Thanks for taking a look so soon.
I don't have any schema, am only using GraphQl Compose.
This happened on production. However, today I've tried to replicate the issue on a blank Lando box, but was unable to.
That left me scratching my head, and I've disabled all Entities on Graphql compose, just to make sure. I have about 60, between Content Types, Media, Paragraphs, Taxonomies, Menus and more.
And found out the culprit: Disabling the Menu removed the error and made everything working again.
As this Menu had some custom fields, I will now investigate further what was causing the issue.
Most likely I've done a mistake somewhere, and I guess the updated GraphQl became stricter on checking data (which is a good thing, IMO).
I'm sorry for troubling you. Thank you so much for you suport.
I'll report back as soon as I have found the exact thing that generated the error, so others can read about it too.
Thank you, working like a charm.
Thank you, that was amazing.
I ended up using REST for that specific issue, but your solution is much nicer, and works wonderfully.
Thanks! Great work!
Is there any updates on this issue?
The current dev version doesn't seem to be compatible with Drupal 10, and this is an excellent feature that I would love to be able to use.
This would actually be a real good feature for advanced cases. I have pages composed by nested paragraphs, and trying to use the search_api module to search through the rendered pages. All works well, but it also rendered the nested paragraphs names/labels, which becomes quite weird on search excertps for the visitor search.
It would be great if there could be a way to reuse a specific display mode, like "search index", that we could add onto paragraphs.