Account created on 12 October 2010, over 13 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

New setting form to specify default color values

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic created an issue.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

@JeroenT can you open MR agains 3.0.x branch. tnx

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic created an issue.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic created an issue.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Tests are passing. PHPCS is ok. We will deal with cspell and one phpstan notice in next version (requires a cache tag change which I am no willing to do for this release

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic created an issue.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek


Tnx. That was fast! Everything works.


🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

1. Dismiss text (or icon, etc) needs to be wrapped in class "dismiss" under main promo bar CSS id "#promo-bar-{id}"

JS then attaches an event to it, and it's handled by JS. Storing in local storage list of dismissed promo bar id's

Example of default template

and JS which handles all of that

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

You can remove them from display at `/admin/commerce/config/promo_bar/form-display`

But note that the default value would be stored, so you need to adjust the template an remove color manipulation.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Added a new option so that the promo bar can be dismissed.

With JS we can manipulate visibility and removal

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic created an issue.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Not sure though that Wallet would be a good name for it

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Or we could declare `wallet` payment method in Commerce Core with additional field for wallet type (google pay, apple pay, etc..)

Now when I look at added code, ApplePay and GooglePay payment method definitions are credit cards, just with different (branded) labels.

With Wallet payment method type we would not need definitions across contribs. And with additional field, we can still see the provider of payment


namespace Drupal\commerce_payment\Plugin\Commerce\PaymentMethodType;

use Drupal\commerce_payment\Entity\PaymentMethodInterface;
use Drupal\entity\BundleFieldDefinition;

 * Provides the generic wallet payment.
 * @CommercePaymentMethodType(
 *   id = "wallet",
 *   label = @Translation("Wallet"),
 * )
class Wallet extends CreditCard {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildLabel(PaymentMethodInterface $payment_method) {
    $args = [
      '@card_number' => $payment_method->card_number->value,
    return $this->t('Google Pay ending in @card_number', $args);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildFieldDefinitions() {
    $fields = parent::buildFieldDefinitions();
    $fields['wallet_type'] = BundleFieldDefinition::create('list_string')
      ->setLabel($this->t('Wallet provided'))
      ->setDescription($this->t('The wallet provider type.'))
      ->setSetting('allowed_values_function', ['\Drupal\commerce_payment\Wallet', 'getTypeLabels']);

    return $fields;


🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Adding a patch with renaming methods with the prefix braintree_

Did not commit in MR, because maybe some folks ran a patch from the URL above, which would crash because of the plugin name change.

For anyone who would need to migrate apple_pay and google_pay payment methods to use new plugin names, you can update them like this

  $payment_method_tables = [

  foreach ($payment_method_tables as $payment_method_table) {
    $property = $payment_method_table === 'commerce_payment_method' ? 'type' : 'bundle';
    \Drupal::database()->update($payment_method_table)->fields([$property => 'braintree_apple_pay'])->condition($property, 'apple_pay')->execute();
    \Drupal::database()->update($payment_method_table)->fields([$property => 'braintree_google_pay'])->condition($property, 'google_pay')->execute();
🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Does that mean once we add apple_pay and google_pay in Commerce core, those from Braintree would stay defined as braintree_apple_pay, , not as apple_pay method even if it is?

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

@chrisscrumping the last patch is always at the same URL when Gitlab is used. It is up to date with 8.x branch

(plain diff URL next to merge request link above)

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

The logic is correct. The refresh_once is used for specific services that only publish once a day new exchange rates.

So you can at the plugin level specify (force) that it's only running once a day.

An example is ECB plugin \Drupal\commerce_exchanger\Plugin\Commerce\ExchangerProvider\EuropeanCentralBankExchanger

which in definition have set this property to TRUE

 * Provides EuropeanCentralBank.
 * @CommerceExchangerProvider(
 *   id = "ecb",
 *   label = "European Central Bank",
 *   display_label = "European Central Bank",
 *   base_currency = "EUR",
 *   refresh_once = TRUE,
 * )

So for ECB, you can't run import more than once a day.

