Needs work


11.0 🔥


Last updated about 7 hours ago

Created by

🇺🇸United States phenaproxima Massachusetts

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