Account created on 10 May 2006, over 18 years ago

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🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

+    if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('filter') && $this->configuration['filter_autop']) {
+      $text = _filter_autop($text);
+    }

The snag here is it would silently fail if filter module is not enabled. imo better if it would at least kick a notification. Or a better notice on the option like "Filter module must be enabled, or this step will be skipped silently." Some tweak of that nature. That's the only issue which jumps at me right now. Thanks so much for hashing this out to work cleanly!

+      '#description' => 'Converts line breaks into <p> and <br> in an intelligent fashion.',
🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Thanks ndf I put this on the description page for this module to lead people over there.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Thank you everyone! Will release a new version on this important fix.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Thank you Jay Jangid!

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

HongPong made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Thanks Jay Jangid!

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

HongPong made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Thank you Jay Jangid, Jasjeet Kaur Brar and Anmol_Specbee !

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Brought this to slack drupal #migrate and mikelutz gave useful info. i think this is the 'plugin derivatives' / plugin derivers' idea. Thus we should transition these migration config entities to 'derivers' when possible. (I think thats the same as derivatives.)

related examples:!lib!Drupal!Component!Plugin!Deriv...

mikelutz: The quick and dirty fix here, without refactoring to derivatives is to put something in the template plugin for that key like migration: wordpress_comment so the plugin can load and pass it’s checks. It doesn’t quite matter much, it’s getting overwritten in the dynamically generated config entities anyway, but something needs to be there in the plugin template itself so it can be loaded and used to create the config entities.

The problem isn’t in the importer. You are generating valid config entities there. The module is trying to dynamically generate migrate_plus config entities using the migration plugins in the /migration folder as templates. It’s really not the right approach. If you want to derive multiple migrations from a template, you should use a plugin deriver similar to the way core derives node plugins by content type. The issue here is that your template migrations has

    plugin: migration_lookup
    source: comment_parent
    # migration ID generated dynamically

Despite the fact that this migration is only supposed to be a template, it’s a real valid plugin. And any version of createEntityFromPlugin creates an instance of this plugin to read the template from. Creating an instance of the plugin checks the dependencies. Checking the dependencies of the plugin scans it for migration lookup processes and adds the migration that you are looking up against to the dependencies. And it can’t because there is an undefined offset ‘migration’.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

For anyone else debugging such stuff. with devel and symfony dumper turned on:

Adding the following to web/core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/Migration.php circa line 745:

if (in_array($plugin_configuration['plugin'], ['migration', 'migration_lookup'], TRUE)) {
          if (!isset ($plugin_configuration['migration'])) {
            ddm('---- migration is not set on this plugin_configuration!');
            ddm($plugin_configuration, 'findmigrationdependencies plugin_configuration');
          } else {
            ddm('---- OK: migration is set on this plugin_configuration');
            ddm($plugin_configuration, 'findmigrationdependencies plugin_configuration');
            ddm('--OK end--- \n');
          $return = array_merge($return, (array) $plugin_configuration['migration']);

Getting closer to this!

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

WIP added to issue fork with extracted comment entity generator function. . then reroll after 📌 remove createPluginEntityFromPlugin in WordPressMigrationGenerator Needs review is committed.

That does not fix the problem but does isolate it within a much smaller function.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

adding more checks and exceptions for the other ones as well (attachments comments etc)

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

thank you Mykola Dolynskyi . (accidentally did not see this was open, and opened 🐛 Undefined array key "migration" in findMigrationDependencies() Active .

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

This catches the exceptions - both EntityStorageException and generic exception. so it is not a fatal error. However then there is a spew of missing XML file, ( Warning: XMLReader::open(): Unable to open source data in Drupal\migrate_plus\Plugin\migrate_plus\data_parser\Xml->openSourceUrl() (line 177 of modules/contrib/migrate_plus/src/Plugin/migrate_plus/data_parser/Xml.php). )

so i think the following lines after the exception need to be changed - they should not run i think .

