Account created on 9 September 2006, almost 18 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India ravis

I am sorry, but we can't provide any information related to TaraPro here. This platform is only for free version Tara.

Please send us mail or using contact form of our website:
I will share screenshot of the theme settings page with you.

Thank you:

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you @Tanushree Gupta.

@shweta__sharma, you see search icon not at the proper position because you have two lines of menu. The search icon will always position itself in the center.

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you for the update.
But I am unable to duplicate the issue at my end with Drupal 10.2.2 and claro administrative theme.

If you have some free time, I will request you to try to duplicate the issue on another fresh install Drupal 10 site.


🇮🇳India ravis


I am sorry about the issue you are having.
Please set administrative theme to default theme claro and let me know if you still have the issue.

🇮🇳India ravis

Both old and new twitter icons are present. User can use any twitter icon.
For development purpose, I have used both.

🇮🇳India ravis


Theme currently do not support RTL. But I welcome contribution from other members.

🇮🇳India ravis

twitter icon is already updated in newer version of the theme.
Please check screenshot.

🇮🇳India ravis

This has been done in version 10.2.x and I should release the next version in 1-2 days.

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you all.
I have modified the search box. Cursor will change to x when hovered over non-search box area.

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you all :)
Users are free to modify the theme.
Closing the issue.

🇮🇳India ravis

I have already made some modification in my dev version. I will release next version of the theme very soon.

🇮🇳India ravis

This is fixed in my dev version. I will release next version of the theme very soon.

🇮🇳India ravis

Hello @alex_may,

Tara Pro theme do support Drupal 10.
You have to install the right version of the theme.

This is not the right place to provide support for our pro themes.

Please share your support ticket number to admin [@]

🇮🇳India ravis

Use composer or FTP to update TheX theme.

How to update theme using composer.

composer require 'drupal/thex:^10.0'

How to update theme using FTP:
1) Login to your hosting server using FTP.
2) Delete thex theme folder.
3) Upload new version of thex theme.

Utilisez composer ou FTP pour mettre à jour le thème TheX.

Comment mettre à jour le thème à l'aide de Composer.

composer require 'drupal/thex:^10.0'

Comment mettre à jour le thème via FTP :
1) Connectez-vous à votre serveur d'hébergement via FTP.
2) Supprimez le dossier du thème X.
3) Téléchargez la nouvelle version du thème x.

🇮🇳India ravis


Update the base theme TheX to version 10.0.4 and clear cache.

TheX Theme

Clear cache.

Mettez à jour le thème de base TheX vers la version 10.0.4 et videz le cache.

🇮🇳India ravis

All you need to do is, update base theme TheX

Update the base theme TheX to version 10.0.4 (or higher) and clear cache.

TheX Theme

Clear cache.

Duplicate issues. 🐛 Upgrading theme gives me an error on the website Fixed

🇮🇳India ravis


I guess this is how Drupal update works. It deletes all previous files and folder and upload new files and folder.
This is same when you update using composer.

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you @all
Please use the patch provide above if you want to modify the default behaviour.

Similar issue: 🐛 Submenus in Mobile not toggling. Closed: works as designed

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you @all
Please use the patch provide above if you want to modify the default behaviour.

🇮🇳India ravis

can you please tell me the precise size for the image slider.

For background images, the best size is 1920px wide x 1080px high. This ideal ratio of 16:9

🇮🇳India ravis

By default slider height is set to 100vh. This means slider will take 100% of the screen height.
And full screen width.

You can change slider height by adding below CSS codes in:
Tara Theme Settings -> Insert Codes -> CSS Codes

.home-slider {
	min-height: 70vh;
.owl-item {
	height: 70vh;

70vh means 70% of screen height. Change this value as you want.

And clear cache after adding css codes.
🇮🇳India ravis

Please share screenshot of theme settings page.
🇮🇳India ravis


Update the base theme TheX to version 10.0.3 and clear cache.

And clear cache.


🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you all for reporting the issue.
This has been fixed after upgrading the base theme TheX to version 10.x.x

🇮🇳India ravis

The custom date format for submitted details is intentionally done.

🇮🇳India ravis

2. Set Edu X as Administration theme.

Edu X theme is not supposed to be used as Administration theme.
Please use Claro as administrative theme. This is a Drupal 10 core theme.

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you @all.
The issue has been already fixed in version 10.x.x

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you @all.
The issue has been already fixed in version 10.x.x

🇮🇳India ravis

This is intentionally done.

Page header section is recommended and designed to display page title and breadcrumb navigation.
These should appear in inner pages not on the frontpage.


🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you for reporting the issue.
The issue was fixed in xara version 1.x.x and 10.x.x

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you for reporting the issue.
The issue was fixed in xara version 10.1.1

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you for reporting the issue.
This has been fixed in version 10.0.6

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you for reporting the issue.

I have updated bootstrap font icons to version to v1.10.5 in tara v10.0.6

I have also updated the documentation page:


🇮🇳India ravis

@shweta__sharma, this issue has been already fixed in newer versions.
@PrabuEla, thank you for testing the issue.

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you for reporting the issue.
This has been fixed in version 10.0.6

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you all for reporting the issue and helping me to fix this issue.
This has been fixed in version 10.1.1

🇮🇳India ravis

I'm using Mili Pro

I am sorry about the issue you are having with our theme.

For support related to pro version, please create a support ticket on our website and share the ticket number with me.


🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you for raising this issue. I have added some hover effect in version 10.0.5
Please check screenshot.

🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you for bringing this issue to my knowledge. I appreciate your efforts in alerting me to this matter.
I have added the required classes in version 10.0.5

🇮🇳India ravis


are sub-menu visible in desktop view??
Please follow below steps:

Step #1: Navigate to:
Administration >> Structure >> Block layout

Step #2: Main navigation
Click configure button of Main navigation. And set Number of levels to display to 3.

Step #3: clear cache

I would appreciate it if you could let me know if this resolves the problems.


🇮🇳India ravis

Cannot reproduce the issue in Tara version 10.0.4
Please check screenshot.

🇮🇳India ravis

@Harish1688 Thank you for your time and helping to solve the issue.
I really appreciate your assistance!

🇮🇳India ravis

You can change the animation speed by adding below css codes in theme Settings.

Theme Settings >> Insert Codes >> CSS Codes

li.expanded:hover ul.submenu,
li.collapsed:hover ul.submenu,
.menu-item-has-children:hover .submenu {
	-webkit-animation: slideUp 0.8s forwards;
	-moz-animation: slideUp 0.8s forwards;
	animation: slideUp 0.8s forwards;

And clear cache.


🇮🇳India ravis

Thank you all for your time and contributions.
I have fixed few reported in the issue and I don't think I will be able to fix rest.

🇮🇳India ravis

You need to use the image path in the slider code.

For more details, please refer to the theme documentation page:

🇮🇳India ravis

I have already released branch 10.x.x which is compatible with Drupal 10.

Please use version 10.x.x on a Drupal 10 site.

🇮🇳India ravis


I just checked one css code provided by you in reply #3
And its working at me end.

.site-name a, .site-name a:hover {
	color: red;


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