🇺🇦Ukraine @proweb.ua

Account created on 10 October 2010, over 13 years ago

Recent comments

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

proweb.ua made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

Call to deprecated function render(): in drupal:9.3.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::render() instead.


- $renderedNode = render($view)->__toString();
+ $renderedNode = \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($view)->__toString();
🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua


-use Drupal\layout_builder\SectionStorage\SectionStorageTrait;
+use Drupal\layout_builder\SectionListTrait;

- use SectionStorageTrait;
+ use SectionListTrait;

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

in composer.json

"drupal/svg_image": "^3.0",

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

В налаштуваннях юзер профіля, потрібно ввімкнути поле НП.
Також поле можне додавати окреме через інтерфейс додавання полів.

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

how to add attributes to Item node name?
can this be done via the API?

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

In Layout Builder I displayed a field through the views block

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua


when I want to send a test email from the admin/config/system/smtp page

TypeError: Drupal\google_api_client\Service\GoogleApiClientService::setGoogleApiClient(): Argument #1 ($google_api_client) must be of type Drupal\google_api_client\GoogleApiClientInterface, null given, called in /home/*web/modules/contrib/smtp/src/Plugin/smtp/SmtpAuthentication/GoogleOAuth.php on line 212 in Drupal\google_api_client\Service\GoogleApiClientService->setGoogleApiClient() (line 110 of /home/*/web/modules/contrib/google_api_client/src/Service/GoogleApiClientService.php).
Severity Error

Do I need to configure the google_api_client module somehow?

I also see this message all the time

Warning message
Disabled fields are overridden in site-specific configuration file.

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

done with the settings. I don’t know if I added the merge request correctly or not

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

last dev
Problem 1
- drupal/social_post_facebook dev-3.0.x requires agaric/php-facebook dev-main -> found agaric/php-facebook[dev-main] but it does not match your minimum-stability.
- drupal/social_post_facebook 3.0.x-dev is an alias of drupal/social_post_facebook dev-3.0.x and thus requires it to be installed too.
- Root composer.json requires drupal/social_post_facebook 3.0.x-dev@dev -> satisfiable by drupal/social_post_facebook[3.0.x-dev (alias of dev-3.0.x)].

Drupal 10.1.6
"minimum-stability": "dev",

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

Does not work if the commerce module is used and comments are attached to the product
The rating field for a product is not updated after adding a comment with a rating

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

it looks like it is. documentation error

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

After applying patch #5, on page layout builders, when choosing the price_difference formatter, the following error appears

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Error: Call to a member function getVariationIds() on null in Drupal\price_difference_formatter\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\PriceDifferenceFormatter->viewElements() (line 74 of modules/contrib/price_difference_formatter/src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/PriceDifferenceFormatter.php).

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

#3 There was the same error. after saving feed type, no error

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

for commerce_ajax_atc 1.0.0-rc1 i didn't use the first patch

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

Drupal 9.5.9
PHP 8.1.20
commerce 8.x-2.36

Before commerce_ajax_atc 1.0.0-rc1 update, I used commerce_ajax_atc 1.0.0-beta4 + patch https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_ajax_atc/issues/3364372#comment-... 🐛 Ajax error after update commerce cart Fixed
+ https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_ajax_atc/issues/3229311#comment-... Ajax feature on cart page Needs work

and there was no error

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

I update the commerce_ajax_atc module via composer, after that I clear the cache:

composer update
drush cr

and you get this error

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

if you run drush cr first, the error is the same

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

1. Removing of last cart item works
2. I want to suggest extending the functionality to the checkout page

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

#3 + 8.x-1.7
It works, but you can select lines only on one page.
Can't select on all pages

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

proweb.ua made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

I saw the layouts folder.
There you can manually change the location of the title.

In my opinion, it is not logical that in onecol the title is located inside the section, and in other layouts outside.

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

For string_long you also need to add 'format' => 'basic_html'

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

the patch #6 doesn't work.
with a patch or without a patch, you need to re-save the product so that the html tags start working

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

thanks, the error is gone.

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua


The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Error: Class "Drupal\fivestar\Feeds\Target\FiveStar" not found in Drupal\feeds\Entity\FeedType->getMappingTargets() (line 305 of modules/contrib/feeds/src/Entity/FeedType.php).


🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua

last dev fivestar
PHP 8.1.14
Drupal 9.5.3

fivestar widget not displayed in Layout Builder

🇺🇦Ukraine proweb.ua
   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function settingsSummary() {
    $summary = [];
    $setting = $this->getSetting('format');

    if ($setting == 'custom') {
      $summary[] = $this->t('Custom text: @true_label / @false_label', [
        '@true_label' => $this->getSetting('format_custom_true'),
        '@false_label' => $this->getSetting('format_custom_false'),
    else {
      $formats = $this->getOutputFormats();
      $summary[] = $this->t('Display: @true_label / @false_label', [
        '@true_label' => $formats[$setting][0],
        '@false_label' => $formats[$setting][1],

    return $summary;

'@true_label' => t($this->getSetting('format_custom_true')),
'@false_label' => t($this->getSetting('format_custom_false')),

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function settingsSummary() {
    $summary = [];
    $setting = $this->getSetting('format');

    if ($setting == 'custom') {
      $summary[] = $this->t('Custom text: @true_label / @false_label', [
        '@true_label' => t($this->getSetting('format_custom_true')),
        '@false_label' => t($this->getSetting('format_custom_false')),
    else {
      $formats = $this->getOutputFormats();
      $summary[] = $this->t('Display: @true_label / @false_label', [
        '@true_label' => $formats[$setting][0],
        '@false_label' => $formats[$setting][1],

    return $summary;
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