🇬🇧United Kingdom @iancawthorne

Account created on 10 November 2006, about 18 years ago

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🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

I think I may be able to offer a bit more on this, though not entirely sure if it's the same as the opening post.

If you add a view that is of type page, and it has a contextual filter in the url, I can't see a way to get a go back link to appear on this.

As an example, a view which lists content which is assigned to that user; lets say articles:
Where * is the wildcard/contextual filter for the user id.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

I don't think that is the problem I'm describing @ivnish.

The issue is the js is trying to select the username using ".comment__author a", but when the username is not a hyperlink, it is in a "span" tag instead of an "a" tag. I think only the js needs to be updated. The form settings don't need to be touched.

I'm unsure how best to rewrite the js to cater for this scenario.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

Have you added the filters for start and end date so only the currently viewed month is queried? I found without this, as soon as there were 40 or so items to show across the entire calendar, load times were noticeably slow.

There's some documentation here under #IMPORTANT:

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

I can confirm the patch resolves the issue for me.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

Yes, I can confirm that is the case for me too. Works on create pages on 2.1.3, but not on 2.1.4.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

@ptmkenny I can see the patch at #63 is a lot less lines of code than others. However, up until needing to upgrade from Drupal 10.1.x to 10.2.x, I've been using the patch at #21. If you take out the test lines for that patch, you are left with a two liner, which as far as I can tell does the same as patch #63 but in a very slightly different way.

I'm still not sure what you mean by all cases for user roles though?

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

@ptmkenny Can you clarify on the [quote]inverts the visibility of the roles in all cases[/quote] part?

From my testing, I update a blocks visibility and did a config export. Only the user role visibility changed in that config export, as expected. No config changed for negating visibility was negated for any of the other conditions, such as by content type, by page or by vocabulary etc.

Are you talking about a different scenario which I'm missing?

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

Is there a patch for 10.2.x which works on this thread?

I've tried #53, which will apply, but as mentioned in #58, saving the block does not update the negate value. The patches at #43, #46 and #60 will not apply to 10.2.6.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

I gave this patch a test, but I think it's probably outdated given it's 3.5 years of no activity. It looks like the gin theme has a similar, but different issue in the previewer iframe doesn't load up when the preview button is clicked.

It seems to be fine on any other admin themes I've tried; claro, mediteran etc.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

A further and more positive update... ignore #13 (unless you have problems)... I found out I needed to completely remove the previous ckeditor4 editor from any text formats. Then apply the patch. Then add ckeditor5 to the text formats.

The patch applies cleanly and from my testing, I can successfully add, edit and use tooltips. +1 for this patch to be committed please.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

Thanks @stefank. I can apply the patch from #11 and #12 cleanly.

However, when I go to a configure url for a text format which uses a ckeditor, I get the following php error:

Error: Call to undefined function Drupal\ckeditor_tippy\Plugin\CKEditorPlugin\drupal_get_path() in Drupal\ckeditor_tippy\Plugin\CKEditorPlugin\DrupalImageTippyTooltip->getFile() (line 53 of modules/contrib/ckeditor_tippy/src/Plugin/CKEditorPlugin/DrupalImageTippyTooltip.php).

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

Attached is what I'm seeing with the version set to 1.0.8 or 1.0.x with composer and using cweagans/composer-patches

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

Which version of the module is the patch for @stefank? I can't get it to apply to 1.0.8.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

Just wondering where things stood with this issue? I've tried applying the patch with no success in seeing tippy working in ckeditor 5.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

I'm using the patch at #98 with "3.0.x-dev@dev" and the library at #88 but am still finding that when going back into edit a page, the anchors have jumped to the end of the paragraph.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

I'm still finding this is an issue in Drupal 10. Attached is a re-rolled patch against 10.1.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

@reenaraghavan which version of the module does is your patch for? I can't get it to apply to 1.0 or 1.x-dev.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

I've tested the patch at #6 and can confirm this resolves the issues I highlighted at post #3.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

I have tried this patch with the site running on Drupal 10. There look to be issues:

1) Tooltips do not load and I see javascript errors in the browser console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'applyStyles')
Uncaught ReferenceError: tippy is not defined

2) Rich text editors (using contrib ckeditor4 rather than core ckeditor5) do not load when javascript aggregation is enabled. They do however load ok when javascript aggregation is disabled.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

@maskedjellybean I've just given it a try, but if the view is expected to return results with no filters applied, when the reset button is clicked, ajax does fire, but the view shows the empty text instead of the expected results.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

If you need to get rid of

tags add them to core filter Limit allowed HTML tag and correct faulty HTML.

It is not possible to remove

tags from the core filter Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML in ckeditor 5.

I have the same use case as the opening post where there is a heading that requires formatting with bold or italic, but the text format should not allow heading or paragraph tags. It looks like this patch does exactly as required.

I would add a +1 for this ticket being re opened.

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

Just stumbled on this issue on one of our Drupal sites and wondering if this can be progressed and committed?

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

Reviewed and works. +1 for committing this patch please!

🇬🇧United Kingdom iancawthorne

Is that really works as designed? There could be any number of matches against words which would need white listing. This makes this module unusable.

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