- Issue created by @MikeBuzzwoo
- Status changed to Closed: won't fix
5 months ago 3:23pm 29 August 2024 - 🇮🇳India ravis
I am sorry about the issue you are having. But I guess this is how Drupal sub-theme works. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I have created a sub theme from Tara. It works fine on the frontend, but saving any setting that is not part of the Global Settings tab in the admin does not seem to work.
The content of the file 'mytheme.info.yml' is:
name: My Theme
type: theme
description: Theme for CRMIndex
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 || ^10
# Defines the base theme
base theme: tara
# Defines libraries group in which we can add CSS/JS.
- mytheme/global-styling
# Regions, quote the names
header_top: 'Header Top'
site_branding: 'Site Branding'
primary_menu: 'Primary menu'
search_box: 'Full Page Search'
page_top: 'Page top'
page_bottom: 'Page bottom'
highlighted: Highlighted
breadcrumb: Breadcrumb
content: Content
content_top: 'Content Top'
content_bottom: 'Content Bottom'
content_home: 'Homepage Content'
sidebar_first: 'Sidebar Left'
sidebar_second: 'Sidebar Right'
sidebar_sliding: 'Sliding Sidebar'
footer_top: 'Footer Top'
footer_first: 'Footer first'
footer_second: 'Footer second'
footer_third: 'Footer third'
footer_fourth: 'Footer fourth'
footer_bottom: 'Footer Bottom'
copyright: 'Footer Copyright'
cookie_text: 'Cookie Consent Message'
hidden_blocks: 'Hidden Blocks'
The content of the file 'mytheme.libraries.yml' is:
css/style.css: {}
The content of the file 'mytheme.theme' is:
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter for blocks.
function mytheme_theme_suggestions_block_alter(&$suggestions, $variables) {
// Load theme suggestions for blocks from parent theme.
foreach ($suggestions as &$suggestion) {
$suggestion = str_replace('mytheme_', 'tarapro_', $suggestion);
Not sure?
Closed: won't fix
I am sorry about the issue you are having. But I guess this is how Drupal sub-theme works. Please correct me if I am wrong.