uasort() does NOT preserve sort order, but core assumes so (Element::children, css sort, ...)

Created on 6 April 2015, almost 10 years ago
Updated 1 April 2023, almost 2 years ago

Meta split from #2448765: Element::children sort order undefined and slower than it could be - This makes tests fail in PHP7 .


- Core uses uasort in quite a few places, but uasort does not preserve the sort order

Hence while:

$test = [
  'foo:1' => [ '#markup' => 'foo - first' ],
  'bar:2' => [ '#markup' => 'bar - second' ],


$test = [
  'foo:1' => [ '#markup' => 'foo - first' ],
  'bar:2' => [ '#markup' => 'bar - second' ],
  'first:0' => [ '#markup' => 'little things', '#weight' => -1000 ],

does not work when run via Element::children($test, TRUE); (until #2448765: Element::children sort order undefined and slower than it could be - This makes tests fail in PHP7 is committed)

It returns:

    [0] => first:0
    [1] => bar:2
    [2] => foo:1

which is wrong.

This affects Drupal 7 as well as 8 and is the reason why explicit weights are needed so often in 7 even though it _should_ work without.

Proposed resolution

- Add a generic drupalUASort functionality that does preserve the weights.
- Convert all users of uasort to this helper class to ensure we don't have inconsistency in core with very weird weights bugs later.

Remaining tasks

- Discuss
- Fix generically

User interface changes

API changes

🐛 Bug report

Needs work




Last updated about 7 hours ago

Created by

🇩🇪Germany Fabianx

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  • Needs tests

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