By default this value is FALSE - which means if the plugin does not specify it, you are allowed to set on the configuration page how often cron runs are needed

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Version 8.x is not getting any more updates. It's left only for easier transition from D9 to D10

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Version 8.x is not going to be supported in Drupal 11

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Will close this as outdated. If you want to use APILayer, I suggest that you create an exchanger plugin as a separate Drupal contrib module.

It should be straightforward because it's very similar to fixer.io.

Additional documentation for the plugin system can be found here https://git.drupalcode.org/project/commerce_exchanger/-/tree/2.0.x?ref_t...

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

#2 is no longer applicable, from version 2 we don't use any more Drupal configuration to store exchange rates.

Now it's dedicated database table `commerce_exchanger_latest_rates`

See 3366705 🐛 Latest exchange rates shouldn't be saved in config Fixed

You can use https://git.drupalcode.org/project/commerce_exchanger/-/blob/2.0.x/src/E... for storing and retrieving data.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

updated, (the failing tests are coding standards for payment definition)

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

@khiminrm added method to check if integration is enabled, it's used on both places now.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

So the shipping address zone is based on shipment, and billing on order entity type.

We should switch it to be order based - as is Shipping address condition

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

@thakurnishant_06 you missed the second commit https://git.drupalcode.org/project/commerce_zones/-/commit/4b1d4ce067cdc...

where I did rename the file properly.

The tests are running normally https://git.drupalcode.org/project/commerce_zones/-/pipelines

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

updated to be able run GitlabCI before merging it

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic changed the visibility of the branch 3421140-migrate-to-gitlabci to active.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic changed the visibility of the branch 3421140-migrate-to-gitlabci to hidden.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic changed the visibility of the branch 3421140-migrate-to-gitlabci to hidden.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic created an issue.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Should we fallback to "Unknown" instead of empty string better?

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

I applied the patch and tested it on the Croatian / English admin language, and it works.
Marking as RTBM.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Landing from a related issue, I hit a problem with tax and a new adjustment type.

I'm unsure if #5 and depending on weight vs. adding taxable is a more considerable change.

But as I see it, both are BC, because we would need to change how the price is collected prior to applying taxes
$adjusted_total_price = $order_item->getAdjustedTotalPrice(['promotion', 'fee']);

#5 with weight could be a more straightforward approach. Still, I am unsure if contrib modules are considered tax when declaring the weight of adjustment (I did not think of taxes when creating the adjustment type with weight 10).

Adding taxable property seems as more self-documented approach.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

I fixed a couple of issues and left only handling stock during order placement or completion, as is in the core.

Based on these events, we update as well parent bundles.

But stock integration need to be updated more, created follow up https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_variation_bundle/issues/3406899 📌 Rethink dynamic bundle local stock Active

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

If the title is larger than 255, we use default Commerce Core behavior

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic changed the visibility of the branch 3406853-automatic-title-for to active.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic changed the visibility of the branch 3406853-automatic-title-for to hidden.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic changed the visibility of the branch 3406853-automatic-title-for to hidden.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic changed the visibility of the branch 3406853-automatic-title-for to active.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

valic changed the visibility of the branch 3406853-automatic-title-for to hidden.

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

@jscksick Yes, the most relevant comment would be #125 https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce/issues/2810723#comment-13832755 Allow order types to have no carts Needs work
where are the changes occurred

All changes have been moved to the commerce_checkout module, and back then we still had added to cart message which is not configurable

now it's needed to swap that, and should be separated

🇭🇷Croatia valic Osijek

Expanded upon existing code to add settings form to be configurable to which roles are tracked, which product variation types are tracked, and if prices affected by coupons should be tracked. (as well as returned the previous version of price checking because had some duplicate entries)

Because I only need to track anonymous users, I did not expand further on other implementation details - calling proper user context on all places for non-anonymous users.

The settings form currently looks like this and the following settings are;
- user role - which user role to track
- variation types - which variation type to exclude (as in my case, I have bundles)
- option to turn on tracking prices affected by coupons

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