- πΊπΈUnited States oknaru
Hello All, I am trying to migrate big blog site to D9 and my images are not getting migrated to the D9 articles. Can someone please explain me what this line is for the WP XML file. How do I migrate image first and then run the blog migrations. I appreciate the help.
using D9 with following migration modules and wordpress_migrate latest alpha5 release.
drupal/migrate_manifest 3.0.2 Supports the running of migrations using a...
drupal/migrate_plus 5.3.0 Enhancements to core migration support.
drupal/migrate_source_csv 3.4.0 CSV source migration.
drupal/migrate_tools 6.0.2 Tools to assist in developing and running ...
drupal/migrate_upgrade 3.2.0 Drush support for direct upgrades from old...I tried multiple attempts with different setting no images are getting migrated to blogs.