Support contrib wordpress data / custom data | Yoast SEO

Created on 30 September 2020, almost 4 years ago
Updated 24 September 2023, about 1 year ago


The current module is pretty nice but it supports only the native fields of wordpress. It would be nice as a developer to easily be able to write some code to support Wordpress community modules or also for custom fields specific to a project.

Steps to reproduce

Not a bug

Proposed resolution

I propose to introduce a plugin system for wordpress migration. Each plugin will be able to modify migrations and define which wordpress content type it applies. The plugin can also define when it is active.

For example, if I take the Yoast SEO plugin from the Wordpress community which is widely used.
I want the plugin to modify the migration to add the yoast metatitle, metadescription etc into a drupal metatag field.
It will add the yoast fields into the source and add the metatag field in the process.
It will be enabled only on posts and pages. And it will be active only if the metatag module is enabled and if we find yoast metadata in the wordpress xml.

Remaining tasks

I am working on it, I have something which is already working for the whole plugin system with the yoast plugin.
I just miss some comments on functions and also to search the metatag field name instead of hardcoding it.
I will post the patch tomorrow.

User interface changes

Add an extra step that allow the user to choose which plugins they want to apply in order to import more data. Only the active plugins will show on that page.

API changes

Introduce a new plugin WordpressMigrationExtension that allow to modify easily the migrations. It will allow other modules to support more Wordpress community plugins.

Feature request

Needs review





Created by

🇨🇦Canada phjou Vancouver 🇨🇦 🇪🇺

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