    // Go to the dashboard for this migration group.
    $form_state->setRedirect('entity.migration.list', ['migration_group' => $cached_values['group_id']]);
    parent::finish($form, $form_state);
🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

FYI it appears that GitlabCI pipelines can be activated on issue fork repos. However I had to push .gitlab-ci.yml to the 'main' / default branch, rather than the issue branch within the issue fork repo, before it would 'see' that gitlabCI should be available. After that it works fine.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

replaced old out of date info re gitlabci with the link to the doc page.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Reverting to allow 3.x ctools per advice from community.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Updating URLs. significant out of date language I noticed. The drupalci.yml has changed in structure a bit since the version in this doc. It is no longer true "The Assessment stage is broken up into two phases, 'validate_codebase' and 'testing'" so this needs some attention - i am not sure best approach currently, not an expert here. I recommends someone more familiar update with code and structure.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Can anyone else check this one out and give it RTBC? Thank you!

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

If this recurs with version alpha6 + migrate_plus:6.0+ and latest migrate_tools please re open. Thank you for including the sample wxr xml file!

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

HongPong made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

If anyone gets this working feel free to open again.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Same idea as #3248042: Add XML Lint to check the WordPress exports consolidating there. Still got edge cases!

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Out of date with current migrate_tools version.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

With the big variety of galleries now, this would be sprawling...

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

This sees to be quite a lot better now.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

It does have revisions these days but the export file does not provide them.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Closing this as too far back to work on... Thanks all.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Something similar updated for the latest Drush would be nice as well. Missed this patch.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

This was never done with Drupal 7 but the Drupal 10 version is more aligned with this idea.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Without further data we should mark this closed - the cause is not clear.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

After 11 years calling it postponed. If anyone gets a patch going in the current branch compatible with Drupal 10 open it up again!

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Marking this one as outdated since we have feature parity right now I'm fairly sure.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Closing this as outdated - use migrate_plus 6 and the latest migrate_tools from here on out.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

now on migrate_plus 6.x with alpha6 release.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

This has been resolved with alpha6 release up to Drupal 10 now. Thank you for helping us out!

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

We are now recommending migrate_plus 6.x after alpha6.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

We are not actively supporting Drupal 7. However it will work on Drupal 9+10.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Hello oknaru please try with migrate_plus:6.x and wordpress_migrate:3.0.0-alpha6 . migrate_upgrade appears to recommend 4.x but I am not familiar -- that is for upgrading old Drupal sites, not Wordpress sites, so maybe it is causing a conflict. If the problem recurs I suggest filing a new issue rather than on this old one, to avoid confusion.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Drupal 10 and ctools issues resolved with alpha6 release today 🐛 Drupal9 compatibility error Active

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Resolved with alpha6 release for ctools v4 . 💬 can't install with ctools 4.0 in composer Fixed

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Just noting migrate_plus v6 is now recommended, a new alpha6 version of this module released tonight . May help with that error notice.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Hello oknaru,

I have posted a new version alpha6 with ctools v4 and migrate_plus v6, can you give that a try? If the issue recurs please file a new issue.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Hello @djassie,

I have posted a new version with ctools v4 and migrate_plus v6, can you give that a try? If the issue recurs please file a new issue.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Revamp summary with more links to documentation and clarify key elements

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

update summary for version

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

clarify and update for D10

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

Thank you gausarts for the prompt response. I also tried using jQuery to remove the padding-bottom from the element's properties in a custom JS file. However I am not sure how to listen for the ready event of the slider's initialization, so the jQuery runs too early. I see there is a window.Splide javascript object, however I could not determine how to listen for the ready state in an outside script. ( I would rather not simply add a timer to 'wait' for it) . Best regards.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

formatting fix

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

missed a var statement in example

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

adding better info on required theme hooks formatting in theme suggestions and avoiding hyphens

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

suggest update link to :

In the DrupalCamp NJ session I just asked where is the best place to find out how to add a test to a contrib module. In my case I think it might be nice to have a migrate-related module let the admins know that the module can safely be disabled once the migration is complete. Was not sure where to look to find out how to do this. (this appears similar: )

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

via #3293825: Update Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) module compatibility from ^3.1 to ~3.0 || ~4.0 a similar more complicated issue. have not checked if there is an API change yet for ctools 4.x functions we use.


To test ctools ~4 add the following in the require part of the root composer.json file for the project:

"drupal/ctools": "4.0.0 as 3.8"

Change for testing only.

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

re ctools v4 please test the patch here, thank you 💬 can't install with ctools 4.0 in composer Fixed

🇺🇸United States HongPong Philadelphia

re ctools please test the patch here, thank you 💬 can't install with ctools 4.0 in composer Fixed